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Posts posted by Owen

  1. But at the same time, while she was nice to look at - and should have been wearing a space-bikini - the acting was terrible...until she died. But then, she's in the cast for next week. So we'll see.


    The acting was not too bad, she played an idiot well.

  2. 1: Remember me, Harlan Coben.


    I will never get that time back. The story and characterisation just makes me angry.


    2: By the light of the moon, Dean Koontz.


    One to avoid.


    3: Witch Star, James Clemens.


    Spend the first four books creating a fresh and original world and mythology then destroy it with mundanity in the last book. Vey disappointing.


    4: The Beast House, Richard Laymon.


    The world of books is not reduced with his passing. Harsh, but true.


    5.Brave New World, Huxley.


    No, just no.

  3. You can see HPL's influence in countless modern horror writers. Stephen King especially, the book IT, Needful things (yog-sothoth) and many others.


    Any story that features the classic "things that should not be" or beings from beyound reality, space and time are somewhat influenced.


    From Conan through to john Carpenters the thing, HPL spawned a whole new form of horror.

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