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Posts posted by BookShelfy91

  1. So I generally have a big thing about starting and not finishing books, but I also have a thing about, if I am not enjoying a book I shouldn't waste time trying to read it. Reading is supposed to be enjoyable right?

    So, I was reading, or trying to read Finders Keepers - Stephen King. I have managed to get some of the way through it...I figured I would give it shot, I don't like it. I can't get into it...so I am putting it down and moving onto something else. Maybe I will try it again another time. Not sure whether it's the book or me just not having the right frame of mind for it. Anyone else had this problem?


    Either way, I have put it down and picked up Elianne by Judy Nunn instead.




  2. Hi Paul, welcome to the forum for starters. Old books are incredible. I recently got given about a dozen of my late pops old books, some of them have inscriptions to him or from him inside. It's amazing the history. Anyway, welcome to the forum.




  3. BookShelfy, when you were talking about your new job up there you mentioned 'air con.'  What is that?  Congrats and a shhhYIPPEEshhh from me on your job! :D

    Air conditioning. Kind of a fan on a colder and grander scale.  The air conditioning at my current workplace is kind of not great. Hence the yayness (I know, not a word) of it in my new job. Thank you!!!




  4. Getting very excited!, I haven't said anything to my boss about my new job just yet, waiting until I have something in writing. Which won't be until about two weeks after my docs appointment tomorrow. So I am thinking start date would be around christmas? Getting very excited and nervous as hell (although I won't admit that if anyone asks) I do know however that my hours will be 8-4:30, which means a sleep in! Not a big one granted but a sleep in all the same!! Combine that with, more pay that I am getting now and air con (a massive decider for me hehe) and I cannot wait for it to start!!! Sorry, I still haven't been able to tell anyone besides family (while telling them to keep it quiet on facebook) and my partner and housemate.

    Current job is becoming very frustrating, getting a lot harder to keep from saying something silly. Now I am just venting..



  5. So after starting The Colorado Kid last night, I managed to finish it today, and am about to start Salem's Lot, so I can pretty much kiss any sleep this month good bye...I've only watched the movie and that terrified me, so I am assuming that the book will be along the same lines.




  6. Feeling very accomplished today. My partner and I put a massive dent in our christmas shopping list. Have a couple more to sort out, also finished a book in just over 24hrs. Been a while since I've been able to do that.


    Glad to hear boris is doing better Athena, hopefully he continues to improve.




  7. Just finished reading "Song Of Susannah", I have to say I'm not a fan of how it ends. The ending is very abrupt and unsatisfying. Other than that I did enjoy it.

    I now have three to choose from:

    "Colorado Kid"

    "Salem's Lot"

    Or "The Awakening" and "The Struggle" Vampire Diaries books one and two by L.J.Smith.

    Not sure which one to read next.





    I literally just choked on my sandwich when I read that!


    Ok, here goes...


    When a woman asks a man for his opinion, she doesn't want to hear his opinion, she wants to hear her own opinion repeated back to her in a deeper voice.


    Hehehe. Oh nice yeah that could cause some chaos...




  9. My partner and I recently went and saw "The Last Witchslayer". I personally loved it, I thought that Vin Diesel was great in it. My partner disagreed with me though, he thought Vin Diesel was very wooden.


    A very different story line though, was a nice change.



  10. Thanks, Noll :).



    Awww, I hope you're not getting ill again :(.



    Congrats on the new job! That must be awkward, about having your managers on Facebook.




    Boris (our dog) has been feeling unwell the past two days. We thought it would pass, he feels bad from time to time but then soon after he coughs up a hairball, but he's been feeling dreadful for two days now. It's really sad. He hasn't eaten anything and only drunk a bit. He's hardly responding to us petting him. My parents are about to phone the vet. He might need surgery. My mum thinks his intestines might be blocked up from the hair (he bites his fur off because it annoys him). If that's the case he will need surgery. I'm really worried about him :(:wibbly:. I guess we'll find out in an hour or so.


    My tooth's been hurting, I hope it's just some food being stuck or such or irritated gums, and nothing bad like a cavity :(.



    Thanks! It is a little bit yeah.

    Aww, that sucks! I hope Boris is ok and everything works out.

    Hopefully everything works out ok for you. :(



  11. Christmas shopping almost done here, also very excited! I can't say this on Facebook, because I have my current managers on there as friends....and if I don't tell someone I am going to burst! I have a new job!! Does anyone else have their managers on facebook? I mean it's not weird...some of them are kind of friends as well.. Ok now I am babbling.




    A very excited Shelfy

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