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Janet's Reading Log 2009


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I'm struggling a bit with The Behaviour of Moths by Poppy Adams because I've kind of lost my mojo after...





I posted in passing that I was reading this on another (non-book) forum and someone said "I read The Behaviour of Moths earlier this year. It started out well but descended rapidly IIRC."


Which has put me off it slightly. Oh dear!


I will finish it and form my own opinion of course, but this is why I try to avoid reading reviews and the like before reading a book!



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I finished The Behaviour of Moths by Poppy Adams this morning. Having taken ages to read the first 150 pages, I read the last 159 very quickly!


This takes my total number of books read so far this year to 40 - which is the number I read last year!


Onwards and upwards! :motz:

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I'm about a fifth of the way through The Lost Book of Salem by Katherine Howe - Peacefield was so right about this book - I'm loving it! :D


I really (really!) need to go and do some housework but somehow it keeps pulling me back - it's witchcraft, I tell you! :D

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Oh do! :D


Obviously I don't know how it's going to pan out, but I'm really loving the writing style - it's one of those books that's so easy to read that it sort of slips down! :D


ETA: Peacefield loved it too!

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Ooohhhh yay Janet I'm so glad you are loving this book so far! Isn't the story just so intriguing?! I read the authors website that she's writing her 2nd novel, and is even planning on a sequel to the Salem book after that! Can't wait :D.

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Oooh, that's good news, thanks.


I've spent some of this afternoon Googling (well, Wikipediaing actually!) Salem, Boston, Massachusetts (sp?), Pilgrim Fathers... and having never really thought about going to the USA ever, I now have the East Coast area (forgive my ignorance - New England, I think?) on my 'to do before I die' list! :D


I've also found another couple of books I think I'm going to look out for - The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent and The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare, which is a children's book.


I've not read a lot of historical novels (part of the appeal of this when I picked it up was to try something different, and I thought the modern/old time flip element would help) but this is so readable!

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Indeed it's a beautiful area of the US Janet and you should definitely get there one day! I spent 2 weeks driving all over New England back in 2003 and honestly it was one of the best trips I've ever been on. We spent a lot of time in Boston and Cambridge, also visiting Salem and the House of Seven Gables. I don't know if you knew this, but Nathaniel Hawthorne's relative was one of the judges presiding over the Salem witch trials (and I think may even be mentioned in the book you're reading) and because of not wanting to be associated with the whole disaster, Nathaniel added the 'w' to his last name.


The whole time I was reading this book though I just longed to pack up my suitcase and head back there. I even discovered in my family history research that I have 2 relatives who were accused of being witches at the same time but their names were eventually cleared. It's all very interesting stuff :D.

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I'm about a fifth of the way through The Lost Book of Salem by Katherine Howe - Peacefield was so right about this book - I'm loving it! :D


I really (really!) need to go and do some housework but somehow it keeps pulling me back - it's witchcraft, I tell you! :D


This sounds like a really great book. I'm glad to hear your enjoying it! :D

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I didn't know about Nathaniel Hawthorne, Peacefield - that's really interesting. :D That's fascinating stuff about your family research. Although they were cleared, you could have witchy stuff in your blood - how exciting!


Adam - I'm on page 187 of about 500 now and I wish I could phone in sick and spend all day reading it instead of having to go to Tesco and push a home delivery trolley round for the next four hours - boo! :D

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Yes I have been doing my GCSE's this year so that limited my reading time early on. 43's not bad though. I've never kept a list for a whole year so I have nothing to compare it to though. :D

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I started at the beginning of 2006 when I joined a real-life book club - I love looking back at what I've read and reading my thoughts. :)


Well I'm only young and I plan to continue keeping a list every year. Whether that works out I don't know!

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I finished The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde this morning. I tried it once before a few years ago but stopped at about page 50 (from memory, I had to abandon it to finish something for college, and I just didn't get round to picking it up again) so I started from scratch and got back into it really easily.


I shall post a few thoughts in the designated thread (which I haven't looked at yet).



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