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Just to let people know that James Marsters (Spike in Buffy) is guesting in the next series of Torchwood! :thud:


So the second series is already better than the first, lol! :)

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My brother told me that Torchwood begins in the UK in January 2008, but I don't know where he got that info from or if it's true!


Spike (sorry, James) is apparently in the first episode playing "a naughty boy, a bit of a psychopath really" (James Marsters' words). So not much change there then! :)

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James Marsters (Spike in Buffy) is guesting in the next series of Torchwood! :lol:


So the second series is already better than the first, lol!


I know! My thoughts exactly! :lol: (Are you also a Buffy fan, Mia?)


Hopefully, Martha will be allowed to have some, erm, fun in Cardiff after heartbroken-ly trailing around after the Doctor :(

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I know! My thoughts exactly! :lol: (Are you also a Buffy fan, Mia?)


I'm a mad keen Buffy fan PDR, plus an Angel fan! I really love Joss Whedon's writing; there's so much humour (who can forget Spike's classic "Out for a walk... b***h"?) :lol: I also like to see strong women fighting and beating up the bad guys, such as Buffy, Dark Angel, Sydney in Alias etc, probably because I wish I could do that!


It will be interesting to see if James can make this Torchwood character different, even though it seems so similar to Spike. I've only ever seen him as Spike (not that that's a bad thing, you understand). :(

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  • 9 months later...

Heyyyyyyyy peeps. This thread is sorta dead.


Just wanted to say that I've now seen all 13 episodes of the first series of Torchwood! Woohoo! I got the DVD boxset. You should've seen my face when my mum said I could get it :readingtwo:


But not the dance....that was embarrassing.....


I think one of my favourites was actually that guy with the funny name who died then stuck around as a ghost. I can't remember his name now. Thought it was sweet - though strange that we've never seen him before.


Turns out, there were only about 2 or three totally new ones to me. The rest I'd seen in whole or part.



I had a Torchwood dream the other night. Anyone interested in hearing the details? It was like a whole episode on its own!

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Heyyyyyyyy peeps. This thread is sorta dead.


Just wanted to say that I've now seen all 13 episodes of the first series of Torchwood! Woohoo! I got the DVD boxset. You should've seen my face when my mum said I could get it ;)



I think one of my favourites was actually that guy with the funny name who died then stuck around as a ghost. I can't remember his name now. Thought it was sweet - though strange that we've never seen him before.


Turns out, there were only about 2 or three totally new ones to me. The rest I'd seen in whole or part.



I had a Torchwood dream the other night. Anyone interested in hearing the details? It was like a whole episode on its own!


Wooh for you DWMG


Oh you mean Eugene in Random Shoes.

My fave episodes from series 1 are probably: Captain Jack Harkness and End of Days


Ooh I'd love to hear it.

Then I can always tell you mine :readingtwo:;)

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Eugene! That's it!


Okay, my dream. I had it the night of the pre-watershed repeat of the finale. I'd just read a chapter of my Torchwood book.


I was running through the streets (I think I was Gwen at this point) and I was looking for the library - not for the books, for something inside it - but I never found it; instead, I went into this room, and there were a load of people sat around tables with those gingham tableclothes. It looked for all the world like a coffee morning.


But they were eating people.


I went outside again and my dad was there, and we both went in again. I think I was me again by now. I stood at the door and I asked them three questions, but I can only remember one of them: "Have you finished?"


So I turned and saw my dad messing around trying to get this coat into a big black bag (the bag exists in real life), so I yelled at him that we were about to die and we had to run, but he didn't stop so I grabbed it off him and we ran past this guy at the door, who was also a cannibal. You know the guy in Countrycide, the main cannibal guy, they all had eyes like him.


So we ran back to the Hub, except it didn't look like the Hub, it was like these 2 very small hills, running parrallel to each other. They both had openings in them, with black metal bars across. Me and my dad tried to get under and I remember going: "My white jeans!" (I was wearing them....though I'm sure I wasn't earlier). I went under on my own, and my 2 friends Becca and Nat were there. Becca didn't say anything, and Nat said a little, but I can't remember what.


When I got inside, Owen was at his computer doing something random. He said something about them having his gun, and him being electronically linked to it so that whenever he was touched, it moved. He only told me this after I had touched him (calm down, not like that), and when I turned around the main cannibal guy was there, and I think Owen faded away (only in my head, not the storyline). This guy had some gloopy liquid in his hand and said something about rewriting fate. The gloop formed into an egg, which he put into a jar. He turned it upside down and a bit of slime came out (though, bizarely, the egg didn't).


The egg was somehow Owen, you see. Unfortunately, that was when my alarm went off.

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Eugene! That's it!


Okay, my dream. I had it the night of the pre-watershed repeat of the finale. I'd just read a chapter of my Torchwood book.


I was running through the streets (I think I was Gwen at this point) and I was looking for the library - not for the books, for something inside it - but I never found it; instead, I went into this room, and there were a load of people sat around tables with those gingham tableclothes. It looked for all the world like a coffee morning.


But they were eating people.


I went outside again and my dad was there, and we both went in again. I think I was me again by now. I stood at the door and I asked them three questions, but I can only remember one of them: "Have you finished?"


So I turned and saw my dad messing around trying to get this coat into a big black bag (the bag exists in real life), so I yelled at him that we were about to die and we had to run, but he didn't stop so I grabbed it off him and we ran past this guy at the door, who was also a cannibal. You know the guy in Countrycide, the main cannibal guy, they all had eyes like him.


So we ran back to the Hub, except it didn't look like the Hub, it was like these 2 very small hills, running parrallel to each other. They both had openings in them, with black metal bars across. Me and my dad tried to get under and I remember going: "My white jeans!" (I was wearing them....though I'm sure I wasn't earlier). I went under on my own, and my 2 friends Becca and Nat were there. Becca didn't say anything, and Nat said a little, but I can't remember what.


When I got inside, Owen was at his computer doing something random. He said something about them having his gun, and him being electronically linked to it so that whenever he was touched, it moved. He only told me this after I had touched him (calm down, not like that), and when I turned around the main cannibal guy was there, and I think Owen faded away (only in my head, not the storyline). This guy had some gloopy liquid in his hand and said something about rewriting fate. The gloop formed into an egg, which he put into a jar. He turned it upside down and a bit of slime came out (though, bizarely, the egg didn't).


The egg was somehow Owen, you see. Unfortunately, that was when my alarm went off.


Erm ok my dreams are a little less weird and a lot more fun :readingtwo:


Countrycide >> worst TW ep ever (it freaked me out and made me feel sick which has never happened before or since)


Ok do you want to hear about my TW dream i had last night?

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;) ok...


I'm going to write it like a story because it's easier.

Well 1st things first I was like 19 :D also Tosh and Owen were still alive


I was in the hub talking to Tosh and Gwen when suddenly the guys walked in soaking wet. :readingtwo:

So I told Gwen to fetch some towels.

Me and Tosh asked what happened and Owen replied "We got wet" so we just laughed.

"Any particular reason?" I asked

"Somebody forgot to fill up the SUV" Jack groaned. "So we had to walk"

Ianto looked sheepish

Then Gwen came in with the towels.

"Sorry but you're going to have to get those clothes off" I said

Everybody looked at me

"I didn't mean it that way!" I blushed "I just meant so they don't catch a cold"

Ianto smiled.

Jack laughed.

"Fine by me" he winked

So the boys went to get sorted.

Suddenly we heard shouts coming from where the guys were.

We ran down there and the weevil (Janet) had escaped and was coming towards them.

Suddenly Owen stepped out from behing Jack wearing only boxer shorts (;) don't ask) and the weevil stopped and bowed down to him.

"I'm still king of the weevils then" he grinned

He started to walk away but then the weevil lunged at me and Tosh (Gwen was hiding behind something)

So Ianto and Jack grabbed it while Owen gave it a tranquiliser.

"Think you girls can handle taking Janet down to the vaults?" Ianto asked

"Sure" I grinned.

When I'd put the weevil back I was just about to get out when the vault door shut.

I started shouting telling them to stop messing about.

Then suddenly this creepy man with a long ponytail appeared.

He just waved and said goodbye.

Then the weevil started to wake up.

Luckily Tosh had got the vault's security cam up on the pc so she told the guys to get down there.

When they got down there Janet was just about to attack but Owen growled and it backed off.

They got me out and I kissed them all to say thanks :D:lol: (my kind of thanks)


Once I dream the next part I'll tell you all

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Ok then :roll:


Well Ianto made us some coffee and we were just chatting.

Then we had a game of truth, dare, double dare, kiss command or promise :lol:

Tosh was first and she picked truth.

So Jack asked her "Ok, Tosh is it true that you used to be in love with Owen?"

Tosh and Owen went bright red and so I slapped Jack and told him off.

But Tosh said "It's ok, I'll answer"

Everyone looked at her.

"Yes it is true" Tosh smiled "And I still am"

Everyone smiled.

"Go on then answer her!" Gwen told Owen

"You know what Tosh" Owen started

"What?" Tosh asked nervously

"I love you" Owen blushed "I've loved you all along"

Then he kissed her.

"Ok can we get on with the game?" Jack asked impatiently

Ianto gave him a little shove.

"Ok" Tosh grinned

"Laura you're next" Ianto smirked

I laughed "Ok...kiss"

Jack smirked.

"I have the perfect one" he winked "Kiss all us guys" :):lol:

I giggled "Fine by me but Owen,Tosh just remember it doesn't mean anything. "

So I kissed them all :cry2:


Then I woke up

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

oooh, yeah!


I had a Pellinor (book series) dream a while ago, one part of which involved someone sort of almost running this person over in order to get them into a car, and I was rather freaked to see last night that there is a new film coming out soon which shows exactly that O.O

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