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Everything posted by LucyD

  1. I fancy that one too - I loved her first book, The Godmother. Oh dear, my TBR pile gets a bit higher every time I look at this forum!
  2. Ahhh....love this programme. Did anyone see it last night? Ooh, there are a lot of horrible snobs in there this time. I was so pleased that awful Nicholas got fired - him and his "I was so disappointed to get a B in one of my GCSEs when everything else was a straight A" - leave it out! As for having a pop at football fans (he didn't actually say the words "working class" but we all know that's what he meant), I don't think this was the wisest thing to say to Suralan...
  3. Blimey...I am in awe of how quickly you read! I loved The Kite Runner too - so powerful and moving.
  4. Oh yes! I remember. Thank you ~V~ (I do like those squiggles by the way). x
  5. Ahh - well spotted. It was very clever that whole birth/death thing on Sunday, wasn't it? I don't remember seeing a coffin at the end of Season 3 - can someone remind me what that was all about please? I am still hoping Sawyer survives...pleeeease.... PS So glad to discover a Lost thread here...excellent!!
  6. Essiotrot, don't let that put you off, honestly! They write very convincingly as one voice. I've really enjoyed the Nicci French books I've read - very scary and atmospheric. And I loved Nicci Gerrard's fiction too - I think her characters are very real.
  7. It's really interesting (if a bit scary) to read different people's opinions of your book...I suppose I should be grateful that it's sparked a debate! I take your point about Sadie being selfish, Prospero, but I wanted to write about someone who was so carried away with their passion that they behaved badly as a result. You are not necessarily meant to like her for it. Hope it hasn't put you off reading next one anyway - I promise the main character in that one is DEFINITELY more sympathetic than Sadie!
  8. Eeek! I am just going through page proofs of my next novel checking for typos etc and find it quite a stressful process - I know how annoyed I feel when I spot mistakes in other people's books. I hope the publisher's proofreader will pick up anything I've missed... http://beinglucydiamond.blogspot.com
  9. Great question! I would agree on two chances...but if the second book wasn't much cop either/didn't live up to the hype, that would be it for me. Two strikes and out!
  10. LucyD

    Hi Guys

    Hello! Welcome to the forum Matt.
  11. lol at marrying Kermit! Hello Gelfling and welcome from another newbie
  12. Cheers Lovesreading06 - hope you like it. Please be kind if you don't!
  13. I use it every few weeks, largely for the kids' books (they are all voracious readers too especially my eldest daughter who seems to be on a mission to read everything Enid Blyton ever wrote at the moment). Occasionally, I'll pick up something for me - like a hardback I'd feel guilty about buying myself! - but I have copped a lot of library fines over the years so never get more than one at a time.
  14. Amazon - just too tempting by half! Sometimes Waterstones if I'm in town - the 3-for2 offers are always a bit tempting too (any excuse). There's a really good charity shop I have to walk past when I'm picking up my youngest from playgroup - I've got some great bargains from there... and always pass things back to them when my shelves start looking too overloaded!
  15. I got the Russell Brand one for Christmas and LOVED it. So outrageous and frank - no glossing over anything. Keep meaning to read the Peter Kay one, I think he is hilarious.
  16. The only time I've ever been tempted to read and walk at the same time was when I was reading The Beach - I just couldn't tear myself away from it! Even on the shortest bus/tube journey, I'd open it up again for a few more pages. These days I am usually pushing along a buggy with my youngest daughter in whenever I walk anywhere - I think I'd be breaking all sorts of health and safety advice if I tried reading at the same time too! My favourite place to read... Good question. Do like the candle-lit bath option (especially with accompanying glass of wine) but at the moment, I'd say curled up on the sofa with a blanket like a.book.in.the.life. Mmmmm...
  17. Hi everyone, Thanks for all your nice messages. Lovesreading06, I've had lots of children's books published under my real name (Sue Mongredien) and my first novel was published last year by Pan, Any Way You Want Me by Lucy Diamond (pseudonym). But I know this forum is meant to be about reading, not writing, so won't go on about them any more than that! I've always got a TBR pile that's totally out of proportion with the amount of time I have to read them...but I can never say no to a new one I fancy! (book! ) xx
  18. Oh cheers, everyone...so many replies already! My cockles are feeling well and truly warmed. And Michelle - thank you so much for buying my book (especially on top of all those vet bills)! I hope you like it... I've got a good feeling about this place! Have a nice weekend everyone.
  19. Hello, I've just found this forum via Michelle who visited my blog today. I'm a thirty-something mum and book-lover in Somerset, and I write books for a living. The only thing I'm a bit worried about is that I'll never get any work done now that I've found you lot!
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