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Posts posted by dtrpath27

  1. Funny you should mention Shute. I've just started Requiem For A Wren by him. A while back, when the Reading Circle discussed his On the Beach, poppy recommended Requiem..... I'm about 50 pages in and enjoying it!

    Thanks poppy! :D

    Nice! I'm about as far into An Old Captivity. I just grabbed a random Shute novel off the library shelf and ran with it. So far, so good.

  2. ... Others go full throttle like people possessed, posting nonstop for 9 months then abruptly disappear.I cannot fathom this out really at all.

    This was me! I've had a bit of hardship over the past few months and all but dropped off the face of the planet.

  3. Ooh...this is a good topic! Here are my answers:


    Would you rather...

    1. Read only trilogies or stand alones?

    Stand alone


    2. Read only female or male authors?

    Umm...this one's a toughie. If I had to choose...male.


    3. Shop at a book shop or online?

    Book shop. It's all about the atmosphere. Also, I'm very tactile, so,holding the actual book is important.


    4. All books become movies or tv shows?

    Tv shows. (Or at least a miniseries!) I think they could go into much more detail, staying truer to the story) and you could get to know the characters better.


    5. Read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?

    I'd much rather read five books per week, but five pages per day seems to be what I can manage these days.


    6. Be a professional reviewer or author?

    Professional reviewer.


    7. Only read your top 20 favorite books over and over or always read new ones that you haven't read before?

    I love to re-read my favorites. Most of them are falling apart.


    8. Be a librarian or book seller?

    A book seller who doesn't have to make a profit.


    9. Only read your favorite genre, or every genre except your favorite?

    Favorite genre.


    10. Only read physical books or eBooks?

    Physical books. They're much cozier.

  4. Today the whole house is clean, or as clean as it needs be. A joint family effort, and it really cheers me up.

    Now that is something to celebrate!


    I sleep on my side and my dog jumped up on the bed, tucked her chin over my shoulder and squeezed, essentially giving me a hug. She doesn't do it every morning, but it's so sweet when she does!

  5. I would say the sentence is talking about the rich old men using whatever money they have to get a pretty, young, goldigging girl to give them an heir.


    Means is another way of saying wealth or finances. So "be the means what they may" is like saying "the money being what it is" or I would probably say it, "with whatever money they have."


    I'm interested to see what others have to say. I've never heard of this book, actually. The only reference I was able to find to it on Google was the post on this site and another one that was in Chinese.


    Well.  Late last night we walked into the darkened kitchen, looking for something to nibble on.....I turned the light on and glanced at the floor in front of the sink and there was a brown with spots, at least 2 and a half foot long, skinny snake there.  :blink:   I stopped dead and I'm afraid I screamed.  Husband was on the other side of the kitchen, there is a high, small two seater table in the middle of the kitchen.  I told him to get the sledge hammer I keep in the space between the fridge and the wall.......well, that was the end of the snake.  But it was pretty scary while it lasted. 

    We're not sure what kind it was, possibly a grey rat snake.  We both looked at pictures online last night, but can't be sure.

    I shudder reading this. A snake in the house is my worst nightmare!


    In the Netherlands the flu shot is only paid for, for children and people at risk, such as the elderly or people with severe asthma (like my sister, mine isn't severe enough). I don't think I've ever had a flu shot, does everyone get them in the US and UK? Instead I get the flu sometimes..

    You can get them at most stores, such as Walgreens or Wal-Mart, that have a pharmacy. They cost around $30-$40. My work will have them for $25.

  7. I love them both! If I'm sick, tired, stressed or sad it's tea, otherwise it's coffee. My favorite tea is Earl Grey followed closely by chai.


    Eta: Before bed it's one or the other, but I only get through about a half cup before I fall asleep.

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