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Everything posted by Chair

  1. I used to love the Babysitters Clubseries. My best friend at school had the entire series (up to date in the 90s - I don't know if she still has them) and I was envious of her collection. Her books had the bricks on the side and they looked so cool next to each other. She did kindly lend me a few books. I wanted to babysit after that but I didn't have many chances as a teenager. I enjoyed the Sweet Valley series as well. I enjoyed the TV series. I did think though that Elizabeth and Jessica had no flaws in the Twins series whereas they were slightly (but not much) more realistic in the High series.
  2. Chair

    Hi I'm Clare

    Hi LittleW! I managed to do it on the way to work once and my manager was not very impressed. I had to get the next bus. Hi Claire! You have a good name Girls go by Publishing have started republishing the books - I can send you the link if you would like me to? I also belong to a Chalet School forum. Hi Vodkafan. I have to admit I haven't cmoe across Indian Dandiya Raas. It sounds an interesting style of dance.
  3. Chair

    Hi I'm Clare

    Hi frankie! That's ok. It's traditional English folk dancing. There are various types. Our womens group does the northwest clog style. Our mens group does longsword and rapper sword style.
  4. Hi everyone! I look forward to getting to know all of you. I've been a bookworm since I can remember. I used to read in the queue for a classroom or a bus. The bus queue did occasionally mean I missed the bus though! I live in Gillingham in Kent and have a husband and three year old son. My son does mean I don't get as many chances to read now as I would like but I try to read when I can. I am a full time Mum but I also volunteer in a school whilst my son is at Pre-School. I collect the Chalet School series. I also like reading novels about family life and about women on the home front during the war. I do enjoy biographies as well. I am a Morris dancer when I get a chance and it is a great chance to socialisde. I hope that's everything!
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