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Everything posted by rickwschneider

  1. My girlfriend recently told me about a book she read several years ago. She can't remember the title, and wants to re-read it. Here's what I know about it, based on her description: The main character is a woman who has amnesia, of sorts. Throughout the book, she keeps experiencing these strange dreams or memories, which she later discovers are actually memories from past lives. She also finds horrific scars all over her body and doesn't remember anything about them. In the end, she finds out that her body is actually several women's bodies put together as one (thus the scars), and the various memories/dreams are from each of their past lives. Each of them was a lover of the same guy, and he was the one that put them all together. Can someone tell me what the book title is? Or maybe point me to a resource that could help me find it? I've been on Google for a few hours now without success, and I want to surprise her with it. Thanks! -Rick
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