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Book Wyrm
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Everything posted by ~Andrea~

  1. I haven't heard of the book but it sounds good and Helena Bonham Carter is a fantastic actress. I will look out for it.
  2. Finding Dark Places a bit dark for my mood right now and haven't been getting on with it very well. Bought 2 books on the weekend: The Book Thief (audio) and The Road Less Traveled.
  3. You're right. Slumps are just temporary we'll be back on track before you know it Thank you You don't like the sound of Gone Girl then? One thing I would say is I think she is a great writer. Her prose is great.
  4. Good news that you got rid of the flatmate. Definitely sounds like the flatmate from hell! LOL! Wow. Just wow! So anyway are you going to date him
  5. Yea it's good isn't it. You're right. The only way IS up Thanks Frankie. Sorry to hear you're in a slump too We can both slump together
  6. So THAT's where mine is! I'll have some strong words to say to it when it shows its face again
  7. I've started reading Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. It will probably take me forever as my reading mojo is AWOL at the mo, possibly because everything in my life seems to be going badly right now
  8. Great review of Feed. Sounds like an interesting idea but taken too far.
  9. I was worried about the book being scary but it actually wasn't too bad. Just very gripping and mysterious. His books are often very creepy but this one the least so perhaps.
  10. I finished the Asylum a few weeks ago. I thought it was really good. When Georgina Ferrars wakes up in an asylum with no memory of the last three weeks, everybody else thinks she is Lucy Ashton, a person of whom she has never heard. Desperate to escape the Asylum and unlock the mystery of who she is, she sets out to piece together the mystery of her identity and how she got here. I really enjoyed this, it had me gripped from page one. It's set in Victorian Times and is a pastiche of a Victorian Gothic novel. It's one of those stories that intrigues from the outset and I couldn't wait to find out what was going on. The only criticism I had was that the ending was a bit melodramatic.
  11. I started reading John Harwood's The Asylum last night. So far it's great. I love John Harwood, and this is a book that is making me want to go to bed so I can read it.
  12. In some ways it wasn't as tightly written as Gone Girl but overall I enjoyed the characters, story and ending better. Hope you like it if you read it. Looking forward to Dark Places I've given up on A Seaside Affair. It's just not that well written (more telling than showing) and possibly even contains some product placement (I could forgive that if the book was awesome enough). Most of all I was finding it dull and bland so it's going in the charity pile. I tried a bit more of my philosophy book and Godric after that. Godric is well-written but hard going and I think I've worked out why. It's prose but very rhythmical prose and could almost be blank verse. So I find it a lot slower to read. I'm about half way through and determined to finish it. It's almost like a series of little episodes and spiritual ponderings rather than a plot driven novel, so I can dip in and out of it quite well.
  13. I started A Seaside Affair by Fern Britten last night. I'm not loving it so far, there's a lot of info-dumping to set up characters and setting. I'll give it another 15 pages then if it doesn't improve it's out. It only cost me 20p or so so no drama.
  14. Interesting comments on The Girl On the Train. I loved it (well most of it) and I loved the narrator but can totally understand someone not liking her - she's not that likeable. I agree about the ending though - it was pretty dire.
  15. Hear hear Chrissy. I'll be 51 in 10 years and I don't feel depressed about it at all! People are like wine. We improve with age I'd like to see myself growing more into the kind of person I'd like to be and get even more comfortable in my own skin - which is something that has been happening as I've grown older. I'd like to be in my own house, with a chunk of the mortgage paid off, a cat or two, a novel or two published and to have left the rat race or changed careers into something I can see myself doing until I retire. I don't see me doing my current job until I'm 67! It's far too stressful! I'm single at the moment and currently liking it that way so whether there'll be anyone sharing that future - hmm, well we'll see
  16. Ooh good to know. Thanks BB
  17. I finished Sharp Objects and I loved it!! I think I liked it more than Gone Girl actually. It's a real page-turner and even though I couldn't wait to get to the end I'm now sad that I can't read it anymore - a sign of a good book!!
  18. Wow love the new look forum. Thanks Athena!!

  19. I've just started Sharp Objects actually. Liking it so far! Thank you. I look forward to getting stuck in. They're tiny little books Kylie. Short stories and articles really. I thought it'd be handy to keep one or two in my handbag in case I ever gets stuck waiting somewhere. I look forward to getting to the Lizzie Borden. I might even slip that one in first
  20. I haven't been reading a great deal lately. I've been ploughing away with my Philosophy of Mind book which is a bit of a tome and quite hardgoing at times although very interesting. I am struggling with Godric though. It's a modern book set in medieval times and written in medieval style language and it's quite hard work. I think maybe the heavy nature of my current reads is why I'm not reading a lot lately lol! I picked up a load of second hand books for £2 from my church fete last May bank holiday though and a lot of them were quite light reads so I guess I'm craving that: Gillian Flynn - Sharp Objects Gillian Flynn - Dark Places Ian Rankin - A Cool Head Ian Rankin - Watchmen Fern Britten - A Seaside Affair Pam Rhodes - Letting Go Susan Hill - The Various Haunts of Men Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities JoJo Moyes - The Girl You Left Behind John Caunt - Organise Yourself A little box of Penguins (10 tiny books) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Little-Penguins-Volumes-Including-Umneys/dp/0140954139/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432640794&sr=1-2&keywords=little+box+of+penguins
  21. Welcome Dan I hope you enjoy it here
  22. I never knew it was an allegory either. I read it years ago and I agree Cathy is a superb character. One of the best in literature probably.
  23. Yes! That's her! Thank you Ooh - hmm - I don't remember. Quite possibly.
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