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Interesting Book Dedications?


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Do you read the dedications in a book? I always do, because I love the dedications in my own books. They're really important to me, like the plot itself. And dedications often speak the most about the character of a writer. A book without a dedication is a love letter without a recepient. As Stephen King himself quotes, all books are letters written to one person.


So have you come across any interesting dedications?


I have a few which are widely quoted on the other book forums I've lurked around for years.


These are from Tad Williams's Otherland series:


Book 1: City of Golden Shadow


"This Book is dedicated to my father Joseph Hill Evans with love.

Actually Dad doesn’t read fiction, so if someone doesn’t tell him about this, he’ll never know."



Book 2: River of Blue Fire


"This Book is dedicated to my father Joseph Hill Evans with love.

As I said before, Dad doesn’t read fiction. He still hasn’t noticed that this thing is dedicated to him. This is Volume Two – let’s see how many more until he catches on."



Book 3: Mountain of Black Glass


"This is still dedicated to you-know-who, even if he doesn’t.

Maybe we can keep this a secret all the way to the final volume."



Book 4: Sea of Silver Light


"My father still hasn’t actually cracked any of the books – so, no, he still hasn’t noticed. I think I’m just going to have to tell him. Maybe I should break it to him gently.


'Everyone here who hasn’t had a book dedicated to them, take three steps forward. Whoops, Dad, hang on there for a second...' "


I also remember liking the dedications in Harry Potter And The Deathy Hallows a lot too. And the one in The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe.


Call me arrogant but I kinda like my dedications the best :blush:. Mostly because to each writer, his/her own feelings reflect in the book dedications a lot.

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Those Tad Williams dedications are great :blush:


Agreed. There are a lot of very funny ones these days, but I'd have to start pulling books from shelves if I had to remember specific titles... The place is untidy as it is, and if I start creating more chaos I'll never get anything done. As soon as I have time to put together a list of the best I'll post them here.

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:blush: I've never read anything by Tad Williams, but he seems to be a brilliantly humorous guy. I haven't encountered a funny or interesting book dedication, yet, but I do love reading them. I think it's wonderful to dedicate a work of art, such as a book, an album, etc, to someone special.
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I haven't even heard of Tad Williams and have no idea what he even writes ! I know that I spent ages though writing the dedication page in my own tome. The best one I ever saw was Tim Freke and Peter Gandy's The Jesus Mysteries "to those who know they do not know". That would include me and most of the population I would think (hope - as I have a strong dislike of anyone who is arrogant enough to think that they do know, bearing in mind what this book is about).

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Neil Gaiman's dedication in Anansi Boys reads:




You know how it is. You pick up a book, flip to the dedication, and find that, once again, the author has dedicated a book to someone else and not to you.


Not This Time.


Because we haven't yet met/have only a glancing acquaintance/are just crazy about each other/haven't seen each other in much too long/are in some way related/will never meet, but will, I trust, despite that, always think fondly of each other...


This one's for you.


With you know what, and you probably know why. :blush:

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The first one that comes to mind is Russell Brand's from My Booky Wook. It always makes me smile :lol::


For my mum,

the most important woman in my life,

this book is dedicated to you.

Now for God's sake don't read it!


:blush::lol: That's brilliant!

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Neil Gaiman's dedication in Anansi Boys reads:




You know how it is. You pick up a book, flip to the dedication, and find that, once again, the author has dedicated a book to someone else and not to you.


Not This Time.


Because we haven't yet met/have only a glancing acquaintance/are just crazy about each other/haven't seen each other in much too long/are in some way related/will never meet, but will, I trust, despite that, always think fondly of each other...


This one's for you.


With you know what, and you probably know why. :roll:


That's lovely :)


I also liked Rowling's dedication in Deathly Hallows - the way it was arranged into the shape of a lightning bolt was very clever, as was the way it was split into seven.

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That's lovely :)


I also liked Rowling's dedication in Deathly Hallows - the way it was arranged into the shape of a lightning bolt was very clever, as was the way it was split into seven.


I remember thinking that was really clever too :)


One of the funnier ones I remember is P.G.Wodehouse



He dedicated The Heart of a Goof to his daughter "without whose never-failing sympathy and encouragement this book would have been finished in half time."



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lol I remember one but I can't recall the writer's name or even the book's title.


It was by a woman though. Something about the book being dedicated to her daughter who put down the Lord Of The Rings to read the first draft.



It was Cornelia Funke's Inkheart!

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The funniest dedications I have come across in recent books have been the ones in the Skullduggery Pleasant books by Derek Landy. In book 1


This book is dedicated to my parents, John and Barbara

Dad-this is for your bizzarely unwaivering support and unflinching faith

Mum- this is for that look on you face when I told you the good news

I owe you absolutely everything y'know , I suppose it's entirely possible I feel some, like, degree of affection towards the two of you.


In book 2

This book is dedicated to my family - becasue otherwise I would never hear the end of it..

Nadine: warm and considerate i am all of those things

Audrey: the greatest thrill of you life is probably that i am your brother

Ivan: meaningless words such as 'brilliant', 'amazing' and 'inspirational' have been used to describe me but not nearly enough

If any of you thought ther would be anything sincere or heartfelt in your dedications, allow me a moment to quietly laugh at you.

Because the heartfelt sincerity in restricted for my nana.

Chic this is also dedicated to you, for all the love and support you've shown me over the yeaars. I love you much more than any of you other grandchildren do, I swear.


oh and the books are very good as well

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The funniest dedications I have come across in recent books have been the ones in the Skullduggery Pleasant books by Derek Landy. In book 1


This book is dedicated to my parents, John and Barbara

Dad-this is for your bizzarely unwaivering support and unflinching faith

Mum- this is for that look on you face when I told you the good news

I owe you absolutely everything y'know , I suppose it's entirely possible I feel some, like, degree of affection towards the two of you.


In book 2

This book is dedicated to my family - becasue otherwise I would never hear the end of it..

Nadine: warm and considerate i am all of those things

Audrey: the greatest thrill of you life is probably that i am your brother

Ivan: meaningless words such as 'brilliant', 'amazing' and 'inspirational' have been used to describe me but not nearly enough

If any of you thought ther would be anything sincere or heartfelt in your dedications, allow me a moment to quietly laugh at you.

Because the heartfelt sincerity in restricted for my nana.

Chic this is also dedicated to you, for all the love and support you've shown me over the yeaars. I love you much more than any of you other grandchildren do, I swear.


oh and the books are very good as well


Yes! I love the Skulduggery books, and I remember laughing at the dedications too. :D

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To Quan Xiang-Yi

who in 1846 was given the title

'distinguished failure' in recognition

of his 20 years spent failing the

Chinese Civil Service entrance exams.

Buoyed up by this honor, he went

on to fail several times more.


From The Return Of Heroic Failures by Stephen Pile









From Star Wars: Vision Of The Future by Timothy Zahn




Friend, Literary Agent

and Slave Driver

In appreciation


From The Watch Below by James White


To my wife

for putting up with it


From The New Science Of Strong Materials by J.E. Gordon

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