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Posts posted by Echo

  1. I've had a weird couple of days. I ran out of one of my medications on Tuesday, and me being the procrastinator that I am, I just figured I'd be OK and get a new prescription the next day. Nope. I woke up on Wednesday with severe wthdrawal symptoms (dizziness, "brain zaps," feelings of unreality, depersonalization, etc.), so I emailed work that I wouldn't be coming in and contacted my doctor's office. It took all day, but I got my medication, and today I am finally feeling normal again.


    The this morning, as I was driving the 3 blocks to work, the road where my office is located was closed, so I had to take a huge detour (all the more maddening since this is usually just a 3-minute trip). It turns out the building across the street from us had caught fire, destroying 5 businesses including two restaurants that are favorites with our staff here. :( I feel terrible for the business owners.


    Now I'm working like mad prepping some clinical charts for an audit. I've missed lunch, so I'm waiting impatiently until I can go home and eat!!

  2. Hi, SarahSarah! I love your user name, as it's my mom's nickname for me (my middle name is Echo, so Sarah-Sarah is an echo of my first name.....)


    I love classics, too, and when I get on a "classics kick," I generally move quickly from one to another. Sometimes, it'll be the same author, or a re-read of a favorite, but a lot of time, I'll start reading random books until one sticks. I know, not very helpful! :giggle2:

  3. Here are my Top 10 Books:


    The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

    Persuasion by Jane Austen

    Shirley by Charlotte Bronte

    The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim

    And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts

    The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

    The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

    Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray

    Faerie Tale by Raymond E. Feist

    Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder

  4. We just returned from my parents' house, where my whole family got together to celebrate my mom's 69th birthday. Unfortunately, she wasn't feeling well, as she's severely anemic and therefore tired, but we had a good dinner and had fun hanging out.


    I'm hoping for a peaceful day tomorrow where BF and I can just get some chores done and get even more reading done.

  5. I finished North and South last night, and I really liked it, but thought it ended too abruptly. But now, for the life of me, I can't settle on any one book to read. I must have started 4 different books last night. I thought I'd settled on Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope, but the thought of going back to it today isn't very exciting. I have my Kindle with me, though, so I'll be taking another look...I have about 200 books on it that I've never read!

  6. The heat finally broke, after several weeks of upper 80s and 90s! It's about 73 F outside right now, which means I can comfortably wear clothing again (no, I didn't go around naked before, but I was UNcomfortably wearing clothing). :D

  7. I'm taking a break from North and South (don't get my wrong...I'm loving it), and reading The Circular Staircase by Mary Roberts Rinehart, supposedly the "American Agatha Christie." It's fabulous...I got halfway through just yesterday, and I'm hoping to finish it tonight or tomorrow!

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