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The Whisperers - by John Connolly


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Another new author for me.


"The border between Maine & Canada is porous. Anything can be smuggled across it: drugs, cash weapons, people. Now a group of disenchanted ex-soldiers has begun it's own smuggling operation, and their cargo is stranger and more terrifying than anyone can imagine.


Anyone, that is, except private detective Charlie Parker, who has his own intimate knowledge of the darkness in men's hearts. Brought in to investigate an apparant suicide, Parker discovers an epidemic of deaths among the former combatants."



I was intrigued at trying a book that mixes a detective style with a supernatural style. I wasn't sure it would work, but I was drawn in by the first few pages. Even though this book is some way into a series, I didn't find that to be a problem. Important back-story is gone over in enough detail for newbies like me to get what's going on.


I found that you could almost split this book in two. The first half of the book is mostly straight detective fiction. I was most reminded of Ian Rankin in style (which is no bad thing IMO!). Slowly the supernatural elements creep in, and by the second half of the book, it's almost entirely supernatural. Mixed in with this a good dose of social comment about the plight of injured soldiers and their treatment when they come home.


While I wasn't completely convinced that the book worked - I thought the ending was rushed as the author was trying to get too much into the last few chapters, I have certainly read enough to tempt me to read more by him




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I am glad you enjoyed this, I have read all the John Connolly Charlie Parker series as well as his other books and am a big fan. I do think though its worth reading the other stories as they do go into more depth about the character of Charlie and how his past has affected both the way he acts as a PI but also how he interacts with the more supernatural elements of his life.


There is a new one out later this year and I can't wait. :D

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Yesterday started reading John Connolly book Black Angel. It is very interesting and exciting. I read one other book of this series but forget name but it was very good also, about a doctor accused of child molesting. If you like these books maybe also enjoy Repairman Jack stories, from F. Paul wilson. Also supernatural detective stories.

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I just finished reading The Black Angel, and it was really great. One of the few books I have read lately that I really could not stop reading until it was finished. I liked it much more than The Unquiet, though I liked that one very much also. When I get back to Chiang mai I will quickly return to used bookstore to buy other books from this series.

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