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Everything posted by Athena

  1. I also haven't read many books about zombies (yet), and none on nazi zombies. Great review, it's a shame it wasn't as good as you wanted it to be though I'm glad it was somewhat enjoyable .
  2. That's true. We don't see a lot of Swedish novels translated into Dutch here but those that are translated are usually crime novels, for some reason.
  3. A. S. King - The Dust of 100 Dogs Genre: Historical Fiction Age-range: Young-Adult Format: Paperback Pages: 330 Synopsis (GoodReads):In the late seventeenth century, famed teenage pirate Emer Morrisey was on the cusp of escaping the pirate life with her one true love and unfathomable riches when she was slain and cursed with "the dust of one hundred dogs," dooming her to one hundred lives as a dog before returning to a human body-with her memories intact. Now she's a contemporary American teenager and all she needs is a shovel and a ride to Jamaica. My thoughts: I recently read Ask the Passengers by the same author and really liked it, so I thought I'd read one of her other books (I had two on the TBR). I really enjoyed reading this book. It consists of three parts, each of which have individual chapters in them. We see the story from three perspectives, Emer, Saffron and Fred. Emer was a girl pirate in the 17th century. She was cursed to live the lives of 100 dogs and after that she is born as human baby Saffron. Interspersed with the chapters are sometimes "Dog Facts", a few pages where the main character talks about the various lives she had as a dog and what she learned. I really liked the chapters of Emer and Saffron, and the doggy bits. I found Fred's chapters harder to get through, because I didn't like him as a character. Two things about him struck me as annoying, his attitude towards his dog and his attitude towards other people. This didn't sit right with me. At first you don't see yet how Fred ties in with the story, and he doesn't have any chapters in the first third of the book, but it'll all come together in the end. I thought it was really interesting to read about Emer's life in the 17th century, first as a little girl and then when she's a bit older. The story gradually unfolds over the course of the book. Saffron was really interesting too. I didn't like the character of one of her brothers, but I really liked her character. The doggy bits were a great extra, particularly where she tells about some of the lives she's lived as a dog. The story in general was really interesting and there were some unexpected plot twists. I really liked the writing style. Overall then I quite enjoyed reading this book. I haven't read any other books that feature pirates, that I can recall. So this was a first! I enjoyed learning a bit more about the late 17th century. I really liked the writing style and some of the characters were very interesting. There were also a few things I didn't like. All in all, if the synopsis intrigues you and it seems like your kind of book, I'd recommend reading it. Rating: ***** (9/10)
  4. Thanks ! That's very sweet of you to say so . Yes it is! The individual boxes are inside, they are very pretty. I didn't know much about this show until I joined this forum. I saw some bits on YouTube and liked it, so I look forward to watching it and see how I like the whole thing. I hope to be watching the first episode soonish. P.S. A review coming up now.
  5. Ah, that's quite a few, though it could be worse . Good luck!! You could try doing one every few days?
  6. Great review ! It's a shame it wasn't as good as you remembered. I guess that happens sometimes, the books we liked when we were children or teenagers we might not like as much when we're older. I've never read the book, it's on my TBR, though I did see an animated film when I was a child. I don't remember a whole lot from it though.
  7. I have the same book but then with a blue Wordsworth cover, but with five stories instead of four. The fifth one was The Haunted Man. I liked A Christmas Carol the most of those stories, but then again it is the most famous one so maybe that's why. I knew the story and this made it easier for me to read it. I found some of the other ones a bit more difficult to understand.
  8. It sounds interesting! It's nice to see more Swedish books getting translated into English .
  9. I was given the DVDs for my birthday they are so pretty looking! I hope to be watching the very first episode soon and will definitely post my thoughts here after it.
  10. I haven't read any Jane Austen yet myself but I think I will start with Pride & Prejudice when I do, since that one seems so well loved by many people.
  11. Thanks, Anna ! Yes, she has written more short stories (though for some reason the Amazon reviews aren't good of some of them), but I've only read this one, and one of her bigger novels, both of which I liked. I haven't bought the other short stories (including the free one) because the reviews on Amazon are not so good. That said, Disconnected's reviews are slightly better but not brilliant either, but I enjoyed it, personally. So maybe I should just ignore the reviews from some upset people we will see. Thanks, Kate !
  12. I'm glad you liked the book . Great review! I saw the film recently for the first time. It's a shame about the errors in the ebook file, that's annoying.
  13. Great review of The Handmaid's Tale, Janet! It's on my wishlist, I'm getting the book from a friend soon . It sounds like it is a thought-provoking read that's worth reading.
  14. I'm sorry to hear the statistics and everything are making reading less fun for you . I think it's probably a good decision then, reading shouldn't be coupled with pressure and such, it should be enjoyable. If you ask me, what the review details matters more than the score at the end, so if you feel it's the right decision I don't think anyone has claim to object since your reviews are always very detailed and well written (and of course, your reading is your own and you're not getting paid or anything, so you should do what feels right for you!).
  15. I hope you'll be able to do some more reading soon, and maybe catch up on those reviews . How many do you still have to write? This sounds interesting, I hope you find it interesting . I'm over halfway through in The Dust of 100 Dogs by A. S. King. It's quite good so far. There are sometimes chapters written from the point of view of this guy, I'm not sure yet how it'll tie in with the story though I have an idea that might prove to be correct. I'm not liking him at all though, so I don't enjoy these chapters as much as the Emer and Saffron chapters. But I'm kind of hoping he'll get bad luck or such in the end, so we will see .
  16. Thanks, I know but I'm not sure on the legality of it and YouTube doesn't always have good subtitles (I find it hard to follow without subtitles). Great !
  17. This is great news . I hope he gets well soon ("beterschap" as we say in Dutch). I have a health appointment today and a bloodtest tomorrow, bleh x 2. But then after that, this weekend is the book fair, which is exciting.
  18. I'm so sorry to hear of his wife's cancer and passing . I can understand his decision though I do find it a shame as I think he's a talented author. But I understand his decision, his wife must have meant so much to him.
  19. I hope it goes well and that he recovers speedily.
  20. Awwww, does this happen more often? I'm interested to hear what you think of the book. It seems to have mixed opinions on this forum.
  21. Here are three photos of my gifts: My brother and his girlfriend got us this cool name tag for on our door!:
  22. Here are some more photos: This is the cake we baked ourselves: This is the cake someone in my family made: (she always bakes a cake, this is my favourite one of hers) And here's a photo of me:
  23. I have a big wishlist . I need to go through it and remove the books I'm no longer interested in, but I haven't done this yet. It's all input for me and so it tires me, so far I've put priorities on other things.
  24. It's a shame you didn't enjoy Cujo so much . Ivy looks very beautiful .
  25. Jennifer Weiner - Disconnected Genre: Chick-lit, Thriller Age-range: Adult Format: Kindle Pages: 48 Synopsis (GoodReads):Shannon Will is nearing thirty and has already made six trips to rehab (not that anyone's counting). But this time, she swears, will be different. She'll clean up her act, go to meetings, find a sponsor, and make a clean break with her past—starting with a new phone number. But old ties aren't so easy to sever. When Shannon's new phone starts getting messages she was never meant to see, Shannon has to decide whether to risk getting involved, or stay safely disconnected. Gripping, suspenseful and smart, Disconnected is a riveting tale of addiction and obligation, secrets and redemption. My thoughts: I thought I'd read a short story on my Kindle, because I want to read certain books that I'd be getting for my birthday, so I didn't want to start anything long (since it was almost that time). This was a well written story. I've read one book by this author and have several others on my TBR. I really liked the writing style. The story was interesting and suspenseful. I wanted to keep on reading to find out what would happen. It's intertwined with flashbacks from the past (of the main character). I thought the main character was interesting, I particularly liked that she had studied literature & arts (or something like it) and wanted to write stories and such. What really gave the story a better score, was the great twist at the end. I wasn't expecting it and I really liked it (of course now that you know that, you know there'll be a twist etc..). Rating: ***** (9/10)
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