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hi and sorry, my english is not the best but the important part of this topic is that i think, as the title says, i got the first copy of Jojo Moyes "The one plus one". I bought it in a strange bookshop for 6€ in Ireland (im italian) it was used and inside there was a "letter", It say: Hi Anna, There is the fished copy of the One Plus One - hope its ok rather than a proof. the fact is that in the first page of the book near the other mark and codes there is the number 001... my question is: is this the first copy or not?
Hello folks! I thought I would share with you four of my favorite books I ever read. You can find them in the article below! Enjoy Matt
Pls guys, I'm here for the first time, but I really feel sad. I've read a book, maybe someone also know about and You can tell me. I've read warrior of light olivia grein and I really cryed all the day coz of the end, I didn't find in internet anything about this book if there is a continuation of this book or will be? Maybe who also had read this also maybe u know? Coz really my heart is broken. Have you some book like this one? I'll be so happy if you tell me abt any book by this genre . And also what about apocalypse books, i love it as hell!
Yesterday (the 2nd of March) it was World Book Day. While the Netherlands doesn't really participate in this as we have our own 'book weeks', I coincidentally found myself reading a lot yesterday. I read 5 children's books (they were pretty short and had a big font, they were quite enjoyable) by Paul van Loon (a Dutch author). Did you do anything special for or because of World Book Day?
Hello All! I am looking for a book, and I can't remember the name of it for the life of me! It's about a young man who has held multiple jobs (maybe 60-100), from fishing to martial arts. It was published about 5 years ago, by a major publisher (perhaps I'm wrong, but it wasn't self-published) If you know what it is, please let me know!! Thank you!!
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've tried to do some Googling and using Wikipedia and such. I was wondering about some book genres (and in a similar way one can think about film genres as well). I don't quite understand the way book shops or websites or people categorise books sometimes. It seems not everyone uses the same 'system'. I know I use something different from most people. For example, I've read that for a book to be classified as 'historical fiction' it has to be written in a different time period than the one the story takes place in (that's just how I prefer to classify my books). For me, I classify anything taking place before ~1985, on Earth, and that isn't what I call 'literature', I call that historical fiction. What I call 'literature' is what some people call 'classics' and some Dutch literature (where conveniently it says it is on the cover, such as literary thriller: literaire thriller). But I also have 'contemporary fiction', which is fiction taking place after 1985 but not too far into the future and that isn't romancy but that has more depth to it. 'Chick-lit' are romancy and love type stories, as well as sort of girly fun stories about friendship and such. 'Science-fiction' are stories taking place in the future for me, including stories about aliens, space travel, space ships, multiple planets, dystopians and post-apocalyptic. 'Fantasy' is a story with magical elements, often though not always, taking place on a world different from our own. Some people call stories with vampires and werewolves 'urban fantasy', and there's also 'high fantasy'. I call stories with vampires and werewolves and such (or ghosts etc.), 'paranormal'. Classifying things with contemporary and historical, is doing things based on time period the story takes place in. In some British book shops I've been in, 'young adult' is used as a genre (it's on the sign, just like 'science-fiction & fantasy' for example. To me, young-adult isn't a genre. It's an age-range. Within the young-adult age range, the book can be any genre, it can be a dystopian like The Hunger Games or it can be something contemporary such as The Fault in Our Stars. To say they are both the same genre, makes no sense to me. That's like saying there are only a couple of book genres, adult, young-adult, children (or middle-grade, toddlers, whatever). Just like 'comic' or 'manga', I consider that a book format, a way to tell the story. Within comics, or manga, or graphic novels, there's a wide variety of stories to be found. That would be like putting all the books without pictures, 'text'books as I call them, in one catagory too. When is something literary fiction? And why is for example fantasy hardly ever literary? Who decides what has literary value, and who decides what has value for another person? Why are certain genres seen as 'better' than others, and why are there snobs? Why do I feel embarrassed about reading certain books in a public location? Why would there be anything wrong with me reading anything, any book, including something that's below my age range or above my age range or with or without pictures, and more or less complicated, more or less fantastical. A genre is way of classifying books, but within a genre there are still a lot of differences between books. Some books have elements from multiple 'genres'. You could totally have a book with magic and futuristic laser pistols and space ships, that has some deep thoughts on the meaning of life in it. Anyway, just some musings. I hope this wasn't too rambly for anyone.
- 11 replies
I just read this morning in the local magazine, that in the area nearby here, a group is organising a book trade event, which will take place in a couple of weeks (they have a group on facebook it seems but it's only open for people who live in the area, which I don't, I'm one street over). If I feel up for it, I'd like to go there with some of my older books I no longer want and see if anyone has interesting books for trade (the local magazine said anyone could come). Has anyone ever been to anything like this? I realise there will probably be some social-ness attached to it so I'll only go if I feel up for it (as this will cost me a lot of energy), but I thought it might be nice to go there and see what it's like.
So yesterday evening I read quite a bit in the book I'm currently reading (Trudi Canavan - The Black Magician Trilogy 3: The High Lord), and I didn't want to stop reading. Unfortunately at some point it was time for bed and I was pretty sleepy. I was also at a good point in the story to stop. So I went to bed but kept thinking about the book and what's going to happen next. I think most of us have been there, when you're reading a good book and you want to keep on reading it until it's finished to find out what happens (or what has happened in some cases). This doesn't happen to me with every book, some are more gripping than others, and even when it doesn't happen as much it doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the book (for example, I find that usually with information books I don't feel as big a pull to read on as I do with a good fiction book). Personally, this happens to me with some books, but because I get quite sleepy in the evening it doesn't happen often that I go to bed very late because of a book. But I have put off other things / tasks before (such as cooking for example) because I wanted to finish my book. If a book is epic or gripping or just really good, it tends to linger in my mind for a while and I think about it (process it). Well, I just wanted to share the experience and ask how it works for you.
I have just finished reading The Tigers wife by Teà Obreht and I have to say that it was one of the best books that I have read in a while. How I don't normally I don't read books like this but this one caught my eye and I an so glad that it did. The story follows a young docter after her grandfather dies and as she remembers here grand father and wall of the storys that he used to fell her. Okay that really simplifying the story but it gives you an idea of what it is about. Has anyone else read it if so what did you think?
I thought it'd be fun to do a little book survey and read everyone's answers. If no one likes it, that's ok too, thought I'd give it a try . I'm sure the answers to some of these questions may be found in other topics, so I understand if you can't be bothered with some of the questions etc. Some of those topics haven't been posted in for several years and I wasn't sure about resurrecting each one just to post my own answers in it etc. The Past When did you start to love reading? What books did you love as a child (either read to or to read yourself)? Childhood memories of reading (if you have them)? Did you read books for school? Favourites Favourite book: Favourite author: Favourite genre(s): Your Collection Do you own an ereader? Ebooks or physical books (or both)? Hardcover or paperback (or both)? New books or used books (or both)? Big books or small books (or both)? What language are most of your books written in? Favourite book shop(s): Do you buy a lot of books? Do you spend a lot of money on books? Amount of owned books: Amount of books read: Amount of books TBR: Reading How often do you read? Where do you read? When do you read? How fast do you read? The Forum When did you join this forum? How did you find this forum? Here's mine: The Past When did you start to love reading? When I was about 9 years old we had to go to the school library and borrow books there, to read in the reading time in class. Ever since, I've loved books. What books did you love as a child (either read to or to read yourself)? To be read to, a book called Monkey. I don't remember who wrote it. To read myself, I loved the Babysitter's Club books by Ann M. Martin. Unfortunately only half of them were translated into Dutch. I also loved many of R. L. Stine's horror books and Thea Beckman's books. There are many more but I think these would have to be my favourites. Childhood memories of reading (if you have them)? I used to sit in my room a lot, after school, and read book after book after book. We had to go to two libraries because I didn't have enough to read for a week, otherwise. Did you read books for school? In primary school we got to pick books ourselves. For secondary school / high school, we had to read a number of novels picked by teachers as well as choose some ourselves, as long as it was considered literature from the appropriate country. I read quite some great books and I also read some not so great books. Favourites Favourite book: Couldn't choose. Favourite author: Hmm, there are so many good authors! Favourite genre(s): Fantasy, science-fiction, contemporary fiction, chick-lit, literature. Your Collection Do you own an e-reader? I've ordered one but it hasn't arrived yet. So 'yes', but I haven't actually held it in my hands yet. Ebooks or physical books (or both)? So far, physical books, but lately I've become less opposed of e-readers and thought it might be useful for when I travel. Physical books for now, but this may change a bit in the future. Hardcover or paperback (or both)? Paperback. New books or used books (or both)? New unless it's not available or very cheap to buy used books (where I live there aren't many charity shops or easy places to buy used books for cheap). I prefer my books to be in a good condition and I help pay the author(s). Big books or small books (or both)? I love long books but I also read smaller books now and then. What language are most of your books written in? English mainly. Favourite book shop(s): In terms of where I buy, it's mostly online (mainly Amazon). In terms of an actual book shop, to look inside, I like Waterstone's, The Works, Bruna, Selexyz. Do you buy a lot of books? Yes. Do you spend a lot of money on books? Probably yes. Amount of owned books: 1000+ adult books. Children's books, 300-500. Amount of books read: Since 18+, about 600. In total, probably over 2000 I estimate. Amount of books TBR: Too many . Amount of books wishlisted: Too many . Reading How often do you read?: I tend to read on most days, unless I'm too tired or busy with other things. Where do you read? Mostly in my room. When do you read? Usually in the afternoon, sometimes in the evening. In the weekends sometimes also in the mornings. How fast do you read? Pretty fast. The Forum When did you join this forum? January 2013 How did you find this forum? I used Google, BCF was one of the first hits. PS. I love this forum!
However, I'm sure you have some friends who don't read at all, or at least not frivolous things like novels. A quantity of my friends tell me that they only have time to read practical books � to advance their careers or make them better parents. And they kind of look at each other comic. (P.S. I admire their devotion to duty.) I know, I do know � for a quantity of you, the query is pointless. They read because it's necessary, like eating and breathing. Let's come out and admit that escape has something to do with it. Even in the event you have a great life, sometimes it's lovely to inhabit another. And if you're going through a bad time, well, let's say I went through a spell where I was reading mystery novels on my day off. But for those of us who , love to read � why is that? I've also heard it suggested that reading is a kind of meditation. They can definitely find inspiration in reading. And let me say that I have learned lots of what I do know about history, culture, and criminal inquiry by reading fiction. And then there's the vicarious experience aspect. A book takes away our time and space limitations. They can visit the past or the future, travel to an exotic locale, or imagine what it is to be an athlete or a soldier or a monk. But I think the most important reason I read is for meaning. I think that when an author writes a book, they or they does it because they need to say that there is something significant about how people live in the world. And they can learn from that. In a world that often seems random, it's fabulous to have recourse to the world of books.
Hi everyone. I need help finding a certain book i used to read when i was a kid. It is a fantasy kid novel, Here are parts off the plot i remeber from it: There is on orphan girl, that gets a pen for birthday or something. It turns out that the pen is magical, and can be used to enter directly in any book story by touching the book. If you wan't to go back, you do something with the pen. Later she meets a boy who is living in same orphanage she's living in, and shares her secret with him. They have alot of adventures, etc. Eventually they find out that they can take characters from book to real world. After entering one of the books about Neverland, captain cook find out about the pen, and invades their city. The boy gets stucked in some kind of tvisted world. Peter pan saves the day. I can't remeber it all. That is what i do remeber, so any help would be great. Thanks in advance. And sorry for bad english
I need help on book review. I am a technician in Pakistan Air Force base Chaklala. I am expert in my technical profession. But don't have any experience on writing book reviews or documentary work. I am ordered by my officer commanding to write a book review and submit in-time otherwise I will be given explanation letter. Despite I am a very good professional in technical skills, my promotion will be stopped if I fail to submit in-time. Kindly advise me how to accomplish this work? How a book's review is written?