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Purple Poppy

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Everything posted by Purple Poppy

  1. I've already started reading mine, which is the other one, An Open Vein. Really enjoying it so far. Thanks KW PP
  2. Wow Micha. That was a good find! I started it last night and I am already captivated. I expect I will have to read the other two as well! Sorry....shall I delete the spider...or send out a general warning??? LOL PP
  3. Maureen said; Aww! Poor Maureen. I am just about to start reading this. After Kell's glowing reviews I am really looking forward to it, especially as I think it might be just right for the season. PP
  4. Kell said; Oh is that the one we were talking about the other day Kell? I will make a note of the author's name in my new Forum folder. PP
  5. Having read the thread for the first time today, I felt I had to tell you, Princessponti, that your enthusiam is like a breath of fresh air, and your reaction to the book reflects what the forum is, I understand, trying to achieve, i.e extend our reading experience. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and at some point in the future I will read it also. Unfortunately my TBR pile is pretty high at the moment. However, you have proved to me that it is possible to read something that scares you, and survive. Like you I am a bit of a coward, but I am also learning to take leaps in the dark. Thank you Dogmatix and Princessponti. I enjoyed reading this thread.
  6. I think you can get wonderful restaurant food here in Britain, but you have to hunt for it. Last year we had a fantastic meal in Dornoch (NE Scotland). It was simply beautiful. But unfortunately many folk now accept second rate food as 'great' because generally people eat bland, overcooked and over processed food. There are many women who could put professional chefs to shame, cooking in tiny kitchens and often on a budget (and without turning the air blue) One thing that really annoys me is the attitude that many chefs have...'how dare you critise my food. You don't know anything about it!' I always thought the customer was right... PP
  7. Having read this thread through, I realise that I have been missing alot...and now intend to put that right. I did read some Jeeves and Wooster when I was in my teens and I know I enjoyed it, but I can't remember what it was. And yes, the TV version was great. Thanks for the recommendations. I will try and get started sometime in the new year. Thanks for the link Pilgrim. Very funny
  8. Hi Tiger. What did you think of A christmas Carol? Dickens can be quite daunting, but I think the story in this is quite gripping. Did you enjoy it? PP
  9. It does sound great. Maybe our Katherine was spending too much time here on the forum to make it any longer. LOL. A good review for you KW. I look forward to reading this, or any of your books. PP
  10. 'Its true, Eve. It's never mattered particuarly. It's just that for some reason May could never stand the sight of me'. Voices of Summer - Rosamunde Pilcher. PP
  11. Strange how different folk like different things. I started to like Paige too at the end of Broken, so I'm quite looking forward to reading Dime Store Magic. PP
  12. Kell said, or rather hissed; Ha ha! We'll just have to wait and see! I think they'll be quite a few of us up for this one! PP
  13. ohhh goodie Nice one Michelle! PP
  14. Kell said; I think Ms Armstrong should pay you commission!! PP
  15. Hoopeybird said; Yes, I think most of us would agree. You can't beat a book. Its like vinyl LPs...the covers are often as good as whats inside. I must admit to wanting a reader though. I can't wait for them to be released here. Sony has just released them un USA, but they are going to be about
  16. Kell must be Kelley Armstrongs biggest advocate!! She did the same for me. I have read Bitten and Broken, and am on the lookout for the third one...name I can't remember, but will recognise when I see it. Must put it on my Xmas list. PP:readingtwo:
  17. It depends on my mood at the time. Sometimes it's already dictated if there's a book to be read for a club or this forum, but otherwise, it's down to how I feel when I finish a book. Sometimes if the book was heavy going, you just want something a bit lighter. Other times you may think, ok, now I'll tackle War and Peace LOL! PP
  18. Ditto. Wow! You wouldn't think it was the same book. The characters are really well cast...Judy Dench is exactly how I imagined Barbara, and as soon as Richard opened the door I knew it was him. It looks like its going to be one of those rare cases of the film being better than the book. (Sorry Zoe , if you happen to read this), but I am now motivated to get on and finish the book. I am about 3/4 of the way through. BTW what did the posh club think of it Kell? Thanks for the trailer Kell. Well worth a watch I would say! PP
  19. Hoopeybird said; I would definitely recommend. Hope you enjoy it.
  20. Will definitely be reading these. I haven't seen the film of Castle in the air, so I will wait 'til I've read the book.
  21. Gyre said; Oh you poor thing. Sorry to hear you are under the weather, especially after you had such a great day at the shops yesterday. By the way, did Mr Gyre get his bike today? Bagpuss, when you've read the book, watch the film (Ghibly Studios). It's brilliant. Japanese anime. Unfortunately I did things the other way round, not realising there was a book, but from Gyre's enthusiasm, I don't think I will be disappointed.
  22. Michelle said; It would be a boring world if we all liked the same stuff, and there wouldn't be a need for a forum like this, would there? LOL How are you feeling now, Michelle? I hope you are better than when you got up this morning?
  23. I have to admit that I am really struggling with this one. It is dull. As Kell said, all the characters are unlikable. There were times when I disliked Barbara so much that I wanted to leave the book unfinished, but it is our book club read this month. Actually, I don't know if it is apparent further on in the book, as I am only halfway through, but I keep expecting to find that Barbara is a closet lesbian and is after Sheba for herself. Or is it just the obsession of a lonely older woman? I don't know yet, but thats what comes across to me. Not enjoying this at all.
  24. Thomas Merton said; Ah ha. Good one Thomas! Nothing like being subtle! PP:006:
  25. Its ok Janet... It was Knitnurse. Sorry! I got confused, forgetting it was a quote and then a comment. Not only do I get confused easily, I manage to confuse everyone else!! Thats narcolepsy for you! PP
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