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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. No - but if you could pop some over to me, I'd be very grateful!
  2. Yep - I have the second one upstairs, but I need to remember what happened in the first!
  3. I read it before it was hyped.. it was on Kell's recomendation. And it's my 2nd fave book this year.
  4. As you can see Joss, your blog gets lots of comments, so you may have alot to print off! I edit my first post every time I finish a book.. it works for me.
  5. Kat, don't forget that some members swap on here too, so check their lists.
  6. I finished Cell a while back, but didn't realise I hadn't written in this section! I did do a mini review.. it was an enjoyable book, but without Kings usual depth. Both good and disappointing at the same time! lol Host was quite good - some interesting ideas, and some scenes very well written! Nikki French's Killing Me Softly was a good story about love, lust and obsession! Then was The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn.. a very interesting read after reading The other Boleyn Girl. My interest in British history has truly been sparked now! Half way through After You'd Gone by Maggie O'Farrell.. I'm not sure what made me pick this up, but I'm glad I did.. very intriguing!
  7. ould anyone else care to leave some details?
  8. For those of you at school now.. what are you enjoying, and which ones are hard going?
  9. Our younger members are welcome to visit all areas of the forum.. but this gives them there own area, if they feel more comfortable. I shall also be moving a few threads here that are about books that are written for younger people. Let's see how this one goes...
  10. Do you mean to say that doesn't happen to you? It happens to me all the time.....!
  11. I think it may be to show that Eve has found a haven in Roarke.. away from her horrendous childhood, and her life as a homicide detective.
  12. They didn't make me gag.. I also don't mind the occasional sex scene in books. However, the ones in these books are just too perfect - it doesn't matter what they've been through, they always have the energy.. and they never have any 'problems'! However, it has been argued on another forum that books are escapism, and so they want to read about a world where's its all wonderful. I don't agree, but that's the argument.
  13. Haha - the famous JD Robb love scenes! If only it was that perfect all the time!
  14. Yep - they're very unlikely friends, but amazingly close!
  15. Don't fotget Mau - if anything about the characters confuses you, drop me a line.
  16. The basis of King's latest offering is The Pulse - a signal sent through cell phones, that drives the listener insane. What this leads to is most of the world's population becoming 'zombie-like'.. in my eyes, it was just a different way to resurrect an old story line. King throws you straight into the story, and the beginning of the book is full of action. The rest of the book certainly continues to be a page turner.. it's an easy read. But.. that's the problem.. that's not what I expect from King. There's no real depth in the characters, and I don't find myself particularly concerned about what's going to happen to them. There's no build up of tension, no real fear. Don't get me wrong.. it's a good enough read, and I'm sure many people will like it. However, it's just not classic "King".
  17. Finished Host, gave up on Guilty Pleasures. Then picked up Cell at the library, so that's my current one.
  18. Inanna, if you don't have any luck with RISI, you could have my Host as soon as I've finished.
  19. Mau, from what I remember, it should be ok. Give it a go.. the general storyline will be a contained story. Then if you like the style, get the first one ordered, and start from the beginning! (And if anything confuses you, drop me a line!)
  20. Welcome to the book forum, and thank you for your review. However, I'm afraid we're not here for you to advertise and sell a book, so I have removed the link.
  21. The trouble with Guilty Pleasures (for me, anyhow) is that it doesn't feel like the beginning of a series. I feel like I've jumped in in the middle.. it's not confusing as such but something is off. However, it's holding me enough to want to keep going. And as much as I'm enjoying The Queens Fool, I found myself drawn back to Host, as it's being talked about! Strangely enough, I'm quite happy having all 3 books going, and just pick up whichever one I feel in the mood for!
  22. I started it, and have picked it up again today.
  23. It is - although I have the second one on my TBR pile. It fits nicely into that group of 'children's books' that are actually quite enjoyable for adults too.
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