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Status Updates posted by chaliepud

  1. 32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

    1. Athena


      These are wise words.

    2. vodkafan


      I am thinking you must have been in that toilet a long time writing all these down chaliepud

    3. chaliepud


      Ha ha! They had print outs to take away x

  2. 34. Your job is to love your children, not choose who they should love.

    1. Chrissy


      You just have to hope that you have given them the skills and confidence to choose good people.

    2. julie


      As a person whose kids have chosen many years ago, you also have to lean on the Good Qualities of their spouses, and don't focus as much on the Bad. We all have both, don't we ?

  3. 35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the best of it now.

  4. 36. Growing old beats the alternative .. dying young.

    1. Athena


      That's very true.

  5. 37. Your children only get one childhood.

    1. Chrissy


      Sadly, so many people forget this.

    2. chaliepud


      Especially at this time of year, there are so many children who have nothing and who are suffering..


  6. 38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

    1. Chrissy


      Everything distils into this when you really think about it.

    2. karen.d
  7. 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

    1. Chrissy
    2. chaliepud


      I'm going for a dog walk in a bit. Will be a miracle to not be washed or blown away.. Will accept that as my miracle today! :)

  8. 4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. Stay in touch.

    1. frankie
    2. Chrissy


      Loving these Chaliepud. Thanks

  9. 40. If we threw our problems into a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

    1. Chrissy


      Oh, I may wish to swap one or two. :)


    2. chaliepud


      Yes, picking and choosing our problems to suits our strengths may be the way forward. :)

    3. frankie


      Ain't that the truth!

  10. 41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

    1. Chrissy


      All you need + tons of other stuff!

  11. 42. The best is yet to come...

    1. frankie


      I like to think so :) Very much looking forward to the collected list... Something to try and live by :)

    2. chaliepud


      Only 2 more to go!

  12. 43. No matter how you feel, get up dress up and show up.

  13. 44. Yield...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Athena


      I think on some occasions it'd be better for me to accept certain things rather than fight against what I can't change much about.

    3. Chrissy


      It's strange that when I read that one word I automatically thought "Nope". Got a way to go with these haven't I? lol


    4. chaliepud


      Good job it's second last on the list then Chrissy. ;)

      It's not an easy one, I prefer

      'Choose your battles', one I frequently have to employ when dealing with my children!

  14. 45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eleonora


      Thank you Chalie.. I love this list.

    3. karen.d


      Looking forward to read the entire list. I think I need some words of wisdom at the moment

    4. Chrissy


      Great one to end on. X

  15. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

    1. Janet


      Or don't have a credit card! :D

    2. chaliepud
  16. 6. You don't end to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

    1. frankie


      Great advice again. I've heard people phrase it as 'do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?'.

    2. chaliepud


      Ah I like that, I think I'll add that to the list!


  17. 7. Cry with someone else. It's more healing than crying alone.

    1. vodkafan


      or just make someone else cry instead!

    2. frankie


      ... with laughter, I hope!

    3. Raven
  18. 8. Release your children when they become adults. It's their life now.

    1. Eleonora


      This should be tattooed on every italian mum. They still consider you a baby even on your wedding day.

    2. Inver


      should I be doing this with my 19 and 23yr old...don't know where or how they would live though

    3. vodkafan


      Give them a suitcase and a clean pair of socks at age 11. Change the locks

  19. 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

  20. Another day, another birthday!! Robbie's turn today, can't believe my youngest has turned 8!! Still cute and lovely though x x x

    1. bree


      Hope she had a lovely day chaliepud :)

    2. chaliepud


      Thanks Bree, he had his best birthday ever apparently! :)

    3. bree


      oops sorry I thought Robbie was a girl!

      (Silly now that I think of it!) How lovely that he had his best birthday ever :)

  21. Both boys footie matches (playing and refereeing) due to a very light covering of snow and frost.. What to do now?!

  22. Both boys footie matches postponed due to light snow and frost (playing and refereeing).. What to do now?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. poppyshake


      I could definitely have helped with the afternoon tea 'testing' :D

    3. Inver


      ....I missed the afternoon tea testing thingy...I would have been up for that too... :)

    4. chaliepud


      They'll be scones next week! She's making Bakewell Tart at school.. Will have to make a carbs/sugar exception for that!

  23. Daughter's birthday sleepover done, now making cookies for younger sons footie party at 3pm! Wine currently chilling! :D

    1. frankie


      Sounds like a busy weekend, I hope you all had fun! :)

    2. Athena


      You had a busy weekend, I hope you and the children had fun :).

    3. chaliepud


      We've had lots of fun, Robbie's actual birthday today, so more fun planned including a meal at our favourite Italian restaurant! :)


  24. Driving up to Shrewsbury soon, collecting puppy tomorrow!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Athena


      Awesome!! I wish you a lot of fun :).

    3. chaliepud


      Pics on Facebook x


    4. poppyshake


      cute pics xx

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