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General Rules


1.     You are expected to show respect and consideration for your fellow members. Discussion is welcomed, but personal comments and insults will be not be tolerated.

2.     Please take care with the language that you use. This forum is viewable to all, and we have younger members playing an active role in the forum. With this in mind, certain words have been filtered. Do not try to find ways to get around this.

3.     New members are not allowed to post any links until they have 10 posts.

4.     Please do not use the forum to ask for help with homework, dissertations or surveys.

5.     Please do not join to promote a book, product, website or service. Promotional content will be removed and your account may be banned.

If you are unsure whether your post would be considered to be promotional, please check with a moderator or Admin first.



Account Rules

1.     Usernames must not be URLs, email addresses or the name of a site. If you have a problem with your account, or wish to change your username, please contact a member of staff.

2.     Please be considerate of others with your choice of avatar/profile picture. Those with offensive or questionable content will be removed.



Signature Rules


1.     In general, signatures shouldn't be more than 4 lines. You may change the text colour, but please do not bold or increase the text size. Graphics are not allowed, including emoticons.

2.     With regards to links in your signature, the general rule is one link only. The exception is that you can also add 1 or 2 links to places within the forum, such as your reading thread/log. Links should generally be to personal sites only - commercial sites are not allowed (including affiliate links), but charities/good causes are.

3.     Authors - after 30 posts, you may include a link to your author site or blog. Please do not link to a commercial site such as amazon.

4.     If you are unsure, we recommend contacting us first. The mod team may alter or remove a signature they do not feel appropriate.


You can find more detail about our rules and promotional guidelines here:


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