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Steph's Reading Log 2010


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I've decided to write a reading log on here so that I can keep up to date with what I'm reading, as well as motivating myself to read more. Last year I read 62 books, and my aim for this year is 80 books. :D



1. A Minor Indiscretion - Carole Matthews 7/10

2. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 10/10

3. All Steamed Up - Kathy Lette 4/10

4. Things I Want My Daughter To Know - Elizabeth Noble 9/10

5. Alphabet Weekends - Elizabeth Noble 8/10

6. The Tenko Club - Elizabeth Noble 6/10



7. The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening - LJ Smith 6/10

8. The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle - LJ Smith 7/10

9. The Vampire Diaries: The Fury - LJ Smith 7/10

10. The Vampire Diaries: The Reunion - LJ Smith 6/10

11. Let the Right One In - John Ajvide Lindqvist 8/10



12. Second Chance - Jane Green 5/10

13. Boy Meets Girl - Meg Cabot 6/10

14. Twenties Girl - Sophie Kinsella 7/10

15. Cell - Stephen King (Currently reading)

Edited by Stephanie2008
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My reading list for 2010 (Not in any particular order):

This list will get added to as the year goes on :roll:


Stephen King - Misery (currently reading)

Stephen King - Carrie

Stephen King - Dolores Clairborne

Stephen King - Green Mile (re-read)

Charles Dickens - David Copperfield

Charles Dickens - Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist (re-read)

Jim Dwyer & Kevin Flynn - 102 Minutes

Margaret Atwood - Handmaid's Tale (re-read)

John Ajvide Lindqvist - Let the Right One In

Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice (currently reading)

George Orwell - 1984 (re-read)

Russell Brand - Articles of Faith

Bram Stoker - Dracula

Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights

Titania Hardie - Rose Labyrinth

Peter Straub - Ghost Story

Lou Wakefield - Hot to Trot

Cecelia Ahern - The Gift

Cecelia Ahern - A Place Called Here

Philippa Gregory - The Tudor Series

Anne Rice - Interview With A Vampire

Anne Rice - The Vampire Lestat

Anne Rice - Queen of the Damned

Charles Frazier - Cold Mountain

Meg Cabot - Queen of Babble

David Gibbons - Last Gospel

Sharon Griffiths - Accidental Time Traveller

Wendy Holden - Filthy Rich

Maile Meloy - Liars and Saints

Jojo Moyes - Sheltering Rain

Mike Gayle - To Do List

Jodi Picoult - Change of Heart

Elizabeth Noble - Things I Want My Daughter To Know

Jane Green - Second Chance

Dan Brown - Angels and Demons

Kate Morton - House at Riverton

Kate Morton - Forgotten Garden

Marian Keyes - Anybody Out There

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My reading list for 2010 (Not in any particular order):

This list will get added to as the year goes on :roll:


Stephen King - Misery (currently reading)

Stephen King - Carrie

Stephen King - Dolores Clairborne

Stephen King - Green Mile (re-read)

Charles Dickens - David Copperfield

Charles Dickens - Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist (re-read)

Jim Dwyer & Kevin Flynn - 102 Minutes

Margaret Atwood - Handmaid's Tale (re-read)

John Ajvide Lindqvist - Let the Right One In

Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice (currently reading)

George Orwell - 1984 (re-read)

Russell Brand - Articles of Faith

Bram Stoker - Dracula

Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights

Titania Hardie - Rose Labyrinth

Peter Straub - Ghost Story

Lou Wakefield - Hot to Trot

Cecelia Ahern - The Gift

Cecelia Ahern - A Place Called Here

Philippa Gregory - The Tudor Series

Anne Rice - Interview With A Vampire

Anne Rice - The Vampire Lestat

Anne Rice - Queen of the Damned

Charles Frazier - Cold Mountain

Meg Cabot - Queen of Babble

David Gibbons - Last Gospel

Sharon Griffiths - Accidental Time Traveller

Wendy Holden - Filthy Rich

Maile Meloy - Liars and Saints

Jojo Moyes - Sheltering Rain

Mike Gayle - To Do List

Jodi Picoult - Change of Heart

Elizabeth Noble - Things I Want My Daughter To Know

Jane Green - Second Chance

Dan Brown - Angels and Demons

Kate Morton - House at Riverton

Kate Morton - Forgotten Garden

Marian Keyes - Anybody Out There


A few in there I have read, quite a few classics. I noticed the Russell Brand one in there. can't wait for your review on that one. I have still to read his autobiography yet.

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I really like Russell Brand's humour so I enjoyed his autobigraphy and I've part read this book, it's like a collection of his articles from whichever newspaper he writes for. It has quite a lot of football references though, which might put some people off.

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Stephen King - Misery (currently reading)

Stephen King - Carrie

Stephen King - Dolores Clairborne

Stephen King - Green Mile (re-read)

Charles Dickens - David Copperfield

Charles Dickens - Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist (re-read)

Margaret Atwood - Handmaid's Tale (re-read)

John Ajvide Lindqvist - Let the Right One In

Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice (currently reading)

Bram Stoker - Dracula

Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights

Anne Rice - Interview With A Vampire

Dan Brown - Angels and Demons


What a great list, a lot of great reads ahead of you! Happy reading Stephanie! :roll:

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Book 2: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen




From Amazon:

"When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited; he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that Darcy has involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever. In the sparkling comedy of manners that follows, Jane Austen shows the folly of judging by first impressions and superbly evokes the friendships, gossip and snobberies of provincial middle-class life."


I first read this as part of a GCSE project a few years ago when we had to analyse the proposal scenes thoughout the novel. It was one of the first books I can remember falling in love with whilst reading :lol: For me, Mr Collins makes this book. I love the comedic aspect of his character and the proposal scene between him and Elizabeth. It's easy to see why this book is such a classic and one of my favourites :D For me, Elizabeth and Mr Darcy are the ultimate literary couple :D Also, anyone who loves this book must see the BBC version with Colin Firth as Mr Darcy and Alison Steadman as the fantastic Mrs Bennett :)


Rating: 10/10 :lol:

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Book 3: All Steamed Up by Kathy Lette


This book was free as part of a campaign by Radox to help de-stress women. Intended as a book for the bath, the book was released with splashproof pages. It's a short story (only 38 pages) which focuses on the marriage of Katie and Stephen and their children Jessica and Jamie.


The very first page, the author information and letter, was very entertaining and funny, discussing the flaws of being a housewife and how tough it is to be a woman in modern day society. However the story itself was very disappointing. The main character has a lot of obstacles regarding people in her life, from her husband, to her boss, to her step-sister. Overall, this book spans 23 years in 38 pages which leaves it feeling very rushed and brief. As it's so short, I didn't feel much sympathy for Katie, as you didn't really get the chance to know her. Also, the ending is very obvious and I felt as though there were too many unanswered questions. I wasn't expecting much from this book, but I don't think I would read it again.


Rating: 4/10

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I like the idea of a splashproof book! :) Shame it was a bit of a let down.


I read Pride and Prejudice for the first time last year* (and immediately watched the BBC version for the first time) and although I found it quite difficult to get into, I simply loved it once I did! :lol:


ETA: *Actually it was 2008!

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I know, someone could make a fortune on Splash-proof books :) I would buy them, I do most of my reading in the bath.


I know what you mean about Pride and Prejudice. It's the language that gets me, with older books I always struggle at first with the vocab adjustment. :lol:

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Book 4: Things I Want My Daughter To Know by Elizabeth Noble




From Amazon:

"'My beautiful girls. If you've read this, you'll know it contains some - not all, but some - of the things I want my daughters to know. And the greatest of these is love ...' How would you say goodbye to those you love most in the world? Barbara must say a final farewell to her four daughters. But how can she find the words? And how can she leave them when they each have so much growing up to do? There's commitment-phobic Lisa. Brittle, unhappily married Jennifer. Free-spirited traveller Amanda. And teenage Hannah, stumbling her way towards adulthood. Barbara's answer is to write each daughter a letter, finally expressing the hopes, fears, dreams and secrets she couldn't always voice. These words will touch the girls in different - sometimes shocking - ways, unlocking emotions and passions to set them on their own journey of discovery through life. "


Wow, I loved this book. Started reading it at 12 last night and stayed awake until 4 to finish it (although I really shouldn't have, I had work to do today and was really sleepy :)). It was funny at times and really sad at times too (I don't often cry at books but I was balling my eyes out before page 40). The story is so sweet and each of the sisters has good aspects that I really latched onto and wanted each of them to have a happy ending. At the beginning, I thought it was going to be a bit depressing, along the lines of PS I Love You with the letter writing, but I was really surprised at how much of a feel-good book it was. Fantastic!


Rating: 9/10 :lol: Added to my list of favourites!

Edited by Stephanie2008
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Hmmm .. I have '10 Things ..' on my bookshelves. My friend lent it to me and said it was fantastic, right after she'd told me she was bawling her eyes out for the first couple of chapters!! You see a book which makes you cry doesn't seem much like fun to me :)


However, your review was fantastic and has made me want to move it up the pile that is TBR! Thanks Steph, glad you enjoyed it :lol:

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I read Things I Want..... last year and I really loved it, even though it was a sad story and I cried loads there were some lovely parts in it and I felt like I knew all the characters so well! I'm glad you enjoyed it too Steph, I think she had written a couple of other books but I haven't got around to reading them yet :lol:


Charm - you should deffo bump this up a few more places on your list!

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