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Charlie Trainer

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  1. Hello Charlie1 Thank you for your comments. Since posting here and writing my book I have been on trial and I was found Not Guilty on all counts against me, of which there were 4 counts by three different girls, as mentioned in my post above, 2 of which were my own daughters. The truth outed in court and they tripped over their lies, not only did they trip over but the officer in charge of my case tripped over his shambles of an investigation and lies! The CPS didn't know their own case because of the shoddy work of the Police, the teachers involved made no notes on the day of the original accusations, the social services 'shredded' their original notes and the whole thing was shockingly orchestrated to simply get a conviction and land me in jail. Because it is in the public interest that they see the Police and CPS doing their jobs and putting beasts away! The thing is, amongst real beasts are innocent, scared and almost helpless falsely accused men and women, some of which aren't as fortunate as I am and have the truth come out in court. I actually did my own investigation though, I made phone calls, took pictures, made diaries, screenshots of facebook and more and I presented my defence team with a picture, a history of how and why I was now sat in front of them. That's what won me my case, my hard work and investigation combined with the expertise and fight of my legal team. I show every detail in my book. However, here is the sad thing, nobody will take note or even listen. Don't get me wrong, people will read and they will have their opinion but nobody will listen. The reason being, too many people are asleep, they are happy to live in the belief system that we live in yet are shocked by what they read in newspapers and what they see on the news but then they just continue on with their lives because it doesn't affect them. Publishing my book for me is about just one thing, true justice, nothing more, nothing less. I don't even care about any money that the book may generate, money is just an illusion that we believe is backed by a tangible commodity, when in fact we are the tangible commodity behind money. Although I was found not guilty in court, I did not receive justice because justice begins when the Police become involved, they are supposed to be impartial, fair and act with integrity. However, they failed, all they wanted to do was to build a case to make sure I was put away. I then thought the CPS would see what the Police were trying to do, I thought they would see the statements with the blatant lies but no, they too allowed this to continue just so they could gain a conviction. This isn't me being bitter, this is me telling people that I prove this 100% for people to read and see with their own eyes in my book. The only time our voices will be heard is if people join together and stand up for what is right instead of letting this country/world fall to pieces. As this is a book forum I will make reference to a book, George Orwell 1984. It is spot on, we should listen. Our own children are turning against us, the proles are becoming poorer and living more squalid yet the 'party' members are living a life of luxury. In times of a so called 'recession' with a so called 'national debt' that we believe we are paying back through taxes and we fall for it, day in, day out. I'm sorry, I've lost all faith, as you may be able to tell, not just in the state of the country and world but also humanity. My book is my sanity, my book is the investigation I never received, my book is the justice I never received, my book is the end of a life I used to live. I've not been reborn, I've just awoken from a bovine hypnotic state, I've seen a different side to this 'society' we live in and I don't appreciate being treated like cattle on a farm. I hope your book is more than just words on paper, I hope your book is a window for people to look into in the hope that it will open their eyes to the corrupt system we live in. My apologies if I come across as uncaring, hostile or even bitter, that's really not my intention but I have chewed up and spat out by the 'justice' system. Not a thing will happen to those who falsely accused me, not a thing will happen to the Police officer who lied, covered up, failed in his duty. Not a thing will happen to the CPS who also lied, covered up, cast aside evidence in my defence and more. Not a thing will happen to the judge who stopped one witness from giving full evidence because he seen the blatant lie she told but let her continue on with evidence that may corroborate with what my accusers were saying, she tripped over herself though because they were lies. My point is, nothing will happen, I've been told to forget any thoughts of any thing happening. I'll finish on some quotes: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" Take care, I wish you all the best. CT.
  2. Hello all, Forgive me if I am supposed to post my first post in another forum but I came across this discussion as a result of a google search. The reason for my search will become clear. I was wondering if I could give another view point on these types of stories. My situation may be a little different to the usual content of these types of books but I believe it falls into the same category as mine is a true life story. The search I put into google was this 'do people like to read true life stories' and that's when I eventually came across this topic. The reason for my search is because I have just finished writing a book about a situation that I am still currently facing. I won't mention the book because I don't want this to be seen as some kind of promotion. As I mentioned though, my situation may be slightly different the usual content of these types of books, the only thing I have in common is that I am a victim of sorts. In 2011 I was accused of sexually assaulting 3 young girls, 2 of which are my own daughters from a previous marriage. One year on and I have written my book, the reason I have written my book is because I can 100% prove my innocence yet the Police would not listen to me, the government would not listen to me, the CPS would not listen to me. Not only do I prove my innocence in the book I also prove that the Police and CPS willingly accepted perjured statements in order to have the charges stick against me. I show how the Social Services destroyed my 4 year old boy and how they are doing the same to my newborn son. I also clearly show why my accusers are lying and how their witness is lying (the statement the CPS and Police willingly accepted knowing this girl lied.) I don't just say what my accusers have said or what the witnesses have said or what I said in my interview, I actually show the statements, interviews, police reports all the lies (including a very large police lie in black and white). The book covers literally everything. The reason I have written this book is because this whole situation almost led me to suicide, not because of guilt and not even because I was accused of these things but because nobody with any power would listen to me. I even have screenshots in the book of letters I received from the Home Office and other MP's telling me that they cannot do anything for me and passing the buck in each letter. I had to write this book because I need people to listen, I've been told that in court I cannot even tell the whole truth because (and I was told this very thing) the law doesn't work that way! My book is my therapy, my book is me keeping my sanity and stopping me from doing something stupid because I am able to release all of this information in my head and put it onto paper to share with whomever will read it. In the book I tell the whole truth, I leave nothing out. So this is why I believe people write about their true life stories and personal situations because it is therapy. I thought about going to see a shrink but the problem with that is the words spoken just evaporate, in my opinion nothing is released, whereas in the written word you can release it and let it go because it's not lost like the spoken word. I don't know if that makes any sense to you and I know some will still have their own opinions of these types of stories but I just wanted to hopefully give another view point from the side of the author. Thanks Charlie.
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