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  1. I would put that in my top ten favorite books. Glad you are enjoying it.
  2. Finished with Songs of the Humpbacked Whale and now on to Imajica. Clive Barker is one of my favorite authors, so I am sure I will enjoy this one. I remember first discovering him with The Great and Secret Show and I was hooked.
  3. That makes sense. Songs of the Humpbacked Whale is very badly edited. I find mistakes in the story all through it.
  4. Thanks. It isn't horrible, but it's an odd book. So far it's hard to get a hold on the characters. Also, I am finding many mistakes which normally I do not. I wonder if she was in a hurry when she wrote it.
  5. I left my Grimm book at home and needed something to read so I picked up Jodi Picoult's Song of the Humpbacked Whale out of the free bin. I like Picoult enough (I really enjoyed The Tenth Circle) but her flaws as a writer really show up in this book. At one point something dramatic happened and it gave me a fit of the giggles. Not her intended reaction, I would imagine.
  6. I agree, but still love the book. One of my major gripes is when an author is afraid of allowing the main character to be anything but perfect. I much rather read about complex people who make mistakes. Another one is when an author doesn't know when to end a story. The book The Orphan's Tale is way guilty of that. I want to leave the characters at a natural stopping point and then imagine for myself where they go from there.
  7. I haven't read that one, but Atwood is one of my favorite authors. I wasn't completely taken by Surfacing when I first read it, but want to give it another try. Finished Our Lady of the Flowers and I am both happy I read it and happy to be done with it. I am on to The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm volume II. I at least know that I will enjoy myself reading that.
  8. Yeah, the style impressed me for awhile, and is now boring me. I think I will just try to blow through the rest of it.
  9. I am currently reading Our Lady of the Flowers by Jean Genet. It's proved a challenging read for me as far as trying to figure out if I actually like it or not. For awhile I was completely enthralled, but now I find I keep putting off finishing it.
  10. True and I do, but it would be nice to fit more in if possible. 😎 I read about an hour and a half too, but I don't get a chance to read much on the weekends.
  11. I forgot to say that since Tom Sawyer will be a reread, why not read, The Adventures of Huckleberry Fine, instead?
  12. I would say The Sound and the Fury belongs on your list. Also, Their Eyes Were Watching God would be an important one as it comes from the viewpoint of an African-American woman.
  13. I do the Goodreads reading challenge. Last year I read 35 books and have my goal set at 40 this year. For those of you who read 100 plus books in a year, how do you think read that fast? I want to read-reread some of the classics this year as well as get to some more recent books, so I would love to learn to read faster and still retain what I am reading. I read as if I were reading out-loud, but I do it in my head. Is this possibly what slows me down?
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