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Little Pixie`s Bookshelf 2013

Little Pixie

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Were you a caesarean birth by any chance? :D


Nooo. :lol:


I`m sure I was happy to get out and start on those books. :D


Well, I`ve now filled two sides of A4 with books to transfer to the online TBR list - and I`m still on the first room. th_passout.gif

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Well, I`ve now filled two sides of A4 with books to transfer to the online TBR list - and I`m still on the first room. th_passout.gif



You need to build an extension to house the list :giggle2:

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You need to build an extension to house the list :giggle2:


The Book Annex. wub.gif


If we didn`t flood, I could make a library in the basement. :readingtwo:


Well, the TBR list`s now up to 50 books. Bored now. ninja.gif Shall do more typing later, otherwise I`ll be spending all my time doing a TBR list instead of actually reading - and no-one wants that. :o

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I see you also have a lot of Charles Dickens' work left to read! I haven't read any yet, though I own a lot of them (maybe all?). I keep finding it daunting for some reason, but Oliver Twist is on my soon-to-be-read pile so hopefully I'll find some courage sometime. I hope you enjoy all your books :).

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Thank you. :D


I got the Charles Dickens books in a second-hand bookshop in a little Yorkshire village about twenty years ago - they`re a nice, battered red leather set. I`ve not read any of them yet. :blush2: I did read Great Expectations ages ago ( in paperback ), but I expect I`ll re-read it when I tackle the other Dickens books. :smile: I`ve seen plenty of TV adaptations - dunno why that hasn`t spurred me on to read those books. 

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Nice!! At least you won't get bored anytime soon. Personally I'd hate to have a TBR of 0.. one wouldn't have anything to read!


I don`t think I`ll get bored any time in the next 5 years.. :giggle2:


Well, I`ve now itemised all my TBR books, just need to type them all in now ( which should take a week, maybe ? ) Turns out that a TBR of 300 was waaaaay out - it`s looking like it`s closer to 500. th_passout.gif


I have no idea how that happened. :blush2:

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XD, nice! I look forward to see what you've got.


My TBR is quite large too :blush:. Hopefully you get to enjoy your books at least, whether you read them or just enjoy having them (hopefully both!). Do you buy a lot of books? I guess you've been collecting them throughout the years?

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XD, nice! I look forward to see what you've got.


My TBR is quite large too :blush:. Hopefully you get to enjoy your books at least, whether you read them or just enjoy having them (hopefully both!). Do you buy a lot of books? I guess you've been collecting them throughout the years?


I`ve always had a book problem, but since getting the Internet about 10 years ago, it`s been much easier to indulge my habit. It`s so easy to drool over Amazon and find mystery series which just aren`t in the shops - and since I got into buying from Amazon Marketplace, I`ve been able to get out-of-print books at great prices from the UK and US.  << Advert ends ! >> There`s been a real explosion in charity shops too, and I have an Oxfam bookshop near me and a Cat Charity shop which have a good selection ( the Save the Kitties place tend to price their books at 50p each, and I got the 4-book Jewel in the Crown omnibus in there for all of 10p - you can`t not buy something at those prices. :lol: )


I`ve noticed that I`ve got into reading more books for sheer entertainment as time`s gone on - I used to read a lot of classics or worthy literature stuff, but these days, I go more for books I can curl up in an armchair or bed with, and just plain enjoy.


Have you done a recent TBR count ?* I was absolutely convinced mine was around 300 - I`m still not sure how it could get so large - Book Elves must`ve been smuggling books into the house... ponder.gif


* Oops, I see yours is around 1000. ;)

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I know what you mean about a book problem - mine started with the 3 for 2 offer in Waterstone's - every weekend, I would buy 3, 6 or sometimes 9 books just because I felt I had to make best use of the offers! :D  Then, even though I'd always said I'd never switch to e-books, I then got an iPad and was converted immediately.  That would have been fine, except I was then given a Kindle for Christmas, and it was even better, and I could download books instantaneously - disaster! :eek:  I think my TBR peaked around the 200 mark, but last year I had about 120 books to read and decided I had to get to all those books that had been patiently waiting for ages for me, and stop buying new ones.  I did manage to get down to zero, and since then, it seems to stay around the 20 mark, and as most of those are now ebooks, at least they don't take up any precious bookshelf space. :D

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I know what you mean about a book problem - mine started with the 3 for 2 offer in Waterstone's - every weekend, I would buy 3, 6 or sometimes 9 books just because I felt I had to make best use of the offers! :D  Then, even though I'd always said I'd never switch to e-books, I then got an iPad and was converted immediately.  That would have been fine, except I was then given a Kindle for Christmas, and it was even better, and I could download books instantaneously - disaster! :eek:  I think my TBR peaked around the 200 mark, but last year I had about 120 books to read and decided I had to get to all those books that had been patiently waiting for ages for me, and stop buying new ones.  I did manage to get down to zero, and since then, it seems to stay around the 20 mark, and as most of those are now ebooks, at least they don't take up any precious bookshelf space. :D


Ooh, that`s really impressive. :D


I blame the need to buy books when I see that they`re available at a good price, convincing myself that I`m actually saving money and that those books will never, ever be on sale again. Anywhere. Nuh-uh. :doh:


That, and buying a bunch of new-to-me authors to try out, then getting into one of them and buying the rest of their series, then reading books similar to that series, and eventually realising that I still have authors to try out from the first buying marathon all those years ago. I`ll get a Kindle at Xmas or in January, but I can see myself also getting over-excited, download wise, and just adding to the `problem`. Still, I`m sure there are worse addictions. :giggle2:

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I know what you mean about a book problem - mine started with the 3 for 2 offer in Waterstone's


I ended up with a lot of books I didn't actually want thanks to those deals  :rolleyes:  :lol:

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Well, the full TBR list is finally done. th_headhurts.gif


Turns out that it has 690 books on it. How ? How ??? :blush2:


And would it be wrong to allow myself to purchase another 10 books to bring it up to an even 700 ? shifty.gif


Looking forward to the next few years of reading - it turns out that there are three Van der Valk books in the house which I didn`t know about, and I had considered buying one to try out, so yay. :smile:

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Hang on a minute!  Looking elsewhere, you had a TBR list of 338 books in October 2011, and now you've got 690??  That means you've bought 350 books in less than two years :o  :giggle2:

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Wow, that's a lot of books! :D


Yes, my TBR is over 1000. That does include some Kindle freebies (when I just had my Kindle, I went a bit mad and downloaded some free Kindle ebooks even though they may not have been my thing), but still. I have bought a lot of books the past while. I do plan on getting rid of a few books at some point, because I didn't like them, don't care to reread them, or don't think I like the genre much anymore, etc.

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Hang on a minute!  Looking elsewhere, you had a TBR list of 338 books in October 2011, and now you've got 690??  That means you've bought 350 books in less than two years :o  :giggle2:


I have counted books in the house which have been there for ages - like a bunch of Jack Higgins` books - which I thought I`d add to the list. Though that only explains 20 or so books. I`m really not sure what happened. Help. toomuchtv.gif:lol:


It`s not the cost of them, `cos the added books are mostly charity shop ones ( mostly 50p each ) or second hand ones. :smile:


I`m thinking if I do a plan, reading 2 TBR books for every new one and stick to my 100-a-year target, then the TBR pile will be easily cleared in a decade. Now the only problem is sticking to the plan... << Sits on sofa rocking slowly back and forth and gibbering>>.


I was so convinced that my TBR list was around the 300 mark, so it`s just as well that I did a proper count, isn`t it. :blush2:

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Wow, that's a lot of books! :D


Yes, my TBR is over 1000. That does include some Kindle freebies (when I just had my Kindle, I went a bit mad and downloaded some free Kindle ebooks even though they may not have been my thing), but still. I have bought a lot of books the past while. I do plan on getting rid of a few books at some point, because I didn't like them, don't care to reread them, or don't think I like the genre much anymore, etc.


I do occasionally get rid of books which I didn`t enjoy, but most of my books are ones which I look foward to re-reading at some point. Obviously, at some point waaaay in the future when the TBR list is down a bit. :giggle:

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