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Everything posted by proserpina

  1. I think my favorite book of the year so far has been The Hours by Michael Cunningham, it is so cleverly crafted and I found it an utter joy to read. I also loved Saturday by Ian McEwan.
  2. I have so far read 51 books in 2007. I had hoped to get to 100 but if I am going to do that I am going to have to read like a demon and I don't think it'll be possible. Maybe I'll go for 75....... Currently reading Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho Stalin's Ghost - Martin Cruz Smith Immediate TBR Blood Sisters - Barbara & Stephanie Keating Cancer Ward - Alexandre Solzhenitsyn For Whom The Bell Tolls - Earnest Hemingway The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame Little Women - Louisa M Alcott Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe Frankenstein - Mary Shelley Four Letters of Love - Niall Williams The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett Everyman's Rules for Scientific Living - Carrie Tiffany Nineteen Seventy-Seven - David Peace Surfacing - Margaret Atwood The Red Queen - Margaret Drabble Dead Air - Iain Banks Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
  3. I have several different TBR piles. The physical pile on my bedside table which accounts for library books TBR in the next 3 weeks and books I have acquired that have moved to the top of the list currently stands at 20. I also have about 75 books on my bookshelves that still have to be read, which I shall take my time over. Then there's the list of books I want to read but need to either buy or borrow from the library. That probably stands at about 100 at the moment. So, almost 200.
  4. I have a lot of collections of classic literature: Jane Austen Bronte Sisters DH Lawrence F. Scott Fitzgerald Thomas Hardy In terms of more modern fiction, I also have collections of the following: Martin Cruz Smith John Le Carre Ian McEwan
  5. I'll read pretty much anything, including the back of cereal boxes if I am going through a dry spell! I veer between classic literature (especially European) and more modern literary fiction. But I am not that discriminatory, if the plot grabs my attention, I'll read it! Probably my favourite book is "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas. The best book I have read this year so far is, I think "The Hours" by Michael Cunningham. At the moment I have two books on the go: "Stalin's Ghost" by Martin Cruz Smith (the newest installment of the Renko books) and "Veronika Decides to Die" by Paulo Coelho.
  6. Hey all, I stumbled across this site by accident and I am glad I did. I am a voracious reader and love talking about books almost as much as I adore reading them. I look forward to getting to know you all and chatting some more. Lauren x
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