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Everything posted by slywaka1

  1. This is a great idea. A few years ago I bought loads of 'classics' in an attempt to become a bit more well read but now they are nicely lined up on my bookcase while I read modern books. I think I will try and read 1 per month too Anna
  2. I've never really read historical fiction and this is a pretty big reason why. When characters don't speak how they would have spoken in reality it ruins it for me and I find myself not believing in them at all, silly really but I can't help it. It does sound good though, I might have to get over that and give it a go....
  3. I missed it last night, but from what I've seen I agree- Jen to go next she's nasty, Nearly all of them are so 2-faced, they are not people I would want to be friends with on the outside. Anna
  4. I have too, after the way she was talking to Darnell yesterday when she went into the bedroom to ask Kat if she'd been talking about her. Poor Kat! Anna
  5. What is their problem with Rex and Mohamed? I don't really see what they are doing wrong to aggrevate the others so much. Anna
  6. Mario makes me feel sick, and Lisa by association OMG Mikey's stand up routine! I couldn't believe what I was hearing!! Silvia is just annoying I like Rex and Rebecca
  7. A Room With A View, by E M Forster is the only book I've ever started and not finished, I don't know why, but I found the characters annoying and bland, and nothing about the story compelled me to read. I'm disappointed that I never finished it as I see it as a classic and want to like it. I just don't. Anna
  8. 1. I love everything about Jeff Buckley, except that he's dead and can't make any more music 2. I draw and sell (sometimes) portraits 3. I only had my ears pierced 6 months ago (I'm 26) and I'm slightly obsessed with earrings. I enjoy making my own and have hundreds of pairs 4. The only food I crave is apples 5. I am working as a temp covering someones maternity leave, but she just resigned so I am going to apply for my job. If I get it I will be earning more than I've ever earned before by about
  9. Ooh, I loved The Shadow of the Wind, I'd heard there was another in the series coming out in 2009 but I didn't realise it was a prequal. It's going to be a trilogy eventually isn't it? I'm not sure where I read that...... Anna
  10. I finished this last night (Supergran, it's in the post to you today) and loved it. I was a bit apprehensive that the ending would let it down after such a brilliant start and middle but it didn't. I thought it was a lovely way to end the story. I did think it got a tiny bit slow in places when David was at the castle, but maybe that was just me. It was late when I was reading.... On the whole I loved the characters, and the aspects of the story which were a little darker (the huntress, and the crooked mans home for example), distinguishing this story from a childrens story. I also liked that the book (the version I have anyway) has the original fairy tales and notes/info at the back. It was nice to be able to re-read those stories from my childhood!
  11. I really want to see the Beatrix Potter ballet. I've seen the film version but I'd love to see it live- the costumes are amazing. I saw Swan Lake when I was about 7 or 8 and really didn't appreciate it. I think my mum only took me and my sister because she couldn't get a babysitter.....
  12. I've got pretty bad hayfever today, and I'm allergic to horses, ponies etc. I often wonder if I'm allergic to zebras too???
  13. No problem, I'll hopefully be done by Friday so I'll pop it in the post asap! Anna:D
  14. I should finish it in a couple of days, I can send you my copy?
  15. Wow, with all those mixed reviews I might have to move it up my TBR pile and give it a go next!! Anna
  16. I just started this book on the Tube on the way to work this morning. I was very tempted to 'miss' my stop so I could continue reading! I was imediately drawn to the front cover (the version with the red cover with the windy tree branches and the boy lying on one of them reading, in case there are different versions) and the title so bought it without knowing anything about it. I have been saving it for months and finally started it today. I can't wait to get further in to it! Anna
  17. I don't know for sure but I thought the first 5 David Eddings books were the Belgariad series, starting with Pawn of Prophecy. I can't remember teh names of the other 4 but they're chess related I think. I've read the first 2 and have the others, and would recommend them. He's got a great, readable style of writing and his stories aren't just 'Another' fantasy book, if you know what I mean. A
  18. This line gave me chills, I think I'll have a look for this book!!!! Anna
  19. I dunno...My mum's pretty odd too.....
  20. It's a very literary office, I've got pages and pages of recommendations from them. The only trouble is they all read really quickly. And I don't. Come and work with me, I'm sure they won't mind. Maybe you could just sit at a spare desk and read to us...?!! Anna
  21. I finished this yesterday and thought it was lovely, it had a nice mix of sorrow/tragedy and interesting stories of life. I thought it was cleverly written, and the 2 girls had very different writing styles, apart from the font used, one very poetic and informative and the other seemed younger, and (as she said) diary-like. I really enjoyed it and am lending it to someone at work tomorrow
  22. I just started this book this morning on my way to work, I'm only 30 pages in but so far I have no criticisms!! This was recommended by a girl in my office (and she lent me the book) and as soon as she mentioned it the office was split. Everyone seems very passionate about this book, but not in the same ways! I really want to like this book, but I've spoken to a few people who hated it... I'll let you know what I thought when I've finished. Anna
  23. The Lovely Bones was a good idea, but I couldn't really get involved with the story or characters, I loved Lucky though, I've read it 4 times and keep lending it to people, it's one of my favourites. Really well written and inspirational Anna
  24. Pet Semetery was the first I read, and is probably my favourite, I have the first 4 Dark Tower books, but I really struggled with book 1 so haven't read the others. The only thing that sometimes annoys me with SK is that he turns a perfectly scarey horror story into a supernatural alien thing. I find it can get a bit disappointing when it happens all the time! Anna
  25. the Traveller in Time was my mothers favourite book when she was a kid too. I re-read it about 3 years ago and still really enjoyed it. What about The Borrowers? There was about 5 of these books, can't remember the author right now, but I loved them too Anna
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