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Everything posted by Louiseog

  1. No she didn't had forgotten that one! Lullaby Clare Seeber This was a great thriller, had me gripped to the last page. 5/5
  2. 1-Who was your favourite character and why? I loved Hebe, her originality and spirit, and Mary Braithwaite different sorts of angels. 2- Was there a particular part you enjoyed/disliked more than the rest? Although it was set over quite a short period of time I did enjoy 3- Was this the first book you've read in this genre/by this author, has it encouraged you to read more? I think this is my genre, Claire Chambers, Maggie O'Farrell, Jane Gardem. Great 4- Were there any parts/ideas you struggled with? No 5- Overall, was reading the book an enjoyable experience? I really enjoyed this, felt its theme of finding angels everywhere was lovely.
  3. And great middle and end, will post on relevant thread. Artemis Fowl and The Time Paradox, great !
  4. Enjoyed Food of Love, sort of Cyrano de Bergerac for cooks and made me very hungry! Whitewash by Alex Kave, environmental theme, good thriller. Entertaining Angels, for book of the month. Promising start
  5. Why oh why did I read this thread? Now I'm desparate to read ANOTHER book:irked:
  6. Have now read three of this authors books about a coroner who lives and works in Laos. They are great, Dr. Siri Paiboun is a wonderful character and the books are becoming more and more sophisticated and ethereal as they go on. Basically its murder mystery with an ancient coroner in Laos he has two side kicks, an overweight nurse who is a better coroner than him, and a mortuary aide who has Downs. The two twists are the tales of converting a country from a Bhuddist (at least I think its Bhuddist!) monarchy to a communist state and also that Siri Paiboun is the reincarnation of an ancient spirit. The books are The Coroner's Lunch, Thirty Three Teeth and Disco for the Departed. The author's website is here
  7. This Charming Man was good, I like MK because she never lets you down, always a good read! Food of Love by Anthony Capella.
  8. Colin Cotterill - Disco for the Departed, great great I love this series about a coroner in Laos, very Precious McKenzie. Blind Faith - Ben Elton another fantastic book, dystopian world very clever and eerie Toby Alone - Timothy de Frombelle another great book, created a world that worked. It's number one in the series can't wait for the next. Now Marian Keyes - This Charming Man
  9. Have read and reviewed except I can't find the review now!
  10. I really enjoyed Crackdown, a good ripping yarn with goodies and baddies and love ! Easy and thrilling.
  11. Chart Throb was good, they are such a clever take on society! I've got Blind Faith on tbr mountain
  12. Thank you H and D! Did not do anything else as am not a very good swimmer! Crackdown by Bernard Cornwell for the Penguin blog a holiday read, enjoyable so far although can see what is going to happen:blush:
  13. I loved this one, in fact he is one of my faves!
  14. Acid Row is my favourite, Fox Evil was good too. They all are !
  15. Mistress of the Art of Death was fantastic, and there is another one wahey!!!!!!!!!
  16. Oh and me, am up to date I think. Got number 13 for my birthday and still struggle through. Thomas Challoner are better I think. (Can I recommend my read Ariana Franklin, Mistress of the Art of Death, think you'll love it - for me nearly as good as Sansom!)
  17. I do think that of a lot of her books you know but thought it was just me!
  18. I loved them! The big tree, she is supposed to have gone to my school and we had a tree that we all sat under like the one in the books.
  19. My library reading group is in the morning, I have suggested a different time but no deal!
  20. Five Live and BBC 7 online. Radio 2 for music (I am so old!!!!!!!!!!!)
  21. I often have a lump in my throat but not many make me weep, apart from: Read this in the car on the way to a party, hmmm not great preparation really I blubbed at this one, really cried saw someone on holiday reading it by the pool, could not have done that, people would have had to counsel me.
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