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Everything posted by jenmck

  1. I'll have to check out that series. I LOVE series books.
  2. I know what you mean Korrie. There are so many different books I haven't read!!! The thing I love about this place is it doesn't matter WHAT you read. I read everything from Harlequin Intrigue romances to World History (for fun. This the only place that didn't think that was weird). It has increased my To Be Read pile.
  3. I finally found the name of that TV show about the clones. It was called Deep Water Black in 1997.
  4. My Shakespeare teacher in High School made me read Katherine's part in "Taming Of The Shrew" because he said I was "perfect" for it. I'm still not sure if he was giving me a compliment. I've chosen to believe he was.
  5. I clicked on the link for "Kiss Me, Petruccio" and then went on the hunt for a copy of it. Apparently, it only resides in libraries. *Heavy Sigh*
  6. YOU ROCK!!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH. *Sigh* I have "Much Ado About Nothing" on tape and STILL couldn't remember it.
  7. I love Jonhanassburg Reisling. Fabulous. Funny thing is I grew up in Napa, California.....and I know NOTHING about wine. Well, other than it comes in two colors (with variations) and sits in a barrel for a long time. My favorite wine EVER was a white chardonnay from Flora Springs in the Napa Valley. It was sweet and fruity and very light. I don't like my wine heavy. I love all the Spanish wines referenced here. I realize that I've been very isolated in my wine choices. This thread is GREAT.
  8. Does anyone else remember the version of "Taming Of The Shrew" with Meryl Streep? The male actor was famous too and I can't think of his name. I saw the video when I was in High School but I've never seen it since. I've never liked Elizabeth Taylor in "The Taming of the Shrew". I fell in love with Kenneth Branaugh in "As You Like It" (I think) with Emma Thompson. (PLEASE correct me. Which one was it?) And Denzel was great in that too. I love King Lear, though I always felt Cordelia was a wet blanket. I had a teacher in High School who made Shakespeare come alive for me. I never recovered.
  9. Oh this is a common rant of mine. If I love it, it's a death knell. Examples? Ever heard of Dark Skies? Yeah, it only ran one season. I watched obsessively and followed it with Profiler, which was also canceled. And don't get me started on Pretender. Dark Angel was another show I watched without fail. There was another one that only ran a few episodes on the Sci Fi channel (I can't remember the name, but I never forgot the concept) which was about a space ship full of clones who don't know they're clones. They survived a plague that wiped out human existence. Sound familiar? Yeah. That one died too. Good thing that "Medium" was on too late for me or it would probably be gone by now.
  10. jenmck


    Welcome!!!!! Vamp books are popular now. Unfortunately, the ones I know are NAUGHTY and not everyone's cup of tea.
  11. jenmck


    Welcome!!!! I have two boys ages 5 and 6 (they're 362 days apart, but who's counting?) They're both in school now, so things are a bit different. I'm glad you made it.
  12. I read these and think "Oh RIGHT I forgot about HIM". I agree. Atticus is definitely my favorite character in "To Kill A Mockingbird" but I loved Scout too. And Dickon. How could I forget Dickon?
  13. Welcome!!! Glad you found this place. It's great.
  14. Well, that's the way I feel about it. I'm careful with other people's books--I don't fold the corner of a page or lay it down open to a page--but I'm not so careful with my own. My books are read again and again. They tend to look it. LOL. I think there was another thread where I turned myself in for this behavior. I usually don't loan something out unless I don't really expect to see it again. It's better that way. If it's that important, I may tell them to be really careful and that I'd like it back in two weeks or something. I have little kids and puppies, so getting attached to "stuff" isn't too wise for my sanity.
  15. I think everyone else's answers are pretty interesting. My favorites 1. Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice) 2. Harriet Vane ("Gaudy Night" by Sayers) 3. Walker Boh (Shannara Heritage Series by Brooks) 4. Paul Atretis ("Dune" by Herbert) 5. Duncan Idaho ("Heretics Of Dune" by Herbert) 6. Kate (Taming Of The Shrew) 7. Agatha Troy ("Death In A White Tie" by Marsh) 8. Roderick Alleyn (Ngiao Marsh mysteries) 9. Grianne Omsford ("The Straken" by Brooks) and Wren Omsford ("Elfqueen Of Shannara) 10. Jaqueline Kirby (Elizabeth Peters Mysteries) Whew, that was TOUGH actually.
  16. I almost picked The Last Battle, but I love The Magician's Nephew. It's difficult, because I love them all. I love when Eustace gets the ring on his arm and becomes a dragon. I love it when Lucy sees her friends trashing her in a magic book. I need to read the whole series again.
  17. Good question. The only series that have stayed fresh for me was Ngaio Marsh's Inspector Alleyn series. The plots always seemed fresh and I didn't notice the repetition of characters. Also, there was character growth, especially in Agatha Troy as she goes from single artist ("Artists In Crime") to established married woman. ("Black As He's Painted") And it's not like I can't sympathize. I wrote a series that has become fairly popular and there have been some reviewers that have asked me when (note: not IF) I was writing the fourth in the series. No way. Number one, there aren't any ideas popping up that involve the recurring character. Number two, I'd be recycling the same idea again. I made the decision to leave it alone. But the pressure to come up with SOMETHING was enormous. Is it possible that other writers feel this pressure? This Elizabeth Peters book reinforced to me that I made the right choice to leave the series alone. If there's nothing there, forcing it only disappoints the reader.
  18. Well, maybe it's just me. I guess I like the way Patricia Wentworth did all her books. There was always the same detective and a smattering of recurring characters BUT the story was always told from a different character's point of view. Perhaps that my problem with the Amelia Peabodys. There isn't real growth in Amelia's character. They've spanned twenty years but she hasn't changed much. I'm just sad because I LOVED this series. muttermutterwhinewhinegrumbleangstagnst
  19. WELCOME!!!! I love it here.
  20. For my birthday, I got a gift certificate for Borders. I picked up an Elizabeth Peters book since I was behind on the Amelia Peabody series. I've finally given up. "The Serpent On The Crown" was, I think, the nineteenth of the series. Maybe there should be some kind of limit. Not only was this one too predictable for my taste, but the characters seem the same. I was very disappointed. When Peters began to include portions of Ramses point of view in her Peabody mysteries, I was ecstatic. But now, the plots seems to be recycled. Am I just being harsh here? Anyone else kept up with this series? I didn't know where else to vent this. You know, I do this with my friends and they give me that blank look "You've read nineteen of these? Are you crazy?" You guys will understand.
  21. Now THAT would be an interesting collection.
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