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Your Book Activity - November 2013


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Still reading The Tenants by Bernard Malamud. I'm very much looking forward to getting on with this weekend's read-a-thon.



Hmm, I will have to look into this Malamud (cool name) chap. If you are responsible for adding more books to my wish list, look out, woman!


I think I have The Natural on my Frankie recommends -list :) No, wait, maybe I don't. :D It's about baseball, though. I never would've picked it up myself. And I don't know if I would love it as much if it wasn't such a nostalgia read, too. I have a special bond with most of my uni reads.


Well, maybe I'm going to honour it just a little. :lurker: Despite my FB rant, I do like the idea of Halloween and was always jealous of American kids when I was young and reading about or watching shows about Halloween. I'm just an old Scrooge now! I think I might also watch an episode or two of the Twilight Zone. :)


You're such a curmudgeon :giggle::kissing:  I know I would go trick or treating with you in a heart beat if I could! :friends3:


Edit: Remember how you stumbled into the garbage can, and I did, too, right after you? And we had no idea where we were going anymore and then your Mum hauled us in as quick as she could, from the view of the neighbors? :lol:

Edited by frankie
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Having just discovered a new writer - well new to me anyway (Robert Crais), I'm going to be reading the two books of his I've managed to get hold of, and then do the rounds of the charity shops and the Library to find some more. I will also hopefully be getting around to visiting the new Library of Birmingham.

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Went a bit book crazy with the cheap and freebie eBook store   :blush2:  :giggle2:  :rolol:

Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow by Jerome K Jerome

Best Russian short stories by Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol and Leo Tolstoy

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

The Book of Tea by Kakuzo Okakura

Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham

Precious Bane by Mary Webb.

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf.

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde.

Shirley by Charlotte Brontë.

The Man Upstairs and Other Stories by PG Wodehouse.

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe.

Human, All Too Human by Friedrich Nietzsche

The Arabian nights by Andrew Lang.

140 Classic Novels and Short Stories by HH Munro

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^ Yep, that list is definitely a 'bit book crazy'. :D


I popped into my local charity shop yesterday and bought 7 Roald Dahl books in excellent condition. After I have persuaded my husband to read 'Danny The Champion Of The World' II think he will love it!)I will be giving them to my great-nephews when we next visit - they are 12 years old 8 years old and are book happy kids, so I always want to encourage them.


I also picked up 'Warm Bodies' by Isaac Marion. The total for the 8 book was £5. I'm a happy book buyer! :smile:

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89% read of A Tale for a Time Being, and hope to finish it today. I had to stop reading it last night - it was starting about Schrödinger's Cat, and it was not the time of the day to try to follow quantum physic :giggle2:  

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Went a bit book crazy with the cheap and freebie eBook store   :blush2:  :giggle2:  :rolol:

Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow by Jerome K Jerome

Best Russian short stories by Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol and Leo Tolstoy

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

The Book of Tea by Kakuzo Okakura

Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham

Precious Bane by Mary Webb.

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf.

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde.

Shirley by Charlotte Brontë.

The Man Upstairs and Other Stories by PG Wodehouse.

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe.

Human, All Too Human by Friedrich Nietzsche

The Arabian nights by Andrew Lang.

140 Classic Novels and Short Stories by HH Munro


Great haul! :) Nothing wrong with this kind of craziness... :giggle:


I popped into my local charity shop yesterday and bought 7 Roald Dahl books in excellent condition. After I have persuaded my husband to read 'Danny The Champion Of The World' II think he will love it!)I will be giving them to my great-nephews when we next visit - they are 12 years old 8 years old and are book happy kids, so I always want to encourage them.


Here's another book crazy! :D Happily enabling book happy rellies... Good job! :) 


I'm still reading The Tenants, hoping to finish today so I can get a move on with Titus Groan. I hope I'll get sucked in to the book and the weekend will just fly by reading it! :)





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89% read of A Tale for a Time Being, and hope to finish it today. I had to stop reading it last night - it was starting about Schrödinger's Cat, and it was not the time of the day to try to follow quantum physic :giggle2:  


Ooh, I'm quite curious about that one.  Please let us know what you think! :D

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Great haul! :) Nothing wrong with this kind of craziness... :giggle:


Here's another book crazy! :D Happily enabling book happy rellies... Good job! :)


Hopefully no trees were felled for the eBooks :giggle2:

Plus, all those ones were less than £7.00  :giggle: Makes be a happy bunny! :D

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Ooh, I'm quite curious about that one.  Please let us know what you think! :D


It is a good book so far. I think the reviews for Booker Prize short list on BBC 4 were a bit sniffy about this book, but I think it is worth it.  :smile:

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I popped into my local charity shop yesterday and bought 7 Roald Dahl books in excellent condition. After I have persuaded my husband to read 'Danny The Champion Of The World' II think he will love it!)I will be giving them to my great-nephews when we next visit - they are 12 years old 8 years old and are book happy kids, so I always want to encourage them.


Ah, the joy of finding just the right books in charity shops! :D

And finding children's' books in charity shops are so rare, they're like hen's teeth! :giggle2:

I hope your great-nephews will love the Roald Dahl books - that is another feeling of a warm glow when they love books too :D

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I read A Note of Madness by Tabitha Suzuma all day yesterday. It was good, read it in one go and now I regret I didn't know it had a sequel or I'd have bought that too. 


Starting Magician by Raymond E. Feist - it's been on my list for a long time. 

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I just received an email from Book Depository advertising a sale that begins on Thursday. 


50 Books, 50 Offers, 25 Hours  http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/50booksoffer?utm_source=NL-Body&utm_medium=email-Newsletter&utm_term=Find-out-more_button&utm_content=Main-promo&utm_campaign=25hr-Nov-13

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