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Anna Begins

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Posts posted by Anna Begins

  1. Chaliepud- That's beautiful and comforting. I heard a story about a man who died and his dog was waiting for him. He had a choice of where to spend eternity, one place was a gorgeous house, wide green lawn, flowers, who thing- but his dog could not live there. The man turned it down because he couldn't live without his dog. Then he came to a shabby house with a bare yard, but he could live with his dog. He picked that place and it became beautiful, for he had proved what kind of person he was.

  2. Sorry to hear about your dog too, Anna. May I ask what breed he was?

    I have had a good reading month so far. I have read 5 books with only one 1 star rating. Which is actually above average for me.

    My favourite so far has been A Study In Scarlet.

    He was a Kerry Blue Terrier. I'm such a mess.


    I'm going to try to read today, although I've been crying a lot and it's hard to focus. I tried starting The Cold Dish (The Walt Longmire Mysteries), but I'm also trying to read Leave Me by Gayle Forman.

  3. Oh no, so sorry to hear that. :empathy: My lab has just had a lump removed, which thankfully turned out to be harmless, so I can understand the worry and stress. What is the prognosis.....are there treatment options available?


    In book news, I am two thirds through The Last Letter From Your Lover by Jojo Moyes. Then it's back to David Copperfield.

    I'm so glad everything turned out alright- what a relief! They give us so much and just want love.

  4. The ones I could come up with:


    Scarlett O'Hara. I've never read a character go through such evolution.


    June and Day from the Legend Trilogy.


    Robert and Maria from For Whom the Bell Tolls by Hemingway


    Bob Arctor from A Scanner Darkly by Phillip K Dick




    Howard Roarc from Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead, but I liked Atlas Shrugged more.

  5. It certainly wasn't the definition I was expecting, and it didn't make total sense to me word wise if that makes sense, but maybe it's an 'American thing'! :D

    Yes, we have them here... I believe their name is because of the sound they make.


    I didn't finish The Paper Magician, it ended up being terrible. I abandoned it and started Leave Me by Gayle Foreman.

  6. I've never even heard of that book, sorry! :giggle:


    I have a Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime :) It's okay but it's not great. I didn't realise, buying it, that 200 euro no longer gets you a vaguely decent phone. It was okay for reading on, but I did have the font very small. I have my new tablet now, so reading on that (when I do read, still slacking on that front!)

    Thanks! In the end, we went with Google's new Pixel phone. I'm having so much fun... remember, I've only had flip phones :D

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