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I think it is illegal to download Audible's files and convert them (thus removing any copyright on it). Your family member should use the app themselves and listen to it through the app (as it is intended).

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  • Athena locked this topic

Hi Alan, as Athena said, it’s against the Audible terms of service to convert their files to mp3. Although you want to do it for a genuine reason, it also allows people to illegally share the files, cheating authors out of the money they should be getting for the purchase of their books. You will find websites that offer software for converting the files, but it is illegal, so you also have the security of your computer to think about. 

I’m assuming your relative would find it hard to use the kind of technology that audible is available on. Maybe something voice controlled, like the echo dot, would help them.

I hope you find a solution so they can get back to enjoying books! 

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