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Everything posted by missmellow

  1. I'm DANDY! How's college over there?

  2. Haha, yeah. OH, there's that part where McGonagall is asking harry about his future careers, and she ends up arguing with Umbridge over why he should or shouldn't be an auror. And she glared at her whenever she went "ahem" xD McGonagall's awesome.
  3. LMAO I remember I could NOT stop laughing when you said that. It was in an email. Ahahaha.
  4. HAHA! Oh, and the part where Dumbledore leaps into the water like a leapfrog and starts swimming a perfect breastroke. That was so unexpected.
  5. In the end I don't care about the little things or plots they get wrong, as long as the feelings and characters are done well I'm happy. If they're not, that's when I pick on all the little things as well.
  6. I just remembered a part in the 7th I couldn't stop laughing at; When Snape leaps out the window AHAAAAHAHAAAAAHAHAAAA. I found that hilarious!
  7. I thought the epilogue was okay. It wasn't TOO happily ever after for me, because of how Harry ... That made me tear up a bit because it's JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!
  8. What in the?! Didn't know that... well at least they look convincing ? Except for jacob. Those desperate fools! I also think the Harry Potter movies miss out on several important bits and pieces, but it wasn't too bad. It's really only the fifth one that misses out on a lot. At least it was bareable to watch, unlike Twilight, which honestly makes me gag.
  9. Good morning and welcome to the forum Miss Whitlock. *Sips tea*
  10. LOL! You just messaged yourself, ya knob.

  11. My most favourite is my Pug bookmark. 'Tis adorable. My next door neighbour gave it to me for my birthday one year. She knows how much I love mah pug.
  12. Oh, and... I never understood how so many people guessed right with Snape! I was shocked. WOW YOU PEOPLE ARE SMART. I suppose I've never really been good at predicting with books. I think that's a good thing, though.
  13. I just never thought of Dumbledore to be attracted to anyone. I always thought he liked to keep to himself and was a bit of a loner...
  14. Oh yes yes, I love rereading books to notice the smallest things! Like in the first one when Snape paused to look into Harry's eyes for the first time.... I almost started crying.
  15. Oh, thanks for mentioning him! I checked out his website and the dog stories sound really good. *Thanks your face off* :D

  16. I still have many many books to read, but the 7th Harry Potter book is definitely my all time favourite at the moment. I'm reading it only for the second time now after 2 years, and wow, have I missed it. I'm still amazed at how J.K. Rowling came up with such an epic plot. Ahhhh.
  17. I tried reading the Inheritance trilogy a long time ago and nearly finished the first book, but stopped because I get so easily bored with fantasy books that include a whole lotta travelling. I'm going to try again very soon though, because I just lurve dragons and the plot was pretty good. I just have to survive through the freaking travelling.
  18. Eh, I'm over Russet Noon already. I just won't read it.
  19. What in the world? That's almost like copyright It's not fair to stephanie meyer, grr.
  20. Don't read if you're not Australian: I just had to get that out. Also, Zeke is pissing me the hell off. Rrr.
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