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What defines your reading speed?

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The girls behaviour, and how tired I am. If I am distracted, or at the start of book I read slower. If I a tired I can't really concentrate, and I get tired easily with youngsters. I try to set a target for each day just to make sure I get through the book, but don't stick to it religiously.


I always like to take in what I am reading, and somtimes flick back to remind myself of something. I have a terrible memory.

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I don't stick to a schedule or anything, or keep track of every book I read, so I don't know if I'm a fast or slow reader. Sometimes I'll read a 650 pages book in 3 days, and sometimes it will take me two months to read a book half that length. I guess it depends on what else is going on and how interested I am in the book.

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I do read really fast, I've always been a fast reader but think that the more stressed I am the faster I read (and also talk) so this year have read 100 books.

The downside to this is that I do remember the plot, in quite a lot of detail but forget bits of detail sometimes, and I can never remember the characters' names after I finish. I often wish I could savour a book but everyone has different habits, my sister insists that I don't read properly because I devour books but that's just how I am!

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