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Everything posted by Renniemist

  1. Hello supergran71. Hope you enjoy the forum.
  2. Welcome to TBCF awriter. This is a great place to be.
  3. Hi there clockwork Frog! Hope you enjoy it here.
  4. Your revamp is great. So nice and colourful and such good books.
  5. Hi Poppy I popped over to Librarything and added you to my watch list. I am renniemist there too.
  6. Well I did manage a chunky book in May. I managed to finish Alias Grace, which is a thoroughly good read and has 542 pages. Next month I hope to read The Night Watch by Sarah Waters, which I consider to be quite chunky at 472 pages.
  7. Thanks for the review Gyre. I have had this book on my shelf for over a year and your comments, and those of the others, was the incentive I needed to get started. I liked this book very much and it was interesting the way Margaret Atwood told Grace
  8. I finished Alias Grace last night. I enjoyed it very much. I don
  9. Hello Sally. I hope you enjoy posting here. Everyone is very friendly.
  10. Renniemist


    Hi Carm! Glad you could join us here. I hope you have fun.
  11. Yes unfortunately it does sometimes go. Hopefully not for too long. A really good book does help. The thing is not to worry.
  12. Well I really enjoyed this book and although I have only got around to posting here I finished it very quickly. It is the kind of book you just need to keep reading. I was never all that keen on Kitty right from the beginning. However I was quite shocked that things ended as they did, although on reflection I don
  13. Hi I have just found the group. Great idea. I posted a message.
  14. Sounds as if your day is getting better my the minute Aimz:lol:
  15. Well I have finished reading My Lover
  16. Here is what it says on the back cover. Armino Fabbio leads a pleasant, if humdrum, life
  17. Rick Stein in Du Maurier Country - BBC2 starts 8.30pm May 12th 2007 I have read Rebecca and I have Jamaica Inn, Frenchman
  18. I have finished A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon. This was the 6th book in The Cross Stitch/Outlander series and I loved it. I had put off reading it because of its length and because I had thought that the series was going down hill a bit, but this book saw Diana Gabaldon right back on track. Although glad to have made it through the 979 pages I still I felt quite sad when it finished. Will there be a 7th book? Oh I do hope so.
  19. I have finished A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon. This was the 6th book in The Cross Stitch/Outlander series and I loved it. I had put off reading it because of its length and because I had thought that the series was going down hill a bit, but this book saw Diana Gabaldon right back on track. Although glad to have made it through the 979 pages I still I felt quite sad when it finished. Will there be a 7th book? Oh I do hope so. I am starting reading My Lover
  20. Andy, are you making your own spelt-flour bread or do you buy it? I have a friend who wanted to buy this type of bread for her health but could not find it anywhere. She eventually had to invest in a bread maker and now makes her own. Any information would be appreciated.
  21. Hi John/ Squawk! Glad you could join us. Have fun!
  22. I have read 25 on the list and there are another 50 either on my shelves or on my wish list. Actually now that I have seen the list the other 25 look quite interesting.
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