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Book Wyrm
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Posts posted by poppy

  1. Rosie stood there, wet, cold and bedraggled. We had missed the last bus and been forced to hitchhike. Unfortunately, no-one stopped and we'd walked the whole way, 10 km,  in the pouring rain. To add insult to injury, Betty's cake shop had been closed.

    'He can call his own damned ambulance!' she cried. 'Serves him right.' The worm had turned!  

    'Go and have a hot shower love, get into your onsie and I'll make you a nice cuppa.' 

    For all today's misfortunes, I felt that at last ...


  2. off, straight back to the bordello and into the arms of Madame Legs, for all we knew. 

    As you might expect, I was not happy. 'What a bloody cheek! That's the last time I rescue your blighted father from anywhere!'

    'Daddy's obviously not himself, we must be patient with him.'

    Any vestige of patience I had left for anything, completely disappeared when I realised I'd left my wallet in the car and we had absolutely no money for a bus fare.

    'So what do you suggest we do now?' I snapped.


  3. let you know. I didn't want to upset you, darling.'

    'Surely there's been some mistake! Dear Daddy would never be seen in a house of ill repute. He must have entered the wrong premises by accident and he was just giving the lady a friendly hug when she gave him directions. You know how affectionate Daddy is.'

    I can't say it's a side of his nature that's ever been evident to me, but now wasn't the time, perhaps, to bring that up.

    'We must go and rescue Daddy immediately, bring the cheque book, we may need to ... 

  4. headed. How I'm supposed to survive on only one burger, heavens only knows. It's cruelty by starvation, that's what it is. They only agreed to feed me when I pleaded and begged them and admitted I was guilty. Of course I'm not, but a man can't go nearly four hours with only a cup of tea and a few biscuits! I ask you! Anyway, can you come and get me?'

    'Daddy! I didn't know you'd been arrested! Nobody told me! Why has nobody told me?' Rosie turned a look of pure accusation on me.

    'Well, darling, it's like this ...

  5. arriving with my team today at ...'

    'Sorry, wrong number!' and Maggie hung up.

    That should be the last I hear from her, one problem solved.

    Now to sort out the half tonne of cat litter blocking our front door, which the steady pouring rain had swollen to twice its size and weight. Wait until I get my hands on that Victor Cross,  preferably round his skinny little neck, he'd  ...

  6. desperately need your help!' pleaded Victor, to Mildred Beamish his office secretary. Mildred was a Ms, never married, middle-aged, wearer of no nonsense tweed and sensible brogues and the epitome of organisation and efficiency.

    'Leave it with me, Vicar,' said Mildred, hoping sincerely that he would, Victor had a habit of getting under one's feet and generally making a nuisance of himself.

    In no time at all, Meals On Wheels en masse had arrived and the whole steaming mountain had been transferred in to ...

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