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Posts posted by Kate

  1. 9780552154307.jpgWaterstones Synopsis:

    Commander Sam Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch had it all. But now he's back in his own rough, tough past without even the clothes he was standing up in when the lightning struck...Living in the past is hard. Dying in the past is incredibly easy. But he must survive, because he has a job to do. He must track down a murderer, teach his younger self how to be a good copper and change the outcome of a bloody rebellion. There's a problem: if he wins, he's got no wife, no child, no future...It is a discworld tale of one city, with a full chorus of street urchins, ladies of negotiable affection, rebels, secret policemen and other children of the revolution. Truth! Justice! Freedom! And a Hard-boiled Egg!

    This is number 29 in the Discworld novels and one of my favourites. In fact, I have just noticed that on the Terry Pratchett website, this is voted the number one book!

    In this instalment we follow Sam Vimes as he travels back in time to help his younger self in the great battle. I loved this. I really enjoyed both Sam's. The younger is naive and sweet, always thinking about what his Mum would say; and the older is much more cynical but we see a wonderful caring side as he looks out for his younger self.

    I thought this was a great novel. It was full of excitement and action. And of course, all of Pratchett's humour. I could only laugh at the way the old force thought. The picket line was a great example of how Pratchett's mind works - pure genius. There is fighting and death and some great villains - and a young Fred Colon and Nobby Nobs. I laughed most of the way through this and was gripped. This is definitely one of the best in the series. Top notch!


  2. 9780439951227.jpg

    Waterstones Synopsis:

    Life's no fun unless you're pretty in pink! All Jillian wants is to be like the princess-y girls who rule her class. What she doesn't want is to hang out with a load of dork boys. But it's only when her plans go hilariously wrong, that things start turning unexpectedly right...

    This is a book that is aimed at young teenage girls but I enjoyed it. I assure you, I would have loved this when I was around 12. As a school assignment the class have to keep a diary for a year. this is Jillian's diary. She is a girl who is on the fringe of school society - she doesn't really fit in anywhere, but she would love to be a popular girl. This record of her year follows her as pursues her wish.

    This was an easy read and fairly entertaining. This is a perfect book for teenage girls. Jillian has a life-changing year with many ups and downs along the way. She was a nice girl to read about and she really matured and grew throughout the book. I liked how her attitude changed and she became the girl to be friends with.

    There were some fun events to read about - such as her garden party and the trouble with her brothers. I wouldn't say she reminded me of me when I was her age but the brother trouble I could relate too! I think she is a normal girl who wants to fit in and a lot of girls will relate to that. I think they will find this book encouraging but also fun to read.

    This is definitely a girly book and a quick book to read. I read it in an afternoon. It was a simple, pleasurable book.


  3. Loved every page of Heresy - a fantastic debut novel


    Erica James - It's the Little Things


    I enjoyed It's The Little Things. I finished her new one The Queen of New Beginnings yesterday. Another good one!

  4. Today I finished The Queen of New Beginnings by Erica James. She is one of my favourite authors and I have always enjoyed her books. This one was no exception. The story follows Alice, who is running from a difficult past and Clayton, who is suffering in the press due to his ex. This is a simple story. It has depth, but it is only as deep as a chick-lit novel. I enjoyed this one; it was a lovely story. The ending was predictable but this story had regrets and love and I enjoyed it.

  5. I've been reading The Queen of New Beginnings by Erica James. Wanted to finish it last night but my eyes were really sore. I've got 70 pages left so should get it done today. Then I'll be moving on to The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen, can't wait!


    I did indeed finish my book! Yay! :) I really enjoyed it. It was a nice read, a pleasant chick-lit book. Now onto Sarah Dessen for some young adult fiction

  6. I often go through my shelves and take some books to a charity shop, I just find that my tastes can change, and some books which looked good when I bought or found them no longer look attractive. :lol:


    Yeah I have the same thing. I've just filled a bag actually to get rid of. I'm going to see if my sister in law wants any then the rest will go to a charity shop.


    Oddly, I have the same thing with library books - I take them out and a week later don't know why I did! Although not had that problem with this batch yet!

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