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Posts posted by Louiseog

  1. Sleeping Doll, really thrilling!


    Donna Andrew again don't remember will come back!

    No Nest for the Wicket. A murder takes place in an eXtreme croquet tournament. Agatha Raisin on drugs in America, fun!

  2. Definitely a car crash unfolding, you could see it all happening. The stultifying nature of the 1950s was so fabulously portrayed.

    Did anyone else find Tamsin fairly evil as well as Dick? Could not get my head round her bringing Kit downstairs and playing with the kitten as if nothing had happened, chilling

  3. Murder at Deviation Junction by Andrew Martin

    Crime about trains, OK.


    Agatha Raisin and the Curious Curate, good fun again!


    Robert Rankin - The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse

    THE HOLLOW CHOCOLATE BUNNIES OF THE APOCALYPSE is set in Toy City, once Toy Town, but now older, bigger and certainly not wiser. The Old Rich, who have made their millions from the royalties on their world-famous nursery rhymes, are being slaughtered. One by One. Horribly. A psychopath is on the loose. He must be stopped at all costs. It's a job for Toy City's only detective - but he's missing, leaving Eddie Bear to track down the mad killer, with the aid only of his bestest friend, Jack, and a wide cast of truly unforgettable characters. This is a wonderfully funny book from the irreverent, hilarious writer of WEB SITE STORY, THE SPROUTS OF WRATH and The Brentford Trilogy.

    Ace, an author to rival Jasper Fforde for me funny and clever


  4. 1-Who was your favourite character and why?

    I loved Hebe, her originality and spirit, and Mary Braithwaite different sorts of angels.

    2- Was there a particular part you enjoyed/disliked more than the rest?

    Although it was set over quite a short period of time I did enjoy

    the section where Hebe was curing the grandpa and charming the pants of him at the same time. The section about Simon and Sonja were unneccessary


    3- Was this the first book you've read in this genre/by this author, has it encouraged you to read more?

    I think this is my genre, Claire Chambers, Maggie O'Farrell, Jane Gardem. Great

    4- Were there any parts/ideas you struggled with?


    5- Overall, was reading the book an enjoyable experience?

    I really enjoyed this, felt its theme of finding angels everywhere was lovely.

  5. Have now read three of this authors books about a coroner who lives and works in Laos.

    They are great, Dr. Siri Paiboun is a wonderful character and the books are becoming more and more sophisticated and ethereal as they go on.

    Basically its murder mystery with an ancient coroner in Laos he has two side kicks, an overweight nurse who is a better coroner than him, and a mortuary aide who has Downs. The two twists are the tales of converting a country from a Bhuddist (at least I think its Bhuddist!) monarchy to a communist state and also that Siri Paiboun is the reincarnation of an ancient spirit.

    The books are The Coroner's Lunch, Thirty Three Teeth and Disco for the Departed.

    The author's website is here

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