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Nicola's Reading List 2009


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Glad you enjoyed The Blue Nowhere Nicola ;) (although 9/10? Jeez you are a hard girl to please! :))


Scary stuff eh? Really makes you think before you enter personal stuff online doesn't it? :blush:

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I've just finished The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory and thought it was fantastic!


The book follows the life of Mary Boleyn as she becomes King Henry VIIIs mistress, mother to his children and eventually gets put to one side as her Sister Anne makes a play for the throne of England at the request of her family to enable them to rise up the social ladder. The books reminds the reader of how women were used as pawns in the game of marriage, to benefit their family.


Due to the lack of an heir to the throne from Queen Katharine of Aragon, the king begins to think that his marriage is cursed. Anne, at the insistence of her father and uncle, re-inforces these doubts and set off a chain of events that enable Henry to divorce his wife, become head of the church within England and become one of the greatest tyrants Endland has known. Although Anne basically changed life for women across the country by allowing men to divorce their wives on a whim, she didn't realise that it would also be her undoing when she loses favour of the King. She put Queen Katharine of Aragon through hell and found herself in exactly the same position 10 years later.


I really loved this book and cant wait to start the direct sequel The Boleyn Inheritance which is currently sat on my shelves purring at me. :lol:10/10 !!!!

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I've just finished The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory and like it's predecessor I found it very enjoyable. It's an interesting way to learn our history :lol: I recently went to London and visited the Tower knowing exactly what had happened there and why.


The book begins as Henry VIII is looking for his forth wife after the death of his 3rd wife Jane Seymour. He settles on marrying Anne of Cleves but after their 1st meeting resulted in her accidentally insulting him and denting his pride, he disliked her immensely and sought a way to rid himself of her. At the same time, Katherine Howard who was Anne of Cleves lady in waiting and a massive flirt (she loves men!), sees an opportunity to gain a few fancy dresses by praising the king and making him believe that he is still young, handsome and desirable to her. She takes the King's eye and quickly becomes his favourite 'rose without a thorn'. She is 15 and he is 49. There are quite a few moments throughout the book when I found myself laughing out-loud at Katherine. She is shameless and hilarious!


As in The Other Boleyn Girl, she is pushed into this life (and death) by the desires of her Uncle who will gain estates and titles due to her success. However, in The Other Boleyn Girl Anne Boleyn is portrayed as being a strong-willed and clever woman who doesn't listen to the bidding of her uncle. In this book we learn that Katherine Howard truely is a pawn in a man's game. Due to immaturity and poor education, she is manipulated by her uncle and the King gropes her in public which she finds very uncomfortable but puts up with to keep him happy. Even up until the hours before her execution she didn't understand the situation she was in and was sure that the King would forgive her.


I loved this book! 9/10

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I finally gave in to temptation and bought the first book in the Sookie Stackhouse series - Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris.


I thoroughly enjoyed it and think I'm pretty hooked already.....eeeek!! Basically, Sookie Stackhouse is a waitress in a small town bar and she can read minds. Used to the hustle and bustle of other peoples thoughts she meets a vampire called Bill whose mind is silent to her. She finds this calming and gradually builds a relationship which turns romantic, with him. At the same time, a murderer is on the prowl with most victims being girls who have had a sexual relationship with vampires and it isn't long before Sookie herslf is a target.


I really enjoyed this book as it didn't take too long to read and the story was entertaining. 8.5/10

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I agree with you :D I'm totally addicted already and have only read one book (although I'm determined to pace myself because I read Twilight far too quickly!). What is it about vampires that makes it addictive reading? :) I agree with what you say, couldn't put it down!

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(although I'm determined to pace myself because I read Twilight far too quickly!)


I always think "right, I'll read about 50 pages a day to pace myself and no more". Then I get carried away and fly through them in almost a day!! :)


And yeah.....what is it with vampires being such addictive reading!? Twilight, Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles and now these books. Eeeek! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Mysteries.


Well......after thinking I'd make my way through these books slowly I've done the usual thing of racing through them with lightening speed! I couldn't put them down and with thanks to Waterstones' 3 for 2 offer I bought them all and read them all in about 10 days. Eeeeek!


Overall my favourite book was Dead to the World (book 4) which sees Eric, the vampire leader in Sookies neck of the woods, cursed by a witch who removes his memory. Sookie finds Eric on the way home from work and takes him in for his protection.


Sookie sees a softer side to Eric during the few days he spends with her and she begins to have feelings for him, all the while knowing that he's not the 'real' Eric.


I'm really looking forward to May when the next book is released! :D

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Overall my favourite book was Dead to the World (book 4)


I haven't read the last book yet (it arrived in the post yesterday), but like you my favourite so far has been Dead To The World which I'm actually re-reading at the moment. I think it's the one book in the series that most people pick as their favourite - something to do with Eric I suspect :D

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I haven't read the last book yet (it arrived in the post yesterday), but like you my favourite so far has been Dead To The World which I'm actually re-reading at the moment. I think it's the one book in the series that most people pick as their favourite - something to do with Eric I suspect :blush:


Eric??!! Nope.....didn't notice him! :lol::lol:


Yip, Dead To The World was my favourite too :D .. and if True Blood stays to the formula of 1 series per book I cannot wait for series 4! ;)


God.....Imagine series 4!!! Please let it stay true to the book!


Also, in book two, I love the part where Sookie asks Eric to accompany her to the 'orgy' and asks him to pretend to be gay! haaa! I'm hoping that they don't remove it for season 2. I really want to see the tight pink leggings!!!!! Haa! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just finished Eragon by Christopher Paolini which is the first book in the Inheritance cycle.


The story follows a 15 year old farm boy called Eragon who stumbles across a dragon egg in the forest while hunting for meat for his uncle. The dragon chose to hatch for Eragon as he is worthy to become the next Dragon Rider, a league of humans and elves which have magical powers and increased strength. As the Dragon Riders died out long ago, Eragon is taught how to control his new powers by Brom, a powerful magician who has adopted the role of the towns 'cuckoo' storyteller.


The evil king is searching for the dragon egg as he hopes that the rider will serve him. He discovers who found the egg and hunts Eragon down, burning his Uncles farm to the ground and forcing Eragon to exact revenge on the evil empire.


I found the book enjoyable and was suprised to find that the author was only 15 when he wrote it. He keeps the reader interested with the introduction of mythical creatures, the land which is a character in itself and the growing relationship between Eragon and his dragin Saphira.


Although I really enjoyed the book I couldn't help but compare it to Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. There are too many similarities between Eragon's story and Luke Skywalker's, miss the resemblance with Star Wars and the land described is also very similar to Lord of the Rings with elvish retreats, dwarf tunnels, etc. This made me think "oh this happens in Star Wars too" as I was reading it and often found myself diverted from the story because of it.


Overall, a pretty good book and I'll be buying the next book in the cycle (although I'll not be rushing out to buy it) 6.5/10 :)

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Since my last post I've read:


Eldest - Christopher Paolini & Brisingr - Christopher Paolini


I'm really into this series. They're really easy to read and nice to pick up after a stressful day. The story follows on from the first book to see Eragon tackle his training to become an accomplished Dragon Rider while falling in love, becoming a figure head for the revolution against the evil Gallbatorix and growing into a man.


The last book in the series is due soon but as far as I'm aware, there's no set date for release. Can't wait! 8/10


Queen Of The Damned - Anne Rice


Anne Rice is very quickly becoming my favourite author. I love the style in which she writes and the opening chapter, with Lestat setting the scene, read like seductive honey (??) :friends0: The story directly follows on from The Vampire Lestat and see's him attract Akasha, Queen of the vampires. He is lured by her power but her plans for humanity unsettle him. He is truely divided in this book and his soul becomes more tortured. This book also delves further into how the vampire came to exist and travels back thousands ofyears to tell the story.


It was good to see the return of Louis, Gabrielle, Armand & Marius, as well as the introduction of new characters Jessie, David and Maharet. 10/10


The Queen's Fool - Philippa Gregory


This book follows on chronologically from The Boleyn Inheritance and begins during the reign of a very ill King Edward. The story centres around Hannah, a spanish jew who has fled spain with her father, a printer, to escape execution for heresy. Following a chance meeting with Robert Dudley, her gift of 'seeing' the future escalates her into court life as the Kings Holy Fool. We see her try to remain under the radar while Mary comes to the throne, Robert Dudley is imprisoned in the tower and Princess Elizabeth fights for power.


It's a fantastic story and well worth a read. At the end of the book we hear of the death of Queen Mary and the next book, The Virgin's Lover, begins with the Elizabeth coming to the throne. It's next on my TBR list. 9/10

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Great reviews, Nicola! I've had Rice's 'Interview with a Vampire' on my shelf for quite some time and will hopefully be reading it soon. My best friend started reading Rice back in the 90's and I'm just now getting in on the party! :friends0:

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I just love the way she writes....it has a real quality about it. After reading The Vampire Lestat, I read a few books before starting Queen of the Damned. This just made me realise how amazing Anne Rice is when I eventually picked up QOTD, especially after the first chapter with Lestat's silky voice setting the scene. Ah........I just love her!


You should bump it up the list a few places :D and if you don't fall in love with Louis I'll throw myself in front of a bus! (slight exaggeration! :):lol:)

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You should check out that book stall in the Grainger Market.....I saw a copy in there a few weeks ago :D Just make sure you get the right book stall as I made the mistake of looking in the wrong one and found myself surrounded by erotic books and old ladies! :D Mills and Boon.......not good!

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