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Oh boy, not the MMR debate! That always causes nasty arguments. :D basically, one paper was published that seem to suggest some connection between the measles part, and autism. No other piece of research has been able to show the same connection, and plenty of studies have continued to show the safety of the MMR vaccine. In the mean time, many parents have become scared of the MMR, there is a large increase in Measles, especially in London and the SE, and there has been a death.


In case any arguments do start, I will say here and now that as both a practice nurse, and a mother, I am aware that vaccines have risks, as do all medicines, but I believe the risks of the illnesses are greater. My two have had all their jabs, and I give them as part of my job.


I have been rather hurt by some personal comments thrown at me when discussing vaccines on other forums, so I will not be getting involved in any further discussion here should it happen.


Phew.. I'll be quiet now! :D

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Don't worry Michelle, I didn't want to start any sort of argument or anything, I just wanted to make sure what I thought I'd heard about it was right. There's someone in my family that claims MMR gave her son Autism, but I personally don't agree that it does that. I would definitely make sure all my children had their jabs in the future, the risk of not doing that is not worth it imo.

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One of the problems is that autism tends to show most at around 13 months, which is when the MMR is given. I think that when something happens to one of your children, you want answers, and so you look at all events that have happened recently. One important thing to note is that the National Autistic Society supports the MMR.

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I agree on the whole it is better for people to do some research, rather than trying to convince one another either way.

On the subject of proof though, remember the tobacco industry. Both sides knew smoking caused cancer but it took something like 20 years and 20,000 studies to prove it.

Never mind, if this recession continues, we'll all be growing our own veggies and keeping chickens.

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I can only go by my own experience with aspartame. When if first came out, at least when I first learned of it in the earlyish '80's, in Coca Cola and the sweetner Equal I was happy to see something come out of that type that was supposedly "natural". That's the way it was advertised, as a "natural" product. I used to drink a lot of Coca Cola and put lots of sugar in my tea, and started drinking the stuff with aspartame. In about a week I noticed a swelling in my lip, rather pronounced on one side. The only new thing I could think of was the diet Coke, so I stopped drinking it, and in the same week's time frame, the swelling went down. Disappeared completely.


Well, about a year later, I was again taken in by all the adverts on TV and thought I'd try again, surely it must have been a fluke! :D


This time, the reaction was in the same week, but it was a numb spot that began on my eyebrow, at the end, and over the next several days the same numb spot progressed along the eyebrow's bony ridge. I could literally knock on my eyebrow and not feel it.

I stopped the diet stuff again...in the same week's time frame the numbness left me.


I'll never ever try it again I can tell you. Perhaps I have an allergy to it, perhaps it is as bad as some of the websites say. I don't know. I only know that it affects ME in a disturbing manner.


That's my evidence, I may be stubborn, but I don't need a brick wall to fall on me. At least not twice. :D

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The thing is, there are plenty of scientific reports that say it is damaging & plenty that say it's plenty safe. The thing is, like ii & a couple others said, you can twist the data in studies to make them say whatever you want them to, so nobody's ever really sure what's the "real" truth!


Like pontalba, my personal experience with artificial sweeteners dictates that I avoid the stuff like the plague.

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  • 4 years later...

I just looked it up for some reason. I've been drinking some of those Tesco Active Isotonic drinks and they're addictive and I remember a friend saying that she had to cut down drinking so many Lucozade drinks because they thin your blood or something. And I looked up the drink and saw Aspartame. I have to admit, I'm a raging hypochondriac so this doesn't bode well for me and I'm probably over-reacting. I have an addiction to sugar, but most people do. But I've been cutting down. I've had one can of diet Pepsi a day for the past few days but now I'm thinking of being more careful. It's actually worrying. I've got a headache now and I have bad eyesight as it is and read that someone burst all their eye blood vessels from drinking this stuff which freaked me out!


But thanks Michelle for that link, I looked at it and it does make me feel a bit better. Apparently Aspartame is even in kids drinks like Fruit Shoot, so we kinda feed kids this stuff from a young age. I'm definitely gonna start drinking more water once I've finished with these drinks, it would be a waste and I doubt it does that much harm considering I've been drinking Coke and stuff for many years, as I'm sure most people have. But I think I will definitely be looking out for this more often. I don't mind treating myself to fizzy drinks and stuff, but maybe I definitely need to rethink and cut it down a bit.


EDIT: It's even in my Robinson's Apple and Blackcurrant squash. It obviously can't be that bad as I've drunk that stuff all my life and it doesn't give me headaches compared to like Coke and stuff. :/

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risingdawn, you'll see my post above, and it still stands.


You speak of a sugar addiction being so common and boy are you ever right!  I finally managed to practically cut out any sodas.  As for coffee and tea, over the course of at least 5 years I slowly cut down every few months the amount of sugar in them.  Now I take both tea and coffee and tea black.  No sugar or cream or any thing at all.  Plain.

It's a slow process, but worth it.

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muggle, I can only go by my personal experience.  I have no knowledge of "nectresse".


Regarding Splenda however, I've tried several brands of ice cream that use it, and lol, they all seem to taste a bit different.  Some have a strong, rather unpleasant taste.  I have found one brand, Bryers, that the splenda is very mild, and the taste is pretty good.  It has had NO ill effects on me, that's all I can say.  But I don't eat it all the time, not every day by any means, nor in large amounts.  That is the only product I've tried it in.  Since I don't sweeten my tea or coffee, that aspect is inapplicable.

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  • 1 month later...

I would never eat or drink anything that has Aspartame in it.


Have fun with that. It's even in Robinson's squash and stuff like that.


Stevia is the latest sweetener I've been hearing about. Has anyone tried it? I would love to find something to replace the sugar I have in my coffee, but I hate the taste of all the artificial ones.


I know it's in the Drench drinks which I absolutely love the taste of. Not really noticed it though xD

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Well considering that everyday I eat only fruit and brown bread followed by grilled Bio chicken with uncooked broccoli on fridays, I think its safe to say that none of that poison is in my diet. ;) LoL yeah I know I know, to say Ive turned my back on junk food is a understatement!


Have fun with that. It's even in Robinson's squash and stuff like that.



I know it's in the Drench drinks which I absolutely love the taste of. Not really noticed it though xD

Edited by - Fox Mulder -
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Have fun with that. It's even in Robinson's squash and stuff like that.


The fact is, it's easy to avoid.  I rarely drink sodas, and take my tea and coffee plain. 

I don't care for fruit drinks, if I want fruit, I eat it and don't bother with the prepared juices that add sugar or junk anyhow.


I can't think of a thing I'd buy that includes aspartame.  With the allergic reaction I had to it, I have to be careful.

Once when I thought to buy some of the so called diet mixes...by Atkins no less, I read the label carefully and noted it had aspartame in it, along with sucrose (!), I didn't buy it.  Simple.

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Stevia is the latest sweetener I've been hearing about. Has anyone tried it? I would love to find something to replace the sugar I have in my coffee, but I hate the taste of all the artificial ones.

You may or may not like it but will not know until you try it. :) I happen to like it in my tea and when ever i need a sweetener.



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