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Rawr's Reads... (started 2009)


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As you are probably aware I didn't like Under The Dome too much and stopped reading about three quarters of the way through, I speed-read through the last 100 or so pages just to finish the darn thing and overall it is a very disappointing journey in an avid King fan's opinion :censored: Great idea, not executed to even half the potential it could have been for me.

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That's sad about Under the Dome, Rawr! I was looking forward to attempting this sometime since I thought it might be a return to 'classic King' :censored:. Bravo to you for finishing it though, despite the disappointment!

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Sounds promising, the narrative is very odd and jumpy so far, but it's interesting for sure :)


I think it starts quite jumpily .... and doesn't really settle until Liesel arrives at Himmel Street and then it just builds and builds. The narrative is unusual, but once you've got the characters in your head it all becomes easier. It's a book well worth persevering with.


Although I did read it first, I also later downloaded it from Audible and the reading by Allan Corduner is phenomenal ... absolutely excellent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh you should, it's very much on the Orwellian themes but definitely has it's own personality, he's a fantastic writer with strong and well expressed arguments on our society, a lot of the book is relevant firmly today despite being over half a century old now.

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  • 1 month later...

I think it is four times through now but I like to dip in and out of sections, there are some wonderful scenes in the book, the imagination of the situation is fantastic from King isn't it? There's so much he shows you inside that single house that you can't help but be compelled :D Wilkes gets more disturbing each time you read, the psychological aspect is so real that it is frightening.

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Wilkes is definitely a very disturbing and disturbed character, yikes! I think Kathy Bates nailed that role, when I'm reading the book I definitely have her in my mind. I think one of King's strong points is how he can create such amazing things from so little. I mean,

I've nearly ****** my pants everytime Wilkes goes driving and leaves Sheldon alone, and he gets to the other rooms in his weelchair. And him knocking down the penguin (?), leaving scratch marks in the door frames, jamming the pins in the lock and all that... tiny detailed elements which are just so utterly horrifying.

The scenes are so vivid!


Now I want to re-read the book, no fair! :D

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Bates is like exactly how she should be, certainly character portrayal with respect at it's heart. I think Sheldon is dead on too, I always laugh when he stares at the pig, it's hilarious! There's so much in the book that's funny too, some intentional and some black comedy moments. The suspense really does kill you in so many parts of the story, you get completely involved and you seriously just do not know what is going to happen with Annie. She's completely unpredictable and that's the best kind of character, you are guessing and grimacing with each turn of the page because the woman is completely mad :D

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I loved how Wilkes told Sheldon about those Saturday matinees she used to go with her brother (?) and that one particular time when she got sooo mad at the end of her favorite show. She'd seen the car go down the cliff and flames and all and the hero was supposed to have gone with the car, and next week it was totally different, they showed another kind of ending where the hero got out of the car in the nick of time. She was furious :D And hated others who didn't care about how it had ended in a completely different way the other week. Sheldon really needs to tip-toe around her, there's no knowing what'll set her off ;)

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I also love the ever so delightfully quotable 'Here's one big b*****d of a cheque' :)



I love Annie :D

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:D I've never read the book in English but I recently bought an English copy and now I get to read what she keeps saying when she's having her furious fits! Some of the stuff she says in Finnish is totally absurd and whack ;) One of her favorite ones was 'kakipupsidupsi', 'kaki' being a very kiddie-language-like word for poo, and 'pupsidupsi' not meaning anything at all really :D It doesn't matter what you do, but if you use filthy language you're on a bad path and a terrible person, aye??
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Haha that is very interesting to know, how such crazy things are interpreted in another language is cool. I don't even know what her language means in english half the time, i love her made up words :D

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  • 1 month later...

Finished my re-read of Deathly Hallows and now embarking upon a re-read of Shelley's beautiful Frankenstein amongst bits and bobs of other things :D

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