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M. N. Reading - 2023

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1. The Passenger (book 1 of a 2 book series) - Cormac McCarthy - 5/5 - Exceptional writing by McCarthy

2. Stella Maris (book 2 of the 2 book series) - Cormac McCarthy- 4.5/5 - entire book takes place in a mental institution with the dialogue between a person that committed herself and a Doctor at the Institution. It is necessary to read book 1 of the series to fully understand the meaning of some of the dialogue.

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3. The 6:20 Man - David Baldacci - 4/5 - Pretty good read. Many changes in direction in the story as to the guilty party. 


I am just starting to read Fairy Tale by Stephen King. it is over 600 pages long on my kindle and I am sure it will slow me down on my reading.

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  • 2 weeks later...

4. Fairy Tale - Stephen King - 4/5 - I enjoyed this book. It was a little different from King's other books and I would really classify it as a true Fairy Tale. I believe that Stephen King enjoyed writing this book. If I were to describe the book it would probably take away from your actual reading of the book. I will say though that approx. the first 100 pages is about a young 12 yr old boy growing to 17 yrs old and the growing pains it brings as he loses his mother. The whole time you are reading the first 100 pages though you know and keep anticipating for the proverbial "stuff to hit the fan"., and it does. Again, I enjoyed the story and Stephen King's writing. Recommend the book.

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18 minutes ago, muggle not said:

4. Fairy Tale - Stephen King - 4/5

I've been trying not to buy any more books until I get through my existing stack a bit, but every time I see this book mentioned I'm a little bit more tempted to buy it!

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36 minutes ago, Hayley said:

I've been trying not to buy any more books until I get through my existing stack a bit, but every time I see this book mentioned I'm a little bit more tempted to buy it!

If you enjoy Stephen King and if you enjoy Fairy Tales then this book is for you. 🙂

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1 hour ago, muggle not said:

4. Fairy Tale - Stephen King - 4/5 - I enjoyed this book. It was a little different from King's other books and I would really classify it as a true Fairy Tale. I believe that Stephen King enjoyed writing this book. If I were to describe the book it would probably take away from your actual reading of the book. I will say though that approx. the first 100 pages is about a young 12 yr old boy growing to 17 yrs old and the growing pains it brings as he loses his mother. The whole time you are reading the first 100 pages though you know and keep anticipating for the proverbial "stuff to hit the fan"., and it does. Again, I enjoyed the story and Stephen King's writing. Recommend the book.

Oh good! I thought it sounded interesting when I first heard about it. I'll have to wait until it comes out in paperback though.


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5. Sparring Partners (a Novella)  - John Grisham - 3.5/5 - My year has started off very good with 2 books by Cormac McCarthy and one by Stephen King, also one by David Baldacci. My recent book read by John Grisham wasn't nearly as good. It consisted of 3 stories of which one was fairly good but the other two not so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

6. Ridgeline - Michael Punke - 4/5 - A good Historical Fiction of the American Indian in the 1860's and their fight to retain their land. it all builds up to the defeat of Captain Fetterman and his soldiers at the hands of the Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes in a spectacular battle near Fort Kearney in 1866. The story is told from both sides, the American Indian and the U.S. Soldiers. I really enjoyed learning more about Chief Red Cloud and Crazy Horse, both were great warriors.

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7. Fair Land, Fair Land - A.B. Guthrie - 4.5/5 - A.B. Guthrie is recognized as the greatest writer of "Westerns". He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1950 for his book The Way West which was the 2nd book in his Big Sky series. His first book The Big Sky and 2nd The Way West were the two best books in the series. Fair Land, Fair Land was written in 1982, thirty some years after he won the Pulitzer in 1950. This was a re-read for me and I found it to be at least as enjoyable to read the 2nd time around. The story took place in the time period 1845 - 1870. The following is one paragraph from the book to give you an idea of his writing:


Higgins cast his eye around. The ripples of the river ran red, catching the beams of a sun soon to set. Eastward the valley flowed yellow and warm until the far banks rose to benchlands. The mountains were darkening, black purple as the sun slid behind them. For once no wind blew, not even a breeze, and the campfire smoke lifted lazy and straight. A fish jumped in the stream.

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9. InterWorld -  Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves - 4/5 - An enjoyable read . It is definitely a YA though. I was not too thrilled at the beginning of the book but the further I got the more I liked it. This is the "Authors Note" at the beginning of the book : 


This is a work of fiction. Still given an infinite number of possible worlds, it must be true on one of them.

And if a story set in an infinite number of possible universes is true in one of them, then it must be true in all of them.

So maybe it’s not as fictional as we think.

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10. The Silver Dream (book 2 of the InterWorld Trilogy) - Neil Gaiman, Michael Reaves, Mallory Reaves - 4/5 - This is book 2 of the Trilogy. Book 1 could be read as a standalone but book 2 and 3 should only be read after reading book 1. After reading book 1 though i believe everyone would WANT to read the remaining 2 books.. I think I enjoyed The Silver Dream even more than the first book. A new character was added who I really like.  I read book 2 book in 3 days and enjoyed it so much that I am now 31% into the 3rd book in the series (another new character has been added),  Eternity's Wheel. I find it hard to put the books down once I start reading them. Joey and his helpers are trying to save "all the Earths" from being destroyed by the bad guys.

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11. Eternity's Wheel (Book 3 of the InterWorld Trilogy)- Neil Gaiman, Michael Reaves, Mallory Reaves - 4/5 - Loved all 3 books of the Trilogy. Love Neil Gaimon's writing


From Amazon about the Trilogy


Joey Harker isn't a hero.

In fact, he's the kind of guy who gets lost in his own house. And one day Joey gets really lost. He walks straight out of his world and into another dimension.

Joey's walk between the worlds makes him prey to two terrible forces: armies of magic and science who will do anything to harness his power to travel between dimensions. When he sees the evil those forces are capable of, Joey makes the only possible choice. He joins an army of his own, an army of versions of himself from different dimensions who all share his amazing power and who are all determined to fight to save the worlds.

Master storyteller Neil Gaiman and Emmy Award-winning science-fiction writer Michael Reaves team up to create a dazzling tale of magic, science, honor, and the destiny of one very special boy and all the others like him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

12. Foxglove Summer Book5  - River of London series) - Ben Aaronovitch - 3.5/5 - Enjoyable read but not as good as the others in the Series.


I am now starting World of Curiosities by Louise Penny.  I had this book on hold forever at the Library and it finally came available. The Library has 18 kindle copies and a ton of people waiting in line to get the book. 🙂

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  • 2 months later...

13. A World of Curiosities  (Chief Inspector Gamache series - book 18) - Louise Penny - $.5/5 - Good writing and a great story. Louise penny continues to be a writer that I never get tired of. I have read all 18 of her books on Inspector Gamache.

14. Girl, Forgotten - Karin Slaughter - 3.5 - I enjoy most of Karin Slaughter's book and read all that she writes, but, this was not one of her best IMHO.


I am now starting to read book 4 (Empty Smiles) of Arden's Small Spaces series. I believe that this is the last book in the series.

I haven't been reading much lately but maybe I can get back in the groove soon. 😀

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11 hours ago, muggle not said:

13. A World of Curiosities  (Chief Inspector Gamache series - book 18) - Louise Penny - $.5/5 - Good writing and a great story. Louise penny continues to be a writer that I never get tired of. I have read all 18 of her books on Inspector Gamache.



Good going, Muggle! I think I've only read three, but certainly worth reading more.

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14. Empty Smiles *book 4 of 4 in the Small Spaces Series) - Katherine Arden - 4/5 - probably the best book in the series. I enjoyed it. The ending though left open the possibly of the evil Smiling Man to return.

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  • 1 month later...

15. Once Upon a Tome - Oliver Darkshire - 3.5 - A story about the misadventures of a Rare Bookseller in London.  I enjoyed the book "somewhat" but it wasn't really my cup of tea. I would not recommend the book either way as I believe some would really like it. There were parts that were pretty comical.



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  • 4 weeks later...

16. The Boys from Biloxi - John Grisham - 4/5 -Pretty good read. Biloxi, Mississippi at the time was the seafood capitol of the world. Basic story is about 2 boys who were friends growing up in Biloxi. One becomes a district attorney, and one becomes a kingpin of gambling houses and houses of prostitution.

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17. Trackers - Charles Frazier - 4/5 - Story takes place during / right after the depression in the 20's / 30's.  Story was ok but the ending kinda fizzled a little. Maybe I was expecting too much from Charles Frazier as his debut book Cold Mountain in 1997 was fabulous and stayed on the New York Times best seller list for 63 straight weeks.

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18. Long Shadows - David Baldacci - 4/5 - Enjoyable reading. A book by Baldacci in the Memory Man Series. A number of murders takes place in Florida including one of a Federal Judge and the FBI assigns the Memory Man (Amos Decker) and his new partner to solve the case. As usual with this series there are surprises along the way and the killer is unknown until the end of the book.

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