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The Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix


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Have any of you guys ever read Garth Nix's Abhorsen Trilogy? It's a pretty awesome read. I remember a quiet tone to the writing, like he was writing it in a dark room with a single candle to light his quill on parchment motions. I remember Ancelstierre and how they seemed so primitive in comparison to those across the wall. I remember dead things crawling and scratching and moaning. Creatures with hideous names bearing their rotten teeth at you and gurgling sounds unfathomable.


The only answer to those things that go bump in the night, were the Abhorsen. A magical bloodline whose sole purpose was to constrain all free magic beings. Their weapons included a great knowledge in the orderly and good Charter magic, which relied on a gigantic lexicon of symbols accessible as a realm within the brain, and a set of seven magical bells. The Abhorsen themselves would have to walk on the fringes of death, always feeling its icy pull in their bones.


In the end the series was a success. Full of action and bravery. Horror and suspense. Fear and mystery. I'd recommend it.


Tell me what you think.

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Sure, I've read them. I liked it a lot. I tought it was a pretty cool ideia, the bells and the different gates to the underworld. The Abhorsen could control them, but only at an extent, not entirely. There were rules to follow and they couldn't be altered.


It's been a while since I read them, so the details are kind of fuzzy, but there were animals made of ancient magic, weren't there? The strories had a nice arc that ended well and was pleasently written.

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I don't think so. I just checked his website and it may seem that way at first, because there is a fourth book - Across the Wall - in the Abhorsen section (The old kingdom section), but once we see what's it about... I don't understand why it's there at all. It says "Across the Wall brings together an eclectic mix of Garth Nix's writing spanning several years. etc, etc". So, it's just some novellas and stories compiled, not related to the Abhorsens.

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