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Status Updates posted by Ben

  1. Happy Valentine's Day everyone. I personally hate the day, as it's more like D-Day for singles; but everyone else should enjoy! :)

  2. Derby day in Manchester, common you reds. :D

  3. YES! Got conditional offers for two separate courses at my first-choice university, Lancaster. So, so happy!

    1. anisia


      That's great news! Congrats! :D

    2. Ben


      Thank you. :)

  4. About to embark on an ambitious read. Stephen King's The Stand here I come.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ben


      Thanks you two! :)

    3. Ooshie


      Hope you enjoy it, Ben, I did!

    4. Ben


      Thanks Ooshie. :)

  5. Conditional offer from Manchester Met just a day after my interview. Success.

  6. Done diddly done. Interview went swimmingly, answered the questions fine. I expect my offer within the week, haha.

    1. SueK


      We look forward to the drinks/cakes then Ben......

    2. ~Andrea~
    3. Ben


      Ben accepted you guys. :)

  7. Dead nervous for my interview tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ben


      Thanks! It's for Manchester Uni. :)

    3. ~Andrea~


      Aw. We'll all be rooting for you

    4. Ben


      Done it Andrea. :)

  8. Exams are finished and I'm drained. Wrote six essays, thirteen sides of A4, all in the time period of 3 and a half hours. It's over at last.

    1. Chrissy


      Only 6? Hehe!!

      Well done Ben ~ now go rest your brain.

    2. Kylie


      That's impressive! I was always a slow writer - I could never have managed that much!

    3. Ben


      It killed me but needed to be done. I'm now well rested and enjoying a bit of breathing space. :)

  9. Feel like I'm going to go insane trying to memories 72 studies for the 28th.

    1. Brida


      You won't. Good luck!

    2. Pixie


      You are going insane, Ben. Brida and I don't exist. YOU actually typed these responses yourself. :P

    3. Ben


      Lmfao, don't say things like that. :D

  10. It never fails to amaze me how amazing everyone on this forum is. The best community I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ben


      You're all awesome. :D x

    3. Pixie


      I'm not amazing. I'm merely okay. But thank you! Everyone else here is amazing, though.

    4. Ben


      You are though. :) Everyone on here are the best. :D x

  11. Meh, couldn't tell you how well I did or not to be honest.

    1. ~Andrea~


      got my fingers crossed for you

    2. Ben


      Thank youuu. :)

  12. Exam in just under three hours, I'm a bag of nerves.

    1. ~Andrea~
    2. Ben


      Thankks, went okay-ish I guess.

  13. Spent the weekend revising and feel a little more confident than I did before.

  14. Feel ill. How crap that it's always during exams.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ben


      Thank you Charm, just struggling to let it not get me down at the minute.


    3. Weave


      Hope you feel better soon x

    4. Ben


      Thanks. :) x

  15. Just when I'm feeling down things start to look. Received an invitation from Manchester Met for an interview; seems they enjoyed my creative writing enough to give me a shot after all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ben


      I know, woop. :) x

    3. pickle


      Thats fantastic I had my best interview at Manchester many moons ago, best of luck

    4. Ben


      Thank you Pickle. :D

  16. Stressed to the point of insanity with revision and a stupid deadline for a coursework draft that was very inconsiderately set at the time of our exams.

  17. Busy, busy, busy.

  18. Weekend, woo.

  19. Ridiculously tired and irritable this morning; got to keep my head down and get through today without shouting at people.

    1. SueK


      Is that because you stayed up to watch the Ashes?

    2. Ben


      Nah, I've stayed up nearly every night of The Ashes, that doesn't bother me. I was just irritable for some reason.

  20. Common England, don't mess around finishing this one off.

    1. Genevieve


      Hello. I just read your 'about me' writing, and it was so compelling I have to say you are by NO MEANSeven a little bit boring, but intriguing, oui, and so I might sneak in once and a while if I may to read what you have to say. :)

  21. Always dislike that feeling of loss at finishing a wonderful, though-provoking novel.

  22. College. :(

    1. Kylie


      Bad news Ben?

    2. Ben


      Nah, just the fact it was the first day back aha.

  23. Love it when something starts to come together.`

    1. Raven


      Would that be a plan?

    2. Ben


      It would indeed Raven. :)


  24. Right, time to see if I can write once and for all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chrissy


      Yes You Can! :D

    3. vinay87


      All the beeest!! Cake is a good topic for writing. :D Everyone likes cakes!

    4. Ben


      Haha good suggestion in vinay. :) thanks Mac & Chrissy.

  25. Ben

    Thank you Angel that means a lot. :) x

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