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Everything posted by Kirstykat

  1. Hi, Christmas and Yuletide hols will soon be upon us. I have 2 weeks off, as I work for a College, and I would love recommendations for books that I can really snuggle up with and get my teeth into. Looking for variety, so all recommendations appreciated. KirstyKat
  2. We live in Barnet, but I my nearest church is in Harrow - I am a Seventh Day Adventist. Hi Jules, Thank you for your email. I have also just visited and joined Librarything. It really is a case of 'So many Books, so little time'! What is your favourite genre? Who is your favourite Author?
  3. Hello! Thank you very much! You look like a pet lover - I have a tabby and my husband and I adore her! I live not a million miles from you... and I go to church in Harrow. What is your current book like? I think I have seen it advertised, but I have never read this author before.
  4. Helllo Everybody, I found this site by mistake and I think that it is the best thing that has happened to me this month!! I have never been part of a reading group before and I am quite nervous, so please bear with me, as I am naturally shy. My favourite genres are historical fiction (I have read all of Philippa Gregory's books on the Boleyns and Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth I). I also enjoy Charles Dickens (my favourite to date is Nicholas Nickleby) and Jane Austin (I have just finished reading Emma and it was marvellous). I am always open to new genres and styles of writing - I am currently reading Could Atlas and lots of people have told me to persevere with it as it is a very good book, I have only just started reading it. I would love any recommendations and I hope that I get to know lots of genuine Bookworms and make some cyber-friends. Kirstykat
  5. Hi , I found this website by mistake, and it is probably the best thing that I have done this month!!! I love reading, although I don't have as much time as I used to now that I drive to work as opposed to taking the tube (I now work locally, but used to work in town). I love historical fiction and have read all of Philippa Gregory's books on the Boleyns and Mary and Elizabeth. Am also a lover of classic English Literature and some modern authors. I am always open to recommendations, so please, if you can recommend anything I would love to hear from you. A nervous, but happy new member, Kirsty.
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