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Everything posted by pfreeman

  1. Thank you all for your time, support and suggestions. Things have been improving since radiation ended. My mom's appetite has picked up slightly and we are all still very hopeful. I have considered Roald Dahl but thought him to be too dark and unsentimental. But I'll bet there are more than a few novels in his collection that would be appropriate. My mom has spent her life in the Philippines speaking Tagalog and Ilokano, and could be considered old fashioned from most perspectives. So 20th century folk tales might work despite the cultural differences. I was hoping to find some novels written in the native languages but I am struggling to find anything appropriate for the circumstances. I'll have to look into Wodehouse and Saki, they are not names I reconize. Thank you all again. Take care and God bless!
  2. Hello everyone, happy to have found this spot, hope someone can help me out. I am looking for some suggestions for light hearted/inspirational short stories or children's books. Emphasis on short, three hundred page novels won't work for my needs. They will end up as audiobooks so good art work is wasted on me. Its for my mom who has breast and bone cancer. She has had a lot of chemo and radiation to her head and now has a very hard time getting out of bed or concentrating for any period of time. Furthermore, English isn't her first or second language so heavy material is just going to confuse her. I don't think she will be interested in any like "chicken soup for the cancerous soul" or blatent self help books. She has enough of those. And they don't have to focus on overcoming cancer. I am hoping to find some titles that will comfort and make her smile. She is so bored being bed all day and I want her to have some small comforts to raise her spirits. Something akin to the short stories by Robert Munch or 'Alex and the Amazing Lemonade Stand' is what I hope to find more of. Though I am hoping to find some that aren't written specifically for children. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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