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Thank you Laura and Chalie


Yea, they said with it this low,they dont want to mess around too long . I cant even describe how tired I am today .

Feels like it takes me 10 minuted to blink.

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Hey Julie, The sooner, the better! Having this thing over and done with will be the best news possible. At least this way you won't have to go through the weekend waiting and wondering when. Get this nuclear thing over with, and back to cheeseburgers. :D


I've only had rutabagas once or twice, 30 years ago. An English friend of mine had some way of boiling and mashing them with butter that was delicious. I could never replicate it. They are not as strong tasting as turnips though.


Sending many :hug:

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Thank you Miss K --

Check out that email list of foods. I will definitely be ready for a cheeseburg. I'm already thinking of all the foods I want when I'm allowed to eat again .

Even plain BREAD sounds like a delicacy .

You're right, it's best just to get the worst junk done so I dont have to sit and think about it .

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Thank you Miss Poppy

I don't know who Colin Firth is,so he is safe with you . I won't try stealing him from you,because he'd choose you over me I'm sure .

I'm sitting here tonite thinking of all the food I want to eat when this is done.

Cake is high up on the list .

I'd actually settle for a slice of bread .

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Cake is pretty high on my list too, and toast and butter as well. On Atkins, they're a serious no-no.

Actually, I'd really like a roast beef po-boy*. /sigh/


Julie when this is over, I'll send you some real French Bread. :D


* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Po'_boy

Edited by pontalba
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If only there was a toast and butter diet that enabled you to lose weight (food combining ... toast with butter :D) .. that would be a pleasure not a hardship. Diets are horrible because you've always got to go without something.


When you're able Julie and you feel like it .. you should have a day of eating all your fave foods .. you definitely deserve a treat (or two). Tell the hubster to get it all in in readiness.


Best wishes for tomorrow :friends0: xx

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Hoping everything went well for you today Julie and you can now relax again and enjoy your food. :empathy:

I had to do a giggle when you said 'What a waste of rutabagas'. If they are like turnips, you've made a lucky escape. The only good thing you can use them for, as far as I'm concerned, is in vege soup.

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Hi folks

Thank you so much for all the good wishes . You guys are all so nice .

The "test" yesterday really didn't amount to much . It took longer for them to fill out paperwork than anything else. Once I signed it all ,they called the Nuclear medicine Doctor and he talked to me on the phone about the medicine and gave me further instructions.

His differed a bit from what my Cancer Dr said ( diet-wise and medicine -wise).

He told me I have to stay on the iodine/sodium free diet for 72 hours after the test . He said if I eat items that have that stuff in them too soon,the medicine wont have the full effect of targeting the leftover thyroid cancer cells that may still be in my body . So, today and tomorrow yet to go on this crappy diet. He also said not to start the thyroid pills til Monday .

The test was simple - they take you into a tiny room with TWO DOORS on it .They bring in a paper cup of water and this little thing that looks like a small thermos bottle . The guy puts on gloves,then unscrews the lid of the bottle .,Inside it,there is a small plastic tube with one pill in it . He says to take a sip of water,then pick up the TUBE (DO NOT TOUCH THE PILL ) ,and pour the pill down my throat from the tube .

So,that was that. They told me to exit these doors that are about 7 steps away and go directly home . So that was all it amounted to .

The Dr yesterday said that most people dont get any side effects from the pill,but in some cases they have stomach trouble from it .

I am one of those cases . My gosh,the nausea is terrible. It hit about an hour after I got home and is still there today . I'm hoping it will lessen as the amount of the medicine in my body lessens .

So, even if I WOULD have been allowed to eat today, I wouldnt feel like eating anything. Even if I had CAKE I wouldnt eat it . This is gross, but the "TASTE" in your mouth feels kinda like you have been drinking your hand lotion mixed with your car oil. You can brush your teeth and gargle for an hour, and the taste is still there . Really GROSS .

The only PLUS I can see in this ,is that I should certainly drop some poundage .


Just wanted to drop in and thank you guys for all your kind thoughts & words . I appreciate it very much . Hopefully I will feel better today.

Edited by julie
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Thanks for letting us know Julie. Oh poor you :empathy: it's horrible when you feel sick but well done for being a very brave soldier indeed. The diet is a tough one but it's all to the good and you can be sure that when you do feel like it, and you are allowed those fantasy foods, they're going to taste extra delicious.


Hope you feel much better soon :friends0: Rest and take it easy now xx sending love xx

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Hey Julie! Glad to hear that part is over! Thanks so much for posting about the ordeal, and now you have to endure the side effect. Drat, well, you'll be able to eat soon enough, and know you're well on the good road, recovering. You've dealt with this so well Julie, I can't get over how calmly you've seen it through. :empathy: You're a real trooper!

I know your family is so proud of you, and asap your husband will give you the biggest of hugs! Just anticipate that!

Meanwhile cyber hugs will have to do. :friends3:

And strengthening vibes. :)

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Thank you Poppy -

I'm trying my hardest to be a trooper.



Thank you , Andrea for the good wishes .



Miss Kat -

I have an uncle ( last one left ) who is probably close to 90. That poor guy has had every known ailment, and he keeps on getting up and facing it every day . I have another cousin who has had so much bad luck,so many really sad things happen to her ,and she is still happy. I asked her how she can be happy when so much has happened in her life. She said " There's always somebody out there worse off than me " . I guess those words stuck with me . I truly admire people who are TOUGH . I think it's such a good quality . Sooo. if I can be even half as tough as they are, I'd be proud .


It's really odd ,when you find out you have Cancer ......I've always wondered ,how can people who have THAT diagnosis still FUNCTION in life ? I guess now I am finding it out first hand. You just function because you have to . It wouldnt do me any good to yank all my clothes off and go screaming down the street. I'd STILL have cancer . (and probably a ticket for Public Indecency ).


I've kinda been logging my daily stuff on my profile page. Maybe a way to keep track of how things go each day ,and to get it OUT .


As for family, my hubster is the best on the planet. I tell him he is like Plymouth Rock. Always there ,and strong . Nothing ever rattles him ,and he has been so good to me .


Sadly , that is where my immediate family stops. I guess I shouldn't say anymore on here about it ,but I have a pretty SAD family situation . Believe it or not, THAT hurts much worse than having Cancer, being scared ,and not knowing what the future holds.

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Hi Julie I never even knew there was such a thing as Nuclear Medicine. Just imagine that stuff in you is zapping all the leftover bad bits as we speak. You will soon be as clean as a whistle and ready to eat cake again. ;)

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Yes, in a way it's good to have the medicine I guess,but in another way it's a little scarey . You have so many restrictions after taking it .You have to use separate tableware ,and wash it and all your laundry separate from the rest of the laundry . Everything in the bathroom must be washed down after I use anything in there . I am not allowed in public for 4 days,sine the dosage they gave me was so high, if I touched another person, it'd be dangerous to them . No kids or pregnant ladies at all around me . The hubster has to sleep in another room so he doesnt get too high a level of radiation .

I'm not even allowed to touch the food he will be eating,so that one has been a challenge,since he can't cook,but we are managing .

So I guess I'm glad they have something to kill the remaining cancer cells,but it also makes you worry what the stuff might be doing to the rest of your body if it's so dangerous .

I never knew a whole lot about it myself til I am learning it firsthand . I just hope it works and zaps all the bad stuff that might be left .

Edited by julie
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Ok, I had to keep my brain busy this weekend,so I chose a book that is totally concentrating on a subject from another time and place . This was the first book I purchased for my Kindle,so thought I'd read one of my older ones .


Captured : A True Story of Abduction by Indians on the Texas Frontier by Scott Zesch 3/5


This story is taken directly from the author's family history . One of his Great Uncles(many "greats " ago), back in 1870,was captured by Indians . It seems that it was a fairly common occurrence in the area of Texas their families lived in . They were mostly settlers from Germany in that area,and several families had kidnappings,either of kids or sometimes ladies.

The main age group the Indians seemed to choose were kids between age 8-10 ... they also kidnapped ladies,but very seldom did they hold them and keep them. They usually were raped and killed .

The little girls who were taken were usually given to a woman in the tribe who may have lost a child,so the Indians brought her a replacement .

The girls were treated well for the most part, and became a part of the new family, being taught all the ladie's jobs in the tribe.

The boys were raised to hunt and fish and ride horses well . As they matured, they became very attached to their Indian family and actually liked their way of life. Very few ever missed their old ways and didnt want to return home after a time.

There were white traders who traveled through the different areas and when they would spot a white child ,they would try to get some information from them on who they were and where they were from. At this time, the government had a system in place to barter with the Indians to trade the child for money or food or horses, or other possessions .

This is how some of the kids got to return home .

The book started out interesting,then had a huge "dry spot" in the middle that went into too much detail .

In the beinning, the author tells about going to look for the Great Uncle's grave,which had no headstone,just a small marker of some sort. He began researching the story and trying to piece together this family mystery . Sadly, there weren't many people left who knew the story,so he had to do some digging to locate other kids who had also been kidnapped during the same time frame,and ask THEIR families questions. They DID know some of the details of this uncle,so the author gradually pieced it all together as best as he could .

The book tells of Indian raids and customs, and told a different side of them than you usually hear .

It made you look at them in a whole new way and makes you wonder who the "bad guys " really were . I think the Whites played as big a part in being " bad guys "as the Indians did. They treated them very poorly, took all their land, made empty promises, etc .

So by the end, you truly dont know who to root for . The ending of the book told about this uncle who had been captured and how his life turned out once he was back among family. It seems he had a really hard time adjusting to his old ways ,and couldnt ever get used to sleeping on a bed, living in a house and other daily things we all do. He was very quiet and never discussed his time away,so people in town more or less steered clear of him and little kids were afraid of him .

One day, he just disappeared ,and went to live way out in a cave for the remainder of his life . It seemed he was happier there .

At the end, the author goes back to the spot where this uncle had been kidnapped ,and also crawled up into the cave where he lived his last days ,and made sure he had a proper tombstone on his grave .

It was an interesting book because it makes you think about these kids and how they were able to adjust to such a different life,and how they actually became friends and felt like the Indians were their true family. None of them held ill will against them ,most of them preferring the Indian lifestyle .

I'm giving this 3/5 because of the dry part in the center,but other than that, it made you think and learn, which is what all books should do .

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So many books lose their way in the middle .. it's a pity. Still, great review Julie :smile: .. it sounds like a good read. I too felt sad for the Uncle, like a fish out of water even though it was a return to his roots. It's funny how we have the notion that people, used to more primitive conditions, would prefer to live with mod-cons etc ... often it's not the case. I read a book about Romania .. whereby poverty and changed circumstances led many families to emigrate to places like Germany, Britain and the US etc .. but the older generation that went with them invariably couldn't adjust and lost the will to live. In Romania, though poor, their lives revolved around the seasons and the countryside .. folklore etc and then they ended up in high rises surrounded by noise and technology :(

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