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Athena's Reading List 2014


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Lilian Jackson Braun - Cat Who... 29: De Kat Die 60 Snorharen Had




Genre: Detective

Format: Paperback

Pages: 142 (120 read)

Synopsis (GoodReads):Polly Duncan is off to Paris, temporarily leaving Jim Qwilleran without his lady companion. Good thing there's lots to keep Jim busy. Like a mysterious death from a bee sting that leaves everyone but Koko the Siamese in a state of confusion. If only the kitty with sixty whiskers would stop pussyfooting around and let Jim in on the deadly secret..


My thoughts: I recently bought this book and usually read a detective / mystery / crime story for the read-a-thon and picked this one.


I remember reading some of this series when I was a teenager, at the library, but I don't remember much else. This book wasn't what I expected from it. I expected a murder mystery, instead most of the book (the 120 out of 142 pages I read) was about the main character's life and the many, many people he knew. I realise it's usually not good to start a series with the 29th book. This being, what I could see from the synopsis, a murder mystery, I thought it'd be okay since usually murder mystery series books can be read as standalones. While a few things were explained I found the whole of it very confusing. There were so many different side characters, present but also gossiped about, and I had trouble keeping them apart. I kept waiting for a murder mystery to happen but instead the main character, a journalist, just seemed to do a lot of random things, that for me, seemed kind of to drop out of nowhere. I didn't get many of the references to characters or things that had happened in the past. There was too much information in the book, I couldn't keep the character's names apart.


The thing I loved about the book were the bits about the cats. I liked reading about them.


Overall then I abandoned this book at 120 pages in out of 142, I found it very confusing and couldn't really follow the plot anymore (was there one?). Maybe if I had started at book one things would make sense, but for me the book wasn't at all what I expected it to me. There was hardly a murder mystery present and instead there were too many side characters and too much waffle about the main character's life (which is fine if that's what you're going for, but then don't advertise it as a murder mystery on the back).


Rating: ** (3/10)


I gave up the series at Book 24 ; I`d loved her books, but the last few had gone downhill, and the very last one which I read had felt like a badly written pastiche.

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I gave up the series at Book 24 ; I`d loved her books, but the last few had gone downhill, and the very last one which I read had felt like a badly written pastiche.


That's good to hear. Perhaps I'll like the earlier books in the series more.

Your book collection is seriously amazing, Gaia! And it's great to hear that you're sticking with the writing - well done! :D


Thanks, Laura :)!

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Veronica Roth - Divergent 1: Divergent




Genre: Science-fiction

Age-range: Young-Adult

Format: Paperback

Pages: 489

Synopsis (back of the book):One choice decides your friends, defines your beliefs and determines your loyalties... forever.


When sixteen-year-old Tris makes her choice, she cannot foresee how drastically her life will change. Or that the perfect society in hich she lives in about to unfold into a dystopian world of electrifying decisions, stunning consequences, heartbreaking betrayals and unexpected romance.


My thoughts: I wanted something easy to read so I chose a young-adult book. Since I bought Allegiant (book three) I own the full trilogy, I thought it'd be something good to read. I've heard good things about the books.


This book was immediately interesting and gripping. I wanted to know more about the world and its characters. The writing style is more direct and immediate, there are less descriptions of things and the language used in the writing is not very difficult.


I really enjoyed reading this book. I loved the world with its different factions and loved to get to know more about them. There are five factions of which the main character has to make a choice of. I had a bit of trouble at first remembering which one was which but as I got to know more about them I was able to seperate them more easily.


I loved the characters too. Tris, the main character, was quite well written, as were the other characters. They are interesting to read about. I think Tris would be my favourite character but a lot of other ones were interesting too.


There is plenty of action in the book, it's quite tense. It made me want to keep reading it (this is a good thing :readingtwo:)!


Overall I really enjoyed reading this book and can hardly wait to start with the next part (Insurgent). The book does have an ending but I want to find out what happens after! I didn't think the book would be quite this good. The book has a few similarities to The Hunger Games but both worlds and their inhabiting characters are quite different.


Rating: ***** (10/10)

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Thanks, Laura :)! Yes, this is the book. In the Netherlands it comes out at the end of March, though I don't know yet if I'll feel up for going to the cinema (The Book Thief is out at the same date as well..). I don't know if the film will be any good, I specifically didn't rewatch the trailer while I was reading the book, since I'd rather imagine the characters my way as opposed to what they're like in the film. I will rewatch the trailer once I've finished all three books though.

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Thanks, Laura :)! Yes, this is the book. In the Netherlands it comes out at the end of March, though I don't know yet if I'll feel up for going to the cinema (The Book Thief is out at the same date as well..). I don't know if the film will be any good, I specifically didn't rewatch the trailer while I was reading the book, since I'd rather imagine the characters my way as opposed to what they're like in the film. I will rewatch the trailer once I've finished all three books though.


Yes, it's always a tough decision as to whether the film will ruin the books or not. They just released The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones as a film, but I'm staying away from it because it's supposed to be awful and I don't want it to spoil my memory of the book! (I'm looking forward to seeing The Book Thief at some point, though :D )

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I bought some more books, most of which were cheap second hand copies from the charity shop. I was planning on buying one book, but one of the women at the counter recognised me and remembered I like English books so she went to the back and found some for me. This was very kind but I was too overwhelmed to think properly about whether I wanted to read them or not. They all do sound interesting and they were pretty cheap, but I felt like it'd be strange to refuse some, as well. I should be more assertive :banghead:.


Two were buy 1 get one 1 free from another shop, and one was one that was on my wishlist but Amazon didn't yet have the paperback in the right size so when I saw it in a shop I went for it.


Markus Heitz - De Dwergen 1: De Dwergen

Marion Pauw - Drift

Trudi Canavan - Traitor Spy Trilogy 3: Traitor Queen

Benoite Groult, Marilyn French, Laura Esquivel - Een Zomer Vol Liefde (Omnibus)

Lilian Jackson Braun - Cat Who... 6: The Cat Who Played Post Office

James Patterson and Howard Roughan - Honeymoon 1: Honeymoon

Robert B. Parker - Spenser 33: School Days

Fannie Flagg - Elmwood Springs 2: Standing In The Rainbow


I was given this book for free upon purchase of two other books:

Stephenie Meyer - Twilight: Het Tweede Korte Leven van Bree Tanner (The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner)


which I already was given from my grandparents some years ago. I have read the Twilight books but don't own them (my sister does), I haven't yet read this short book. I plan to see which copy is nicest and then give the other one to charity or someone who might like it.


I plan to buy more books soon, terrible :blush2:.

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Veronica Roth - Divergent 2: Insurgent




Genre: Science-fiction

Age-range: Young-Adult

Format: Paperback

Pages: 529

Synopsis: (no synopsis because it's part of a series)


My thoughts: After reading Divergent 1: Divergent I wanted to know how the story would continue and so decided to start Divergent 2: Insurgent straight away.


The book continues pretty much where the first book left off. The story continues and is pretty tense throughout. There were many plot twists I didn't see coming. The characters are great. One thing I liked less was the aspect of lying in this book. I don't want to spoil anything, but sometimes I think honesty would have been better in some cases. It was great to learn more about the world and its factions as well as the characters. It's hard to write a review without spoiling anything, but this was one suspenseful book, in the sense that I wanted to keep reading to find out what would happen next. The pacing of the story was good. The book had many great elements and concepts to it, I loved to read about the technology and simulations.


I wish I had had the matching cover to book one and three (which both have the US cover I think) since I like those covers better, but at the time it was not available.


Overall there was a lot I liked about this book and very little I didn't like. I'm looking forward to read Divergent 3: Allegiant since the ending was not conclusive and also raises a few questions. I want to know what happens next! So I plan to read the last book soon.


Rating: ***** (10/10)

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I hope you enjoy your new books. :)


Great review of Insurgent. :) I've read Divergent and have the second and third books on my TBR pile. I really should get to them soon! The first book ended well, and I want to know what happens next.

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I gave up the series at Book 24 ; I`d loved her books, but the last few had gone downhill, and the very last one which I read had felt like a badly written pastiche.


Yup, I can certainly agree with that LP.  It's a shame. 

But the cats really are great.  :)

Have you read the short stories LJB wrote that started the whole thing?  The Cat Who Had 14 Tales is a great collection. 

FYI.......  http://www.amazon.com/Cat-Who-Had-14-Tales/dp/0515094978/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1393171105&sr=1-1&keywords=Fourteen+tales


Veronica Roth - Divergent 2: Insurgent




Genre: Science-fiction

Age-range: Young-Adult

Format: Paperback

Pages: 529

Synopsis: (no synopsis because it's part of a series)


Rating: ***** (10/10)


Great review, Gaia. 

I've heard though that the last one isn't as well done as the previous two. 

I'll be interested in seeing your opinion of it, if and when you read it.

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I hope you enjoy your new books. :)


Great review of Insurgent. :) I've read Divergent and have the second and third books on my TBR pile. I really should get to them soon! The first book ended well, and I want to know what happens next.


Thanks, Kylie :)! I'm glad to hear you liked Divergent too, I hope you like the second and third books as well when you read them.


Yup, I can certainly agree with that LP.  It's a shame. 

But the cats really are great.  :)

Have you read the short stories LJB wrote that started the whole thing?  The Cat Who Had 14 Tales is a great collection. 

FYI.......  http://www.amazon.com/Cat-Who-Had-14-Tales/dp/0515094978/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1393171105&sr=1-1&keywords=Fourteen+tales


That's interesting, I might have to look into that :).

Great review, Gaia. 

I've heard though that the last one isn't as well done as the previous two. 

I'll be interested in seeing your opinion of it, if and when you read it.


Thanks :). I've heard that too, so far it's quite good but I don't know if it stays that way. The book is written from two perspectives instead of one and at first it confused me a bit, since they're both written in first person. But now I'm more used to it, the story is interesting and I want to find out what happens next. I've heard the ending disappointed some people, so I'll have to see what I think. I'll be sure to write a review :).

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Athena wrote:

Thanks :). I've heard that too, so far it's quite good but I don't know if it stays that way. The book is written from two perspectives instead of one and at first it confused me a bit, since they're both written in first person. But now I'm more used to it, the story is interesting and I want to find out what happens next. I've heard the ending disappointed some people, so I'll have to see what I think. I'll be sure to write a review :).          



Good to hear. :)  I'll look forward to your review of #3.


The short stories by LJB are well worth it.  Some are sad, and some are great. :)

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Good to hear. :)  I'll look forward to your review of #3.


The short stories by LJB are well worth it.  Some are sad, and some are great. :)


Thanks, I'll be posting it soon :).


I'm glad to hear that, I'll look it up sometime :).

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Veronica Roth - Divergent 3: Allegiant




Genre: Science-fiction

Age-range: Young-Adult

Format: Paperback

Pages: 526

Synopsis: (no synopsis because it's the last book in a trilogy)


My thoughts: After reading books one and two I really wanted to find out what happens next, so I decided to read the third book straight away.


The book is written from two perspectives, both in first person (the first and second book were written from one perspective in first person). At the beginning I was a bit confused from whose point of view I was reading. It says so at the start of each chapter, but sometimes I got confused half way through the chapter. I felt a bit more could've been done to distinguish the two characters' voices. The first person perspective doesn't help with it (I've always preferred third-person perspectives.) After a while though I wasn't as confused anymore and I was able to better know whose point of view it was.


This book has a lot of plot twists that I didn't see coming. I really enjoyed reading it. There is a lot of action in the book, just as with the previous two books. There were also some quieter moments, in the sense that there was less action, but it was still tense but they were more dialogue moments, if that makes sense. I thoroughly enjoyed finding out more about the world.


I really wanted to keep on reading this book, to find out more about the world and what would happen next. The book reads easily, just like the other two books. The writing style is quite approachable. There's a bit of space between each line in the book as well, so the pages fly past.


The ending wasn't the ending I was expecting, but it is an ending that makes sense. It's not the best ending there could've been, but it is an ending that fits.


Overall I really enjoyed reading this book. Some people didn't like it as much as the previous two books, but I did. It's a great trilogy in my opinion and if you like dystopian books (what I'd call a sub genre of science fiction) with some action, it's well worth a read I think. I really enjoyed reading the trilogy.


Rating: ***** (10/10)

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Short update on statistics:


I have now read 30 books this year so far (in 55 days) (one book per 1.83x days). I've read (approximately) 9743 pages (177.x pages per day). I've mainly read new books 24 and only one was a Kindle ebook. I've bought in total 115 books (of which 3 were Kindle ebooks) and received 1 book as a gift. I've read a few more female authors than male ones, and most books I read were from US or UK authors. I've read an almost even amount of new authors vs. known-to-me authors. I've read just as many standalone books as series books. I've read mainly adult books but also some YA and children's. I've read a variety of genres. I've mainly read fiction (only 3 books were non-fiction). I've read mainly English books. Most of the books I read were published in the last 10 years. My average rating of the books I read was 8.79x, which is quite high. I've had a lot of good reads so far this year!

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Good grief! You've already bought 115 books this year?! :o Those are some interesting stats. :)


Great review of Allegiant! I'm glad you enjoyed the last book. There's always a worry that the ending will be a let-down. I'll try to bump these up my TBR pile.

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Great reviews of the three Divergent books, Athena! These books had just been flying at the edge of my radar, but having seen this, I think I will have to get hold of then

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Good grief! You've already bought 115 books this year?! :o Those are some interesting stats. :)


Thanks :). Somehow my book program gives a slightly different figure, maybe I didn't count it properly but regardless.. it's still a lot.. I was doing well the first few weeks of January and then it kind of all went out the window.. I plan to go book shopping tomorrow to help the local book shop that has money problems and perhaps order a few books off Amazon.. but after that I'll try not to spend much money for a while. After those things (and perhaps trying out a new charity shop some time..) I plan to concentrate on reading what I already have rather than buying some new books. Book shopping makes me feel better and makes me less stressed.. I'm still quite stressed but it's not good to buy too many books. The aim for the next while is to not buy as many books as I did last year, which was quite high. I hope for my stress to lessen with time as I find better ways to deal with it and find out the reason(s) behind it. I've started to go through some of my old orders on books from the places I bought in the past and track my spending (and add it in the book program as purchase date). I can't track those I bought in shops (which is quite some of them) but I can track the ones I bought online. I think doing this, when I feel like doing it at least, might also make me more aware of my problem. I also plan on being stricter with what I buy, does it really sound that good, do I think I'll like it etc. The problem is that most of the time, I do like the books I buy, I like a lot of different genres. Hmm, I've rambled on enough now :blush2:. Here's to trying to better myself in the next while.


Great review of Allegiant! I'm glad you enjoyed the last book. There's always a worry that the ending will be a let-down. I'll try to bump these up my TBR pile.


I hope you enjoy the books when you read them :). I look forward to read your thoughts on them. 

Great reviews of the three Divergent books, Athena! These books had just been flying at the edge of my radar, but having seen this, I think I will have to get hold of then


Thanks :). I hope you enjoy them!

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I'm planning on adding the purchase price to my Book Collectorz software where possible as well. :) And yes, it's handy to be able to look up the purchase prices at the online bookshops we've bought from. :) Luckily I've also bought a lot of my books at secondhand shops and book fairs, where they write the price inside the book (in pencil), and I don't usually remove sticker prices from books until I read them, so I should be able to find many prices easily. :) I like that there are a few fields for prices (purchase price, current value etc) so I can add the recommended retail price for insurance purposes in case (knock on wood) something happens and I need to replace my books one day.

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