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Status Updates posted by Kell

  1. Kell

    Full of clothes shops - you know, the type that go up to about a size 10 and cost 10 times more than they need to. I won't be going there very often. :(

  2. Kell

    Getting a little hectic - I've neve rhad to plan a children's party before - LOL!

  3. Gift-wrapping all done. Now I can start to properly enjoy the season!

  4. Kell

    Glad it got there - eventually - LOL!

  5. Kell

    Glad it got there safely and sorry it was late - it sat in my bag for 3 days and I thought I had already posted it (typical mumnesia!). Have a great Xmas! :)

  6. Kell

    Glad to hear it arrived safely. I look forward to seeing your finished sampler. :)

  7. Kell

    Glad to hear your Dad's home, Angel. :)

  8. Glad to see you back home safely, boss. And HAPPY ANIVERSARY!!!

  9. Kell

    Glad you enjoyed your holidays and got home safely. :) And you're going ot have GREAT fun with those kittens!

  10. Glad you had a great birthday. Dying to see which books you got - I'll go and hunt out your list!

  11. Kell

    Glad you seem to have found what you were looking for. It's more than Bono can do - LOL! ;)

  12. Kell

    Glad you worked out what you were doing with the "blocks" bit. :)

  13. Kell

    Glad your card arrived safely. We're doing well but getting very stressed in the run-up to Xmas - I'll be glad when it's all done!

  14. Good to see you again! Yup - we're on the home stretch now - I turned 30 weeks yesterday (can't believe how massive this bump is getting!). :)

  15. Good to see you back again, Steve. :)

  16. Got bored with my hair so I dyed it purple this lunchtime!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Library Nook
    3. Maureen


      You look different! (still lovely) What did Xan say?

    4. Kell


      Xan said, "Mummy! Purple hair! Pretty purple!" :)

  17. Kell

    Had a lovely day, thank you. :)

  18. Kell

    Had a lovely time, thank you. Glad to be home though - so many messages to catch up on! :)

  19. Kell

    Had a much better day today, thank you - far less stressful than work has been lately (which is a relief!). Feeling quite cheerful this evening. Hope all is well with you and yours too. :)

  20. Haooy birthday! :)

  21. Happy anniversary! :)

  22. Kell

    Happy anniversary! :)

  23. Kell

    Happy birthday - have a lovely day! :)

  24. Happy birthday wherever you are! :)

  25. Kell

    Happy birthday wherever you are. :)

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