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Posts posted by JudyB

  1. I've read "A Pair of Blue Eyes by Thomas Hardy, took me a while to read it but I got there and loved every page of it. Now I'm wondering which one to attempt to read next. Which one would you recommend ?



    As Purple Poppy anticipated Far From the Madding Crowd is a favourite - it's my personal favourite. I read it at school at 16 and thought it was wonderful and then again in my 30's for my degree and loved it just as much second time around. I love the descriptions in it, the use of pathetic fallacy, the characters, the emotional truths, in fact everything!!!


    happy reading!



    I couldn't resist the lovely Penguin version. It's such a gorgeous painting on the cover and it has preface by Michele Roberts. Plus the font is nice and spaced out. (Perhaps worryingly, these things matter to me!).




    I love Dickens too.



    All together now: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."



    The appearance of a book matters to me as well. My mum bought me Shirley and Villette and both are in an unappealing format (they're both on LibraryThing under TBR) which I think is having something to do with why I haven't read them yet. My personal favourites for classics are Oxford World Classics and Penguin Classics - some of the pictures they use are very relevant.


    I'm a big fan of Dickens - have to wait until I have time to read his works as they're usually so lengthy - my personal favourites are Dombey and Son and Bleak House.

  3. I made a decision today not to get any library books out for the month of March (which will be very difficult to stick to, but i'll try). The reason for this is to try and get my 'to be read' mountain down in size a bit and also because there are quite a few books on there that i really want to read soon.



    Think I should adopt this idea - came back from work empty handed today - but temptation passed through my hands on more than one occasion (occupational hazard!)

  4. Just having a small drop of a liqueur we bought at a fair today, it's called black mountain and it's an apple and blackcurrent brandy. It's a bit syrupy but the taste is lovely.



    It wasn't the one by Celtic Wines was it? If so I know it well from visiting food fairs! Bought it for my mum for Christmas.

  5. I have not read 'Shadow of the wind', I keep meaning to buy it, sorry Lovesreading. :)


    Funnily enough this is a book which induces guilt in me everytime I see it because I haven't read it yet. I think it looks good and my mum who's read it recommended it to me. I know very little about Spain and suspect this book would teach me something - think this is where the guilt thing is coming from!

  6. Finished This Book Will Save Your Life by A M Homes yesterday - it took me a while to get into it (p150) but from that point on (which was very funny) I really enjoyed it.


    I've now moved on to Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.


    I have been updating my To Be Read list on LibraryThing (link below) - all books in that list are tagged TBR. :lol:

  7. There's also a great digital radio station (Oneword) www.oneword.co.uk which serialises lots of different books every day, (from classic books like Frankenstein to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time....both starting this month) which I then record and listen to at my leisure. At the moment, there are about 13 different books being serialised every day.




    I used to listen to Oneword and thought it was brilliant - must get back into it again as I've got out of the habit - it's lovely having a story read to you.

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