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Your Book Activity - July 2017


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17 hours ago, Kylie said:

It sounds like those of us who don't love social interactions should get together for a Silent Reading Party. :D


That sounds interesting :).


17 hours ago, Kylie said:

I've been having a woeful reading year, but I've managed to pick it up a little in the past few weeks by rereading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams. At least, I thought I'd read the second book before, but none of it was familiar. I'm now reading Life, the Universe and Everything by the same author. I'm also not sure if this is a reread—I thought I had read at least part of it before, but again, nothing seems familiar. :rolleyes: I know I definitely haven't read the next two books though, so I'll be continuing on with them next.


I read the five books in the series many years ago and enjoyed them at the time. I hope you enjoy (re)-reading them :).


I finished Dave Eggers - De Cirkel (The Circle), and will probably pick another read in a while. Not sure yet what though. I'm busy re-organising my books so it'll be either something from my e-reader or a physical book I've loaned from family members.

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Hi guys! I'm new this whole forum thing but I love to read and I can never find people to talk to about the books I am reading, or have read. So I thought this would be the perfect thing for me so we will see how it goes! I am currently reading Immortal Muse by Stephen Leigh, I'm about half way through and must say that I am enjoying it. I'm not like on the edge of my seat or anything but it is definitely keeping my interest. I'm excited to go back through and see what you all are reading!

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On 7/8/2017 at 6:41 AM, karen.d said:

Yesterday I finished 'Billy and Me' by Giovanna Fletcher and I have to say, it wasn't as predictable as I had first though. I don't usually read this type of book, but I enjoyed it. I would like to read more of Giovanna Fletcher's books in the future.


Now, I'm about 55 pages into 'My Sister's Keeper' by Jodi Picoult. So far, it's good.

I really liked My Sisters Keeper, did you finish it? What did you think?

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I read and enjoyed 14 by Peter Clines. Took me a few days to get through it, but yesterday I started Exquisite by Sarah Stovell and I'm already halfway through. Funny how that happens with different books, even when you're enjoying them.

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2 hours ago, Michelle said:

14 took me a while to get into, but I ended up really liking it. Have you read his Ex-Heroes series? I LOVE them! :)


I actually got into it very quickly, and then slowed down! I did enjoy it though, didn't take itself too seriously. I haven't read anything else by him yet!

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14 minutes ago, Nollaig said:


I actually got into it very quickly, and then slowed down! I did enjoy it though, didn't take itself too seriously. I haven't read anything else by him yet!

Well that doesn't surprise me, we're often the opposites! 😊


See if you like the the sound of Ex-Heroes. I've listened to them as audiobooks, and they're up there in my all-time favourites. Hmm.. which might mean you won't like them..... ;)

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On 7/15/2017 at 8:08 PM, ajones said:

I really liked My Sisters Keeper, did you finish it? What did you think?

I'm still reading this, I have been too busy to read over the last few days. I'm enjoying it though. The multiple character chapters are a little confusing at times though.

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21 hours ago, frankie said:

I've started reading Talking as Fast as I Can by Lauren Graham. 

Let me know what you think! I have this but I'm waiting until I've finished all seven series and the new episodes. (Currently halfway through season six so not much longer :D )

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I started and finished Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth over the past weekend or so (lots of pictures; small amounts of text). I've had this book for a while and was inspired to push it up the TBR pile when I saw an interview with Gore on TV last week. Very interesting read, although it's a little dated now that it's 10 years old. Apparently the term 'global warming' was still used instead of 'climate change' back then, and obviously all the stats were missing 10 years' worth of data. I wonder if he'll update the book now that he's made a sequel to the original documentary? Oh, I just looked it up and the answer is 'yes'. :D


That led me to read Elizabeth Kolbert's The Sixth Extinction, which I've heard great things about. I started it yesterday and have read around 50 pages. It's a fascinating read so far.

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3 hours ago, Alexi said:

Let me know what you think! I have this but I'm waiting until I've finished all seven series and the new episodes. (Currently halfway through season six so not much longer :D )


I loved it! :D And yes, don't read it after you've finished the new episodes as well :D  You're in for a treat!! :smile2:


:rolleyes:   I meant to write don't read it before you've finished the new eps :D   DO read it AFTER! :D

Edited by frankie
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I've finished my Patrick Suskind binge.  Three books in a row -- it was fun!  I didn't enjoy his short stories quite as much, though.


Now I'm just about to start The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes, which I've heard nothing but good things about. :D

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On 18/07/2017 at 2:07 PM, frankie said:


I loved it! :D And yes, don't read it after you've finished the new episodes as well :D  You're in for a treat!! :smile2:


:rolleyes:   I meant to write don't read it before you've finished the new eps :D   DO read it AFTER! :D


Excellent! Can't wait! 


I have The Essex Serpent on my TBR but so many books so little time! :dry::D

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1 hour ago, chaliepud said:

I've just given up on Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada, I was

finding it so dull! Such a shame as I had so looked forward to it, but I just couldn't get past 200 pages. :( 


I'd say 200 pages is really giving it your best shot! I used to be unable to quit a book, but sometimes it's the only possibility. What a shame for this to happen when you looked forward to it!

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I finished Exquisite by Sarah Stovell - the writing was really enjoyable, and the characters were interesting up to a point, but it got really weird and confused towards the end so overall it was a bit meh.


Now reading He Said, She Said by Erin Kelly. This one has great reviews, so high hopes for it (I never learn :roll:).

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On 2017-7-18 at 1:09 PM, Kylie said:

That led me to read Elizabeth Kolbert's The Sixth Extinction, which I've heard great things about. I started it yesterday and have read around 50 pages. It's a fascinating read so far.


I read this earlier in the month and thought it was so fascinating. It's a bit depressing as well when you realise the destruction humans have caused to other animals. :angry:


On 2017-7-19 at 6:39 AM, frankie said:

I've started reading Columbine by Dave Cullen. 


I'm sure this is the Columbine book I read last year, but I can't find it on Amazon (at least the Kindle version) anymore. Anyway, from what I remember it was a very detailed read, so I hope you enjoy it ('enjoy' somehow seems to be the wrong word!).


On 2017-7-20 at 9:25 PM, chaliepud said:

I've just given up on Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada, I was

finding it so dull! Such a shame as I had so looked forward to it, but I just couldn't get past 200 pages. :( 


Oh no, that's a shame. That was going to be one of my next reads, once I get the library book out of the way. I might postpone it then, but then again I may enjoy it. :wacko:


I'm now reading The Circle by Dave Eggers. It's a bit tedious, but I'm still able to carry on reading it. I should finish it tonight. 

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