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Which EReaders?


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I don't know anything about the Kobo. I think  a couple people in here might own them .

As for Nook, I have the one from a couple years ago. Not sure if it's called Simple Touch ? Anyhow, I love it for the size . It's almost completely square and has a rubberized edging all around it and the back ,so it's easy to hold without it slipping from your hands . It's very simplified. Pretty much just touch to flip the pages. The only button on it is the start button .Not in color ,just a plain screen kinda like the kindle you have, and no keyboard ,but it's a nice simple one for reading . I don't know about any newer Nooks than that one .


The Kindles : I've had the first white one, the grey keyboard one ,and now have the Fire and the PaperWhite .If you're looking for something to only use for reading, choose the Paperwhite. It's touch screen, no glare, lasts long before needing recharged and has the backlit screen that you can set at any level or turn it completely off . It's really nice ,so I'd choose it unless you want one that shows videos and color photos, etc ..

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hello bizzarebird.


I have a Kobo Glo, and I wouldn't live without it now, but it's only a few months I've had it, and have never had any e-reader before, so I can't help you as to give you any comparison with other e-readers.


I think that the battery life is very good, compared to some of the others that I've heard of. On paper, the battery should last you two months,( If you don't use the backlight),and one month If you do use the backlight.So far, that seems to be the case with mine.


So technically it's a good e-reader for me. The only thing that does bug me is that their library is huge, but I think it is limited for me.They say that they have millions on their library, but there's an awful lot of trashy stuff in it. As an example, I tried to find Simone de Beauvoir's She Came to Stay, but they didn't have it on the library. 

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I've only really played with the Kindle. It has very good battery life, easy to use, and there are plenty of free boos available to download to it too. 

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