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Reading Circle Review Questions

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I don't know about everyone else, but when it comes to book discussion, I'm not the best. I end up using words like 'nice' and 'enjoyable' all the time but don't actually give my reasons for liking the book. So, I thought I would come up with a short template to use during the reading circle discussions that may help me extend my view a bit more and maybe give you all more of an idea what I actually think of a book. I thought I would share these with everyone so that if you're ever stuck for anything to add (:() they're always here for reference.


Here are 5 basic questions that could be answered regarding the recent read: (Using the Spoiler Tags where necessary)


1- Who was your favourite character?

2- Was there a particular part you enjoyed more than the rest?

3- Was this the first book you've read in this genre/ by this author, has it encouraged you to read more?

4- Were there any parts/ideas you struggled with?

5- Overall, was reading the book an enjoyable experience?


Feel free to use these in the upcoming discussions, and you can always add some of your own if you wish, these are pretty basic and are not specifically for any book.

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Love the questions. I only write reviews for myself since most of the books I read are so old, and when I do review, I tend to only write about what infuriates me, whether it's about the plot or the characters. I don't often take into account the overall reading experience or any favorite parts, so these questions are great for me and writing better reviews. Thanks! 

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